This happened more than once with your writings: I have been in a "discussion" the last 2 days with a certain David A over this very subject and as you write, he does exactly what you say they do.
I pushed Steve Kirsch so many times to debate Rappaport, and the others but in every instance, it was ignored and or attacked by his pet commenters in exactly the same fashion.
The last time of many that I encouraged Steve to debate Unz because Unz was calling Kirsch out on his "data" of deaths, the many requests were ignored by Kirsch (as Unz was making a laughing stock of him at his blog) and then Kirsch's admin attack protectors actually banned me from commenting on his substack.
I am ever more encouraged that you have finally gone there.
BTW: I recently had to visit my local nurse practitioner because after breaking a tooth, my dentist prescribed Amoxicillin which caused me to break out in hives all over my body and slightly closed my throat in an allergic reaction. The attending nurse came in with TWO masks on and told me covid was rampant again, but this time it is a stomach issue with diarrhea and intestinal discomfort.
I just looked at her and laughed, asking isn't it amazing how this corona virus has morphed into a scary shit inducing fear tactic? I could see in her eyes (since her entire face was covered) that she thought I was a kook.
I have encountered a few physicians who accept the fact that the jab was not a vaccine. But the overwhelming majority are so brainwashed they can’t make the leap into reality.
I stopped going to the doctor regularly after the end of 2021. The primary care doctor entered with two masks, then pushed the covaids injection on me. I was later told I needed to be updated on some of my childhood vaccines. Nope. No more injections for me or your overpriced examines when exercise, a good diet, and losing a little weight will do.
For various reasons, I stopped going to see doctors at all years ago. The last time I went to a doctor was for a routine medical required by my employer.
The doctor who examined me asked why I hadn't booked the appointment with my GP. I told him I didn't have one.
He laughed, and said, "Oh, no wonder you're so healthy."
Same here Anne C. No doctors for me either, but unfortunately had to see a GP recently to get an ultra sound /x-ray done, as have to have hip replacement. That was pretty demeaning as she spoke to me like I was an idiot, so won’t be seeing her again!
I totally sympathize, Leonie. Incidentally, if you are on one of those interminably long wait lists for your hip replacement, something you might want to try for relief in the meantime is gelatine.
A friend of mine who thought she was up for one and possibly two knee replacements starting taking gelatine last fall. Not only has her pain gone away, I don't think she's even interested in surgery anymore!
It doesn't work for everyone, but one study found that taking about 10grams (about a tablespoon) of gelatine a day for 70 days, along with Vitamin C, made a considerable difference for many of the participants. I believe they also did some kind of exercises that involved their joints.
It's easy to take the stuff - my friend just dissolves it in her morning coffee. Good luck if you decide to give it a try! (As a bonus, gelatine also helps the lining of your intestines. It's good stuff!)
Thanks for the info on gelatine. Anne. The operation is 3rd April and not looking forward to it. Last operation I had was when I went in for an ectopic pregnancy , 38 years ago😳. Might start with the gelatine tho as my left hip wasn’t too flash either and I don’t want that one to be bone on bone like the right hip. Cheers.🥰
I also cancelled my health insurance over five years ago, and no longer have a cardiologists, dermatologist, or gp. I go to the "doc in the box" for work physicals etc. There were no various reasons for not seeing any of my doctors. There was only one reason for all of them, i.e. they're all crooks. I could write a book.
Excellent post Good Citizen. My Dr is starting to see through all the BS, especially when I told him I got over my sinus infection within 4 days by using herbs.
Yes Becka, I too used herbal supplements to kill the virus or infections I have had. Reishi mushrooms worked the best along with apple juice, maca root, and multivitamins. It took 8-9 days but it was better than going to the doctor and dealing with antibiotics and other B.S. that they try to shove down your throat.
Diluted Povidone Iodine as a nasal rinse and throat gargle stopped the last cold I got in just 3 days. Today's doctors should know this stuff.
The sickest patients, with the most co-morbidities I've seen in my healthcare career have been the ones who constantly run off to the doctor, and get put on yet another medication.
People don't understand - these are petroleum-derived products, and that many of their issues would resolve if they just stopped swallowing petro chemicals.
I also use herbs! Mainly elderberry and boneset mixed with water and honey, along with vitamin D, vitamin C, quercitin, and zinc. I get over infections in two days compared to a whole week when I would go to the doc
Most mainstream doctors and nurses are barking mad. I have experience their insantiy in hospital/GP surgery too (UK). I have never worn a mask in this fear campaign yet the medics still are afraid. Cretinism is rife in the NHS.
Are you sure you were banned? I thought I was banned, but then it turned out that I was just reading one of his articles that required one to "upgrade to paid" in order to post a comment. The more I read Stever Kirsch's substack, the more it appears he's a cog in the controlled opposition. He continually comes up with these asinine ideas like writing one email after another, having these 'mixers' in Atlanta every week, starting a hedge fund, betting a million dollars on the data etc. etc. etc. Every third or fourth post is someone gushing about how much they want to jerk him off because of everything he's doing which hasn't accomplished much of anything other than distract people from the fact that nothing is getting done..
It may have been a month (at least getting close), but I don't read Kirsch's substack any longer, much less comment (pretty much for the same reasons you outline). I don't trust him. I suspect he is a limited hangout.
Thanks for the link. I just liked all of your posts. I'm surprised I haven't been banned as well. I've been quite vocal about how he's probably controlled opposition and just distracting people while giving them a false sense of hope that revealing the data is going to fix this mess.
I don't think he's an anti-vaxxer, and if I'm not mistaken, he used to be quite liberal. He's definitely a closeted liberal. Although, he's openly claiming that we need to fix the Nanny state which makes him a libtard in my book.
The thing that gets me is that I wasn't accusing Steve of being anything in those comments (I accused the commenters of being fanboys, however). I was giving him every possible excuse to explain his silence when Unz was taking him to task.
I also sent Steve 2 emails asking directly after the one guy posted his address. Nothing. And I was extremely cordial.
Now, does it matter if these two communicate off of Steve's platform, one explaining it all and the other completely ignoring those claims and not addressing the obvious contradiction?
Sure it does, because Steve Kirsch made his big splash by saying he will bet anyone $1M to debate it. Unz is rich, they discussed it, but not only do we NOT see a debate, Steve hides the discussion. I also think that Unz is misrepresenting data and ignoring much of what has been covered. So, basically, they are both limited hangouts (although I knew that about Unz years ago).
It was the same when I commented many times about the anti-virus crowd (Sam Bailey, Tom Cowan, Kaufman, Rappoport, and many others) willing to take his bet, but that too was ignored.
He won't put the money where his mouth is. Which means he is lying.
The thing with controlled opposition is that things get done but the pace is controlled. It is intensely frustrating for those of us who see the truth, but that is how it is in the end time show, the final act of the pantomime.
I don't think that's the definition of controlled opposition. Things get done, but they're right in line with the goals of those who are manipulating the controlled opposition. Their goals are realized, not ours. However, I can see how they occasionally will toss the opposition a bone. They like to give us a prize for our efforts, something to keep us motivated and give us a sense of hope. It keeps us in their game and preoccupied or distracted.
I would have thought my definition is exactly the way to look at it. But who is manipulating the controlled opposition? We are in a pantomime, a 'real' live pantomime, as I said and there is consequently a script to follow. I have done amateur dramatics so I understand how directors think.
We are being led to the final conclusion of the pantomime where everyone comes on stage for the curtain call and assessment of how everyone did, or didn't do.
Hello AP, I notice you bring up Ron Untz, or is it someone else, Untz….?
I read Ron for a good puke everyday on LewRockwell. He may be the most annoying SOB I have ever read, granted I never make it past the third paragraph with him.
Steve Kirsh, is that the mask guy? I think I read him way back in 2021, he is a medical freedom lackey or something else?
Take care, good luck with David A, he doesn’t read what he writes, tests, was sick and peer reviewed gub’mint sources… just quit with him imo.
I pointed out that his observation lacked factual evidence to support said claim.
He responded “but meh test told me”.
End of conversation you menacing Horace, I feel so menaced…
Next time when you try to protect your alter ego, reply to the original thread rather than using the path of least resistance… your entire retort is lazy and protective…. But meh test….
I've always been (and remain on) team "IDGAF where it comes from, it's bullshit anyway. I don't care if it came from the moon, an asteroid, freaking sky lab, Fort Detrick, Wuhan, or a baboon's asshole in the fucken Congo." It's still weak sauce bullshit *IF* it even exists in the first place.
From where I'm sitting "covid-19" has always looked exactly like a combination of: the flu, the common cold, unhealthy and/or old people, and heaping gobs of pure distilled bull-fucken-shit.
In fact the "recipe" for covid-19 is primarily "pure distilled bull-fucken-shit". The other stuff is just in there for spice.
“Weak sauce bullshit”, for me, doesn’t go far enough. I don’t care if something is killing 99% of the people that come in contact with it. I will not lock down, I will not wear a mask, and you will not inject me with anything. Over my dead body. Once you lose your fear of death, standing strong becomes far easier. And, since we’re all gonna die anyway, and none of us know the when or the how, standing strong becomes the only noble way to live. And qualify as human, I might add.
Amen to that too man! That was the flip side of my thoughts when I first heard of this. Something like, "even if this is the real deal, eventually your number comes up." I don't fear dying from a respiratory virus. It actually might happen one day when I get really old and/or sick. Or maybe, one day, a super bug is gonna get me.
Like many people pointed out, even if covid was a super-reaper of death, all of the bullshit theater they put on would just jack shit nothing to stop it. Masks, social distancing, a vaccine that doesn't vaccinate, plexi-fucken-glass barriers, ..., you name it!
You may as well pray to the flying spaghetti monster.
If there was a lab leak of any significance, there would have hundreds of thousands killed at the point of attack.
If there was a small lab leak, there wouldn't have been enough of the virus to travel around the world.
The only true virus is the lies, fear and panic created out of thin air for the express purpose of introducing a fake vaccine substance that murders humans.
By Billy g telling us another virus is coming, it further enforces the fact that these pandemics are faked.
Your comment came to mind today when someone was talking to me about the lab leak. They didn't support most things, but they still think masks can do some good and vaccines are beneficial. They were shocked when I mentioned reproductive issues related to the injection.
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE
'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'
I completely agree with this conclusion - and Rappoport, Yeadon and the others you mentioned- are all part of my getting 'there'. I resisted. Mainly because it would inevitably create more division and that felt like it would push getting people on board, even further away.
But I got there too. And yeah, it all falls apart when this lie falls.
I also thought that the issue was not central or was unsure about its importance -- probably because I thought the no-virus claim too outlandish to spend much time on. However, as you probably know, I also think that it is the issue.
And, I'll say it again, this is why Traditional Chinese Medicine is superior to "The Science(tm)". TCM is unconcerned about any particular micro-organism, new or old, made in a lab or from a monkey's ass.
Either your body is in balance and therefore health or it is not. TCM focuses on assisting/support balance and fixing imbalance whether deficiency or excess within your body's function and substance.
There are no magic bullets that kill the boogeyman with TCM because it just doesn't matter. So whether or not some "novel" pathogen exists doesn't even enter the equation. Never mind whether or not it came from a lab or is a bioweapon or a product of undercooked bat soup.
It just dosn't matter. It has never mattered and it still doesn't. And TCM continues to heal people, going on for thousands of years now. But you guys go ahead and focus on the boogeyman and magic bullets.
This has been 'the way' on the radar for a long time for me, at least 20 years since I read about Rockefeller ditching traditional medicine in US med schools 100 years ago. Rebooting western medicine in a world that only rewards lies will be a very big task for whatever generation can be deprogrammed in time.
I've worked in cancer diagnostics and research all my life and have been pretty blown away by the German New Medicine, who also say there are no contagions. Everything I was taught about cancer is also erroneous
Crazy thing is that the “natural healing” practitioners around here still manage to cling to germ theory and all got vaXXXed. Fear really does override most everything.
Well, to a large extent many naturopathic or other "natural" practitioners are not the real deal and/or they've been coopted by "integration" with western medicine.
My wife is a DACM -- doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine -- and a large part of her doctoral program was focusing on integration with western practitioners/hospitals and having to frame everything around the buzz words: "evidence based medicine".
The wife and I are not vaxxed and we never believed one word of the hoax for the reasons in my original post above. It depends on the practitioner and how serious they are about what they're doing.
Even modern Chinese medicine -- which I won't vouch for as I do TCM -- uses herb formulas for the different stages of covid treatment. That's something 100% non-existent in western practice.
We're living in a world where *most* thing have been coopted, are fake, or just plain old bullshit. If people learn a bit about TCM, then they can spot the bullshitters a mile away.
Can you provide some links for TCM articles, websites, private Facebook groups and/or Drs etc? I’m curious to research and learn more. I’m pretty holistic in my approach to health. The only meds I take are for hypothyroidism and I’ve been wanting to ditch those cause I hate pharma with a passion and I’d like to fix my thyroid naturally. Maybe this avenue will help? I’ve read a lot of books written by US Drs on how to do this but I’m not convinced by their methods. Thank you.
On Dr. Fratkins site, get the article PDF entitled "Who's Got What" and in that PDF, search for Kidney Yang Tonics. Especially take note of the "Modern Formulas" section. There are many sources for herbs and some are better than others but this will give you plenty of things to learn about, study and try if you're interested.
Hi Butterfly. Answering your question because it is so specific. Hope you see this late reply.
My ex-wife was from a medical family and herself a specialist paediatric nurse of 23 years when, disillusioned by the sickness management philosophy, she studied traditional European herbal medicine. Not with some diploma mill "College of Natural Therapies" but with an old lady widely regarded as a master. My ex-wife is a natural healer and knows both orthodox and traditional medicine, benefits and limitations. She has helped many people with chronic issues they found no relief from after exhausting the establishment systems.
Anyway, she was hypothyroidal herself and for a number of years was feeling the effects more and more. Her doctor's advice was medication to "manage" - indefinitely. Instead she took a course of acupuncture over some months. Balance was restored. She never relapsed and it is now over 30 years later. Her doctor was amazed . . . . but scoffed when told what she had done.
I excoriate doctors in general, with a few honourable exceptions.
Each day I wait in anticipation for another nugget of mind stimulating writing from the GC. Usually when I get the notification I'm doing some other activity and tell myself I'll wait until later or tomorrow to read it; but, then i find myself like today stopped in the middle of my bike ride sitting on the stump of an old oak reading and savoring each word hoping it will never end.
Excellent work! I hope this message spreads far and wide.
{A deadly coronavirus went on a whirlwind tour infecting every door handle, toilet seat, airplane fuselage, office space, community center, retirement home, classroom, air particle, and tissue of human and animal lungs around the world.
I’ll take ‘Things That Never Happened’ for $2000 Alex.}
TGC, you are a beast... A fucking Alpha monster! That above (and many more) is brilliant. I have been so busy wrecking all my lifelong friendships and family ties over CONvid that I forgot to subscribe! This is coming up very shortly. How can I not now? Thank you! That is crazy good man.
Dr David Martin in his recent video presentation addresses the "virus leak" theory and provides some compelling and irrefutable evidence for his position; one can immediately dismiss his argument by saying that there was no "virus" to begin with so there never was a pandemic; but he provides "published admissions" and documentation to show that there was an infectious pathogen engineered at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from an infectious clone(synthetic), WIV1-COV; this was GOF experimentation and designed to be RELEASED intentionally; Wuhan was involved at different stages, especially when work was transferred there because it was illegal to carry on such work in the US; this was a deliberately designed respiratory pathogen that could attack humans; there was NO NATURAL ORIGIN! Martin meticulously delineates who was involved with exact times and places as this information has been publically available for years but ignored by politicians and government alike; this criminal conspiracy was nothing less than a crime against humanity from which many stakeholders made vast amounts of money at taxpayer expense.
No virus has ever been isolated from a sick subject, then placed in a healthy subject and caused them to get sick. Actually, viruses have never been shown to exist, let alone be properly isolated.
And certainly, what happened over the last three years has never been shown to be caused by a virus. So no, David Martin doesn’t offer “irrefutable” evidence of anything, except that he is part of the “limited hangout” psyop.
Yes, that's also my conclusion about Martin. A while back he did a talk about it all being an illusion, but then it seems he switched back again. So, yeah, "limited hangout."
And he's a confusion spreader (perhaps it's the method in his limited hangout). He's joined in that category by Katherine Watt, JJ Couey, and Nick Hudson.
Congratulations Good Citizen, this seems to be the final truth which dare not be spoken. Although, it’s been such a journey that we could be in for further revelations 💜
This happened more than once with your writings: I have been in a "discussion" the last 2 days with a certain David A over this very subject and as you write, he does exactly what you say they do.
I pushed Steve Kirsch so many times to debate Rappaport, and the others but in every instance, it was ignored and or attacked by his pet commenters in exactly the same fashion.
The last time of many that I encouraged Steve to debate Unz because Unz was calling Kirsch out on his "data" of deaths, the many requests were ignored by Kirsch (as Unz was making a laughing stock of him at his blog) and then Kirsch's admin attack protectors actually banned me from commenting on his substack.
I am ever more encouraged that you have finally gone there.
Thank you,
BTW: I recently had to visit my local nurse practitioner because after breaking a tooth, my dentist prescribed Amoxicillin which caused me to break out in hives all over my body and slightly closed my throat in an allergic reaction. The attending nurse came in with TWO masks on and told me covid was rampant again, but this time it is a stomach issue with diarrhea and intestinal discomfort.
I just looked at her and laughed, asking isn't it amazing how this corona virus has morphed into a scary shit inducing fear tactic? I could see in her eyes (since her entire face was covered) that she thought I was a kook.
hahaa. nurse ratched. 'this time covid causes hives and broken teeth dontcya know Mr McMurphy.'
I have encountered a few physicians who accept the fact that the jab was not a vaccine. But the overwhelming majority are so brainwashed they can’t make the leap into reality.
I stopped going to the doctor regularly after the end of 2021. The primary care doctor entered with two masks, then pushed the covaids injection on me. I was later told I needed to be updated on some of my childhood vaccines. Nope. No more injections for me or your overpriced examines when exercise, a good diet, and losing a little weight will do.
For various reasons, I stopped going to see doctors at all years ago. The last time I went to a doctor was for a routine medical required by my employer.
The doctor who examined me asked why I hadn't booked the appointment with my GP. I told him I didn't have one.
He laughed, and said, "Oh, no wonder you're so healthy."
Same here Anne C. No doctors for me either, but unfortunately had to see a GP recently to get an ultra sound /x-ray done, as have to have hip replacement. That was pretty demeaning as she spoke to me like I was an idiot, so won’t be seeing her again!
I totally sympathize, Leonie. Incidentally, if you are on one of those interminably long wait lists for your hip replacement, something you might want to try for relief in the meantime is gelatine.
A friend of mine who thought she was up for one and possibly two knee replacements starting taking gelatine last fall. Not only has her pain gone away, I don't think she's even interested in surgery anymore!
It doesn't work for everyone, but one study found that taking about 10grams (about a tablespoon) of gelatine a day for 70 days, along with Vitamin C, made a considerable difference for many of the participants. I believe they also did some kind of exercises that involved their joints.
It's easy to take the stuff - my friend just dissolves it in her morning coffee. Good luck if you decide to give it a try! (As a bonus, gelatine also helps the lining of your intestines. It's good stuff!)
Where does one het gelatin? Thank you.
Gelatin is good because it is an anagram of 'Angel tie', it ties your joints back together. It's all in the word!
Thanks for the info on gelatine. Anne. The operation is 3rd April and not looking forward to it. Last operation I had was when I went in for an ectopic pregnancy , 38 years ago😳. Might start with the gelatine tho as my left hip wasn’t too flash either and I don’t want that one to be bone on bone like the right hip. Cheers.🥰
I also cancelled my health insurance over five years ago, and no longer have a cardiologists, dermatologist, or gp. I go to the "doc in the box" for work physicals etc. There were no various reasons for not seeing any of my doctors. There was only one reason for all of them, i.e. they're all crooks. I could write a book.
Love the last line!
Amen, Moody Millennial. Amen.
Excellent post Good Citizen. My Dr is starting to see through all the BS, especially when I told him I got over my sinus infection within 4 days by using herbs.
Yes Becka, I too used herbal supplements to kill the virus or infections I have had. Reishi mushrooms worked the best along with apple juice, maca root, and multivitamins. It took 8-9 days but it was better than going to the doctor and dealing with antibiotics and other B.S. that they try to shove down your throat.
I use HP and a drip of Lugols Iodine in A Nebulizer. I had a massive headache. It was all gone in 24 hrs. Just try it sometime. Herbs are great too!
Diluted Povidone Iodine as a nasal rinse and throat gargle stopped the last cold I got in just 3 days. Today's doctors should know this stuff.
The sickest patients, with the most co-morbidities I've seen in my healthcare career have been the ones who constantly run off to the doctor, and get put on yet another medication.
People don't understand - these are petroleum-derived products, and that many of their issues would resolve if they just stopped swallowing petro chemicals.
They are literally poisoning themselves.
I also use herbs! Mainly elderberry and boneset mixed with water and honey, along with vitamin D, vitamin C, quercitin, and zinc. I get over infections in two days compared to a whole week when I would go to the doc
Most mainstream doctors and nurses are barking mad. I have experience their insantiy in hospital/GP surgery too (UK). I have never worn a mask in this fear campaign yet the medics still are afraid. Cretinism is rife in the NHS.
Are you sure you were banned? I thought I was banned, but then it turned out that I was just reading one of his articles that required one to "upgrade to paid" in order to post a comment. The more I read Stever Kirsch's substack, the more it appears he's a cog in the controlled opposition. He continually comes up with these asinine ideas like writing one email after another, having these 'mixers' in Atlanta every week, starting a hedge fund, betting a million dollars on the data etc. etc. etc. Every third or fourth post is someone gushing about how much they want to jerk him off because of everything he's doing which hasn't accomplished much of anything other than distract people from the fact that nothing is getting done..
I'm positive. When I went back several times, it actually says, "Banned". The admin replied to my comment telling me so.
It may have been a month (at least getting close), but I don't read Kirsch's substack any longer, much less comment (pretty much for the same reasons you outline). I don't trust him. I suspect he is a limited hangout.
Thanks for the link. I just liked all of your posts. I'm surprised I haven't been banned as well. I've been quite vocal about how he's probably controlled opposition and just distracting people while giving them a false sense of hope that revealing the data is going to fix this mess.
I don't think he's an anti-vaxxer, and if I'm not mistaken, he used to be quite liberal. He's definitely a closeted liberal. Although, he's openly claiming that we need to fix the Nanny state which makes him a libtard in my book.
I appreciate that Shnarkle.
The thing that gets me is that I wasn't accusing Steve of being anything in those comments (I accused the commenters of being fanboys, however). I was giving him every possible excuse to explain his silence when Unz was taking him to task.
I also sent Steve 2 emails asking directly after the one guy posted his address. Nothing. And I was extremely cordial.
Now, does it matter if these two communicate off of Steve's platform, one explaining it all and the other completely ignoring those claims and not addressing the obvious contradiction?
Sure it does, because Steve Kirsch made his big splash by saying he will bet anyone $1M to debate it. Unz is rich, they discussed it, but not only do we NOT see a debate, Steve hides the discussion. I also think that Unz is misrepresenting data and ignoring much of what has been covered. So, basically, they are both limited hangouts (although I knew that about Unz years ago).
It was the same when I commented many times about the anti-virus crowd (Sam Bailey, Tom Cowan, Kaufman, Rappoport, and many others) willing to take his bet, but that too was ignored.
He won't put the money where his mouth is. Which means he is lying.
He banned me too for calling out his intellectual dishonesty.
The thing with controlled opposition is that things get done but the pace is controlled. It is intensely frustrating for those of us who see the truth, but that is how it is in the end time show, the final act of the pantomime.
I don't think that's the definition of controlled opposition. Things get done, but they're right in line with the goals of those who are manipulating the controlled opposition. Their goals are realized, not ours. However, I can see how they occasionally will toss the opposition a bone. They like to give us a prize for our efforts, something to keep us motivated and give us a sense of hope. It keeps us in their game and preoccupied or distracted.
I would have thought my definition is exactly the way to look at it. But who is manipulating the controlled opposition? We are in a pantomime, a 'real' live pantomime, as I said and there is consequently a script to follow. I have done amateur dramatics so I understand how directors think.
We are being led to the final conclusion of the pantomime where everyone comes on stage for the curtain call and assessment of how everyone did, or didn't do.
Hello AP, I notice you bring up Ron Untz, or is it someone else, Untz….?
I read Ron for a good puke everyday on LewRockwell. He may be the most annoying SOB I have ever read, granted I never make it past the third paragraph with him.
Steve Kirsh, is that the mask guy? I think I read him way back in 2021, he is a medical freedom lackey or something else?
Take care, good luck with David A, he doesn’t read what he writes, tests, was sick and peer reviewed gub’mint sources… just quit with him imo.
I looked through your commen interaction with David A and to be honest I think it is your position that is weak. In essence
1. You made a claim.
2. David A responded by noting that he had a direct experience of covid himself which didn't fit with your claim
3. Your response was to dismiss his observation as subjective and invalid because it didn't fit with your theory.
Is your behavior really any different from a doctor who dismisses his patients' observations beacuse they don't fit his preconceived notions?
What claim did I make?
My first comment started with QUESTIONS. He never addressed the questions.
Abuse Productions
Mar 2
Is it real? Or do the studies use the data supplied by false PCR tests, given to us by known liars, implemented by those who profitted from the scam?
DavidA, made the initial claim.
I pointed out that his observation lacked factual evidence to support said claim.
He responded “but meh test told me”.
End of conversation you menacing Horace, I feel so menaced…
Next time when you try to protect your alter ego, reply to the original thread rather than using the path of least resistance… your entire retort is lazy and protective…. But meh test….
Weird. You accuse me of having an alter ego, which I don't. And yet strangely it is your reply which is under a different name.
I replied here because this is the article I read, and the comment I first came across, and the one upon which I wished to cmment.
I've always been (and remain on) team "IDGAF where it comes from, it's bullshit anyway. I don't care if it came from the moon, an asteroid, freaking sky lab, Fort Detrick, Wuhan, or a baboon's asshole in the fucken Congo." It's still weak sauce bullshit *IF* it even exists in the first place.
From where I'm sitting "covid-19" has always looked exactly like a combination of: the flu, the common cold, unhealthy and/or old people, and heaping gobs of pure distilled bull-fucken-shit.
In fact the "recipe" for covid-19 is primarily "pure distilled bull-fucken-shit". The other stuff is just in there for spice.
“Weak sauce bullshit”, for me, doesn’t go far enough. I don’t care if something is killing 99% of the people that come in contact with it. I will not lock down, I will not wear a mask, and you will not inject me with anything. Over my dead body. Once you lose your fear of death, standing strong becomes far easier. And, since we’re all gonna die anyway, and none of us know the when or the how, standing strong becomes the only noble way to live. And qualify as human, I might add.
Amen to that too man! That was the flip side of my thoughts when I first heard of this. Something like, "even if this is the real deal, eventually your number comes up." I don't fear dying from a respiratory virus. It actually might happen one day when I get really old and/or sick. Or maybe, one day, a super bug is gonna get me.
Like many people pointed out, even if covid was a super-reaper of death, all of the bullshit theater they put on would just jack shit nothing to stop it. Masks, social distancing, a vaccine that doesn't vaccinate, plexi-fucken-glass barriers, ..., you name it!
You may as well pray to the flying spaghetti monster.
Fuckin' A man!
Your hilarious Xingyi - love your comment🥰
If there was a lab leak of any significance, there would have hundreds of thousands killed at the point of attack.
If there was a small lab leak, there wouldn't have been enough of the virus to travel around the world.
The only true virus is the lies, fear and panic created out of thin air for the express purpose of introducing a fake vaccine substance that murders humans.
By Billy g telling us another virus is coming, it further enforces the fact that these pandemics are faked.
Your comment came to mind today when someone was talking to me about the lab leak. They didn't support most things, but they still think masks can do some good and vaccines are beneficial. They were shocked when I mentioned reproductive issues related to the injection.
The Corona PSYOP: A “Bombshell” Video by Project Veritas Preparing the “Herd” for the Next Plandemic.
The goal is to keep the “herd” in FEAR, by continuously reinforcing the contagion narrative
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE
'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'
I completely agree with this conclusion - and Rappoport, Yeadon and the others you mentioned- are all part of my getting 'there'. I resisted. Mainly because it would inevitably create more division and that felt like it would push getting people on board, even further away.
But I got there too. And yeah, it all falls apart when this lie falls.
Beautifully written as always. Thank you.
I also thought that the issue was not central or was unsure about its importance -- probably because I thought the no-virus claim too outlandish to spend much time on. However, as you probably know, I also think that it is the issue.
Remember back in March 2020 when misanthropes like us used to say things like -- we're really closing down the whole world for the flu?
It was the flu.
And, I'll say it again, this is why Traditional Chinese Medicine is superior to "The Science(tm)". TCM is unconcerned about any particular micro-organism, new or old, made in a lab or from a monkey's ass.
Either your body is in balance and therefore health or it is not. TCM focuses on assisting/support balance and fixing imbalance whether deficiency or excess within your body's function and substance.
There are no magic bullets that kill the boogeyman with TCM because it just doesn't matter. So whether or not some "novel" pathogen exists doesn't even enter the equation. Never mind whether or not it came from a lab or is a bioweapon or a product of undercooked bat soup.
It just dosn't matter. It has never mattered and it still doesn't. And TCM continues to heal people, going on for thousands of years now. But you guys go ahead and focus on the boogeyman and magic bullets.
This has been 'the way' on the radar for a long time for me, at least 20 years since I read about Rockefeller ditching traditional medicine in US med schools 100 years ago. Rebooting western medicine in a world that only rewards lies will be a very big task for whatever generation can be deprogrammed in time.
I've worked in cancer diagnostics and research all my life and have been pretty blown away by the German New Medicine, who also say there are no contagions. Everything I was taught about cancer is also erroneous
Think I just found a new fave Substack. 🧡 Thanks Jo.
Crazy thing is that the “natural healing” practitioners around here still manage to cling to germ theory and all got vaXXXed. Fear really does override most everything.
Well, to a large extent many naturopathic or other "natural" practitioners are not the real deal and/or they've been coopted by "integration" with western medicine.
My wife is a DACM -- doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine -- and a large part of her doctoral program was focusing on integration with western practitioners/hospitals and having to frame everything around the buzz words: "evidence based medicine".
The wife and I are not vaxxed and we never believed one word of the hoax for the reasons in my original post above. It depends on the practitioner and how serious they are about what they're doing.
Even modern Chinese medicine -- which I won't vouch for as I do TCM -- uses herb formulas for the different stages of covid treatment. That's something 100% non-existent in western practice.
We're living in a world where *most* thing have been coopted, are fake, or just plain old bullshit. If people learn a bit about TCM, then they can spot the bullshitters a mile away.
