I open up my e-mail from great writer The Good Citizen and see a picture of Bill Gatesofhell, who sits atop the pale horse. He is Death. That turtleheaded fuckstick has more plans? What a surprise! You know why he bought up an assload of property? To build the biggest graveyard in the United States.. Heed this warning Mr. Gates: THE LIONS ARE COMING FOR YOU! YOU ARE A POACHER OF INNOCENT LIVES AND YOU DON'T CARE! YOU WILL BE SHOWN TERRIBLE NIGHTMARES THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK! TURN YOUR PALE HORSE AROUND AND RETURN TO HELL!
Well, I have to answer, sorry. If you reverse the letters in the word "live", what word do you come up with? You can only keep evil at bay, you cannot kill it. You have to take evil and reeducate it. Sometimes people learn their lesson, others never do so they keep coming back to taunt, haunt, and drain you. That's when you fight fire with fire.
You've got it all wrong! It was folding clothes and sleeping that caused all those sudden deaths haha. Yeah COVId is pretty much an IQ test that everyone failed. Including the science. The original COVID virus was claimed to have a sequence of roughly 30000 base pairs. They now claim to have discovered 12000 variants with more expected. If you count your fingers and toes, arms legs etc, the human body has about 30 discernable features. Now imagine changing 12 of them. Are you even the same person or a person at all. COViD is! Meanwhile the test sequences for the very accurate PCR test can confirm all 12000 variants using just 4 amplicons of ~100 base pairs each. Science!!! (Aka 'whatever nonsense they can get you to believe) . In October 2020 they announced ced that the vaccine would not stop infection and wouldn't even be tested for stopping transmission. 2 years and 2 billion shots later everyone just got the memo and are pissed. Because a bit of simple reading to save your life is more than most can be expected to do. They even came out with a Netflix documentary called "Pandemic" a week before launching the real pandemic. So that you could feel like the people on TV!! "Look at me starting in my own Pandemic! We did it Ma!". It's all just a race to the stupid bottom, and you can bet your bottom that when they completely recycle the script word for word, all the same people (the o es left alive anyway) will fall for it all over again. We're all the stars of our own Truman Show and only a small few of us get it. I walked off the set decades ago and do hope you'll all join me.
Got to the party late; glad I did, after reading all the comments. Blew a gasket yesterday morning, to myself, cats scattering, wife even heard it from her home office: "Don't give me this "it's the most wonderful time of the year" bullsh+t! It's the f++king worst time of year! Winter Solstice! They're out playing tic-tac-toe in the sky to insure the arctic bomb. People die. Things break! Accidents!"
After I got that out I calmly went about my routines. And then got a call from my 19-year-old daughter, broken down on the side of the mountain between Chattanooga and Nashville. My vaxxed friend got some gunky detoxing going on, which he calls a "bug" he caught. Another friend, a black tradesman (who was wearing an Obama t-shirt on voting day) told me he got the news back from his prostate biopsy _, benign _ then went on to tell me how he's finally figured it out: people who don't go to thee doctor/hospital are healthier.
I think the piece you wrote is spot on, GC, but I wish I were not stuck in my loop of saying the same thing again. This hoax goes back at least to JD Rockeffeller, to lying Pasteur for French Nobility, to Rome, to Egypt, to Babylon. Do youselves a favor and start listening to awakened allopathics: Cowan, Kaufman, Brogan, Lanka, Yeadon, the Baileys, Jennifer Daniels, Mary Fallon (of the Weston A. Price Foundation; read HIS story and life's work.)
It's the most wonderful time of the year to wake out the MKUltra/X-Files' nightmare.
I'm on all their trails now full time in a deep deprogamming mission of my own. Self detox on health and how we actually get sick and why. It’s going to take time but I'm trying to be a sponge. Yeadon might be a personal hero and I don't even believe in those.
John Cusack plays a Bill Gates type of character in the Amazon Prime Original series “UTOPIA.” This series ended after one season which aired in 2020 before the plandemic hit.
Another masterpiece summary of the situation, past, present and the future. I had never watched X-Files, but Tony Heller recently uploaded this perhaps today
One argument against your thesis is why would the p e r p s inject themselves and why do the majority of people seem to survive without ill effect? True, some might be injecting harmless Saline, but I don't think that's the general practice and it would certainly be revealed if it were. Some reporters died at the World Cup, but did any of the players I don't think so?
Tony Heller has been on fire the past few days with dystopic video clips on his YT channel.
My guess, worth little I know, is that most of the elite athletes have had their "events" already in year one due to the nature of their lifestyles, high intensity training, hours each day etc. At last check thousands have had heart problems, and many have died or been forced to retire including Sergio Aguero of Argentina who would have been starting next to Messi. That's just tier 1 elite athletes - in the thousands!, forget amateurs. At the EUROS last summer which was really year 1 (2021) where all the vaxxidents occured for elite athletes, Danish midfielder had a heart attack in the middle of a match against Scotland. They defribbed him back to life on live TV. All of 2021 had the collapses on the pitch and the vax effects filtered out. As for the perps, I don't think any of them have had anything injected, and most of the hand picked servants of power- PMs, Presidents etc. are getting show injections of saline. As Andrew Tate said many times on his podcast circuits, none of what they're planning will effect the rich or powerful. When he didn't want to be tested or show a vax pass he simply went to another country and took a private jet where none of the protocols applied. No testing, no masks, no vax passports, nothing. Two worlds, one for the .1%, one for the slaves.
Edit: also those reporters recently got boosters before going to Qatar (probably) which combined with adrenaline, late nights meeting deadlines etc, probably did them in. As for the players, having seen what's happened to other players they will be staying far away from this toxic shit forever. I think there's one owner of a team in the Turkish super league who refuses to sign new players who have had the shots. Doesn't want the investment liability.
I've been following Tony for years now, one of my favorite sources, and he is lately ON FIRE.
Dear Good Citizen, I appreciate your detailed reply to my devil's advocacy. I'm almost 100% with your insightful observations. I only wish I could articulate them one quarter as well.
I don't doubt the injection is harmful to deadly, and mostly ineffective. The fact it was rushed out with minimal testing and zero long term testing ruled it out for me absolutely. That decision emphatically reinforced by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Michael Yeadon and others, early on.
Taken all in, it's unbelievable this could be happening and scarcely, to not at all, mentioned in MSM.
Yet, for all that carnage, it's still diluted enough to escape notice by most people deprived of any MSM coverage. Having already been injected, it's understandable they will block or discredit anything that suggests they made a terrible to deadly mistake, though shite uptake is in decline, suggesting some are slowly awakening.
More devil's advocacy:
I live in a senior mobile home court of 115 spaces. I imagine at least 80% of an estimated 200 people, were vaccinated. 4 neighbors died this past year, all over 80 and not in good health, yet at least three most likely vaccinated neighbors over 90, are marching on. So it is: the doubtless due to vaccination deaths and injuries are too low to grab the attention or concern of the average citizen. Future effects of vaccination can only be speculation, though I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about it.
As to the perps, which would have to include all local health officials, upper echelon hospital staff and administering MDs, it's impossible to believe they all took placebos on the hush hush because they knew the jab was injurious, ineffective and/or deadly.
I agree the outbreak was a well-coordinated scam and that more such lie ahead (well documented by you), but I remain skeptical about the deadliness of the jab. Though, and I'm not saying it's true, some of the perps at the very top, Bill Gates et al, may be celebrating an initial cull of the herd with more to come.
I'll give you that as a very distinct possibility.
The one-off mention of Turkey and speculation about the players is interesting, but not convincing.
Well GC, looks like you got an advance copy of the script. MiFly is right in that these bad actors are too arrogant to actually pull off the carnage they are shooting for. That's why there has been so many attempts. The question is "how do we stop the fear porn"?? I'm on record here and elsewhere, that the official narrative is a false narrative, and somehow the masses need to realize this. What if this next time the hold a pandemic, and no one lines up for the shot. I can dream, can't I??
We all get advance copies of their script. Most people ignore them and assume the best. I'm not sure it's wise to do that anymore given their stakes. You should be fine in Texas. I have a feeling most people there, outside the city limits of Austin anyway, will not buy what they're sold for half a minute. California or New York on the other hand...oof.
There is a song 2525 from 1969, very dark, dystopian. We'll have to rewrite it for 2025.
I had hoped to go to the World Cup here in the US in 2026, but I supppse Gates, et al., will have created an "elites-only" tournament.
I'm not sure where we go from here, the sheeple seem to love the mask and shots and their heros, dancing doctors. Maybe with thr FBI overplayimg their had with Twitter, things will change, but, I tend to think that CIA-owned Musk is just tweakng the FBI, so nothing will change.
I'm not one for dispensing glib or trite flattery online, but damn GC! Yours is some of the best insight (I was gonna say "content", but I loathe the word) to be found in the pixelated, