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I stopped going to the doctor regularly after the end of 2021. The primary care doctor entered with two masks, then pushed the covaids injection on me. I was later told I needed to be updated on some of my childhood vaccines. Nope. No more injections for me or your overpriced examines when exercise, a good diet, and losing a little weight will do.

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For various reasons, I stopped going to see doctors at all years ago. The last time I went to a doctor was for a routine medical required by my employer.

The doctor who examined me asked why I hadn't booked the appointment with my GP. I told him I didn't have one.

He laughed, and said, "Oh, no wonder you're so healthy."

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Same here Anne C. No doctors for me either, but unfortunately had to see a GP recently to get an ultra sound /x-ray done, as have to have hip replacement. That was pretty demeaning as she spoke to me like I was an idiot, so wonтАЩt be seeing her again!

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I totally sympathize, Leonie. Incidentally, if you are on one of those interminably long wait lists for your hip replacement, something you might want to try for relief in the meantime is gelatine.

A friend of mine who thought she was up for one and possibly two knee replacements starting taking gelatine last fall. Not only has her pain gone away, I don't think she's even interested in surgery anymore!

It doesn't work for everyone, but one study found that taking about 10grams (about a tablespoon) of gelatine a day for 70 days, along with Vitamin C, made a considerable difference for many of the participants. I believe they also did some kind of exercises that involved their joints.

It's easy to take the stuff - my friend just dissolves it in her morning coffee. Good luck if you decide to give it a try! (As a bonus, gelatine also helps the lining of your intestines. It's good stuff!)

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Where does one het gelatin? Thank you.

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Should be edible gelatine which I think I bought from supermarket.

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You can find powdered gelatine at health food stores, though they can be a bit pricey.

If you are in Canada like me, you can mail order it from amazon.ca; look up "Yogti pure beef gelatine Powder 907 gram"

You can also find powdered gelatine on amazon.com.

Another option is to order from iHerb. Here's a brand I would recommend (Now Foods has good pricing and I like their company's ethos):


Good luck!

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Chicken soup. Wonderful stuff. Pressure cook the bones/carcass after roasting for example. I will do a post on it in due course but there are plenty of sites explaining benefits.

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Gelatin is good because it is an anagram of 'Angel tie', it ties your joints back together. It's all in the word!

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Thanks for the info on gelatine. Anne. The operation is 3rd April and not looking forward to it. Last operation I had was when I went in for an ectopic pregnancy , 38 years agoЁЯШ│. Might start with the gelatine tho as my left hip wasnтАЩt too flash either and I donтАЩt want that one to be bone on bone like the right hip. Cheers.ЁЯе░

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Anne has you on the right track. Your body is fully capable of healing itself if it is not too late. You likely lack collagen which comes from the gelatin found in foods like Pigs Feet. Avoid surgery if you can. Good luck.


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When I looked into why gelatine can help people recover from stiff joints, I was fascinated to find out that gelatine is essentially collagen, the main protein produced by specialized cells in your joints. The collagen matrix in your joints is what gives your joints the cushioning they need to move without pain.

Of course when you eat gelatine, it doesn't go straight to your joints! It gets broken down into amino acids, like every other protein you eat, but then your body has the "ingredients" or component parts to build more collagen where it is needed in your body - for example, in your joints.

Back in the day when we all ate things like pigs feet and gnawed all the cartilage off the bones in the meat we were eating, we probably had less joint problems! Enter the modern age and the only gelatine we are consuming is Jello. Leave it to the food industry to take something that is essentially good for us and smother it in sugar and artificial flavouring and colouring.

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There's a tribe in Africa called the "Hazda" who eat "nose to tail". They eat everything but the lower intesetines which they feed to their dogs. google the picture of them. There are pictures of men who are in their 90's who don't look a day over 30. They're ripped and no one in the tribe suffers from any of the degenerative diseases found in first world countries.

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Pig's feet are oinkment for the body. :)

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You're welcome, Leonie, and good luck in April. I hope all goes well!

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I also cancelled my health insurance over five years ago, and no longer have a cardiologists, dermatologist, or gp. I go to the "doc in the box" for work physicals etc. There were no various reasons for not seeing any of my doctors. There was only one reason for all of them, i.e. they're all crooks. I could write a book.

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Love the last line!

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Amen, Moody Millennial. Amen.

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Excellent post Good Citizen. My Dr is starting to see through all the BS, especially when I told him I got over my sinus infection within 4 days by using herbs.

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Yes Becka, I too used herbal supplements to kill the virus or infections I have had. Reishi mushrooms worked the best along with apple juice, maca root, and multivitamins. It took 8-9 days but it was better than going to the doctor and dealing with antibiotics and other B.S. that they try to shove down your throat.

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I use HP and a drip of Lugols Iodine in A Nebulizer. I had a massive headache. It was all gone in 24 hrs. Just try it sometime. Herbs are great too!

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Diluted Povidone Iodine as a nasal rinse and throat gargle stopped the last cold I got in just 3 days. Today's doctors should know this stuff.

The sickest patients, with the most co-morbidities I've seen in my healthcare career have been the ones who constantly run off to the doctor, and get put on yet another medication.

People don't understand - these are petroleum-derived products, and that many of their issues would resolve if they just stopped swallowing petro chemicals.

They are literally poisoning themselves.

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I also use herbs! Mainly elderberry and boneset mixed with water and honey, along with vitamin D, vitamin C, quercitin, and zinc. I get over infections in two days compared to a whole week when I would go to the doc

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