Can you provide some links for TCM articles, websites, private Facebook groups and/or Drs etc? I’m curious to research and learn more. I’m pretty holistic in my approach to health. The only meds I take are for hypothyroidism and I’ve been wanting to ditch those cause I hate pharma with a passion and I’d like to fix my thyroid naturally. Maybe this avenue will help? I’ve read a lot of books written by US Drs on how to do this but I’m not convinced by their methods. Thank you.
The link to The Foundations of Chinese Medicine is a gem. Thank you Xingyi!!
Thank you !!
Other formulas for hypothyroidism include:
Rehmannia 8:
Tong Ren Tang Jin Gui Shen Chi Wan
On Dr. Fratkins site, get the article PDF entitled "Who's Got What" and in that PDF, search for Kidney Yang Tonics. Especially take note of the "Modern Formulas" section. There are many sources for herbs and some are better than others but this will give you plenty of things to learn about, study and try if you're interested.
Also look at "Thyroid Disorders" in that Fratkin document, page 88.
Hi Butterfly. Answering your question because it is so specific. Hope you see this late reply.
My ex-wife was from a medical family and herself a specialist paediatric nurse of 23 years when, disillusioned by the sickness management philosophy, she studied traditional European herbal medicine. Not with some diploma mill "College of Natural Therapies" but with an old lady widely regarded as a master. My ex-wife is a natural healer and knows both orthodox and traditional medicine, benefits and limitations. She has helped many people with chronic issues they found no relief from after exhausting the establishment systems.
Anyway, she was hypothyroidal herself and for a number of years was feeling the effects more and more. Her doctor's advice was medication to "manage" - indefinitely. Instead she took a course of acupuncture over some months. Balance was restored. She never relapsed and it is now over 30 years later. Her doctor was amazed . . . . but scoffed when told what she had done.
I excoriate doctors in general, with a few honourable exceptions.
Totally agree. Thanks for your excellent comments here.
Spot on! Germ theory has no leg to stand on!
Each day I wait in anticipation for another nugget of mind stimulating writing from the GC. Usually when I get the notification I'm doing some other activity and tell myself I'll wait until later or tomorrow to read it; but, then i find myself like today stopped in the middle of my bike ride sitting on the stump of an old oak reading and savoring each word hoping it will never end.
Excellent work! I hope this message spreads far and wide.
Thanks WC. Hope you had a good ride.
No virus, no virus, no virus! Lol
{A deadly coronavirus went on a whirlwind tour infecting every door handle, toilet seat, airplane fuselage, office space, community center, retirement home, classroom, air particle, and tissue of human and animal lungs around the world.
I’ll take ‘Things That Never Happened’ for $2000 Alex.}
TGC, you are a beast... A fucking Alpha monster! That above (and many more) is brilliant. I have been so busy wrecking all my lifelong friendships and family ties over CONvid that I forgot to subscribe! This is coming up very shortly. How can I not now? Thank you! That is crazy good man.
BINGO! Keep on detoxing.
Dr David Martin in his recent video presentation addresses the "virus leak" theory and provides some compelling and irrefutable evidence for his position; one can immediately dismiss his argument by saying that there was no "virus" to begin with so there never was a pandemic; but he provides "published admissions" and documentation to show that there was an infectious pathogen engineered at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from an infectious clone(synthetic), WIV1-COV; this was GOF experimentation and designed to be RELEASED intentionally; Wuhan was involved at different stages, especially when work was transferred there because it was illegal to carry on such work in the US; this was a deliberately designed respiratory pathogen that could attack humans; there was NO NATURAL ORIGIN! Martin meticulously delineates who was involved with exact times and places as this information has been publically available for years but ignored by politicians and government alike; this criminal conspiracy was nothing less than a crime against humanity from which many stakeholders made vast amounts of money at taxpayer expense.
No virus has ever been isolated from a sick subject, then placed in a healthy subject and caused them to get sick. Actually, viruses have never been shown to exist, let alone be properly isolated.
And certainly, what happened over the last three years has never been shown to be caused by a virus. So no, David Martin doesn’t offer “irrefutable” evidence of anything, except that he is part of the “limited hangout” psyop.
Yes, that's also my conclusion about Martin. A while back he did a talk about it all being an illusion, but then it seems he switched back again. So, yeah, "limited hangout."
And he's a confusion spreader (perhaps it's the method in his limited hangout). He's joined in that category by Katherine Watt, JJ Couey, and Nick Hudson.
Congratulations Good Citizen, this seems to be the final truth which dare not be spoken. Although, it’s been such a journey that we could be in for further revelations 💜
Just keep on climbing, GC. Once above the clouds, the air becomes perfectly clear, and quite refreshing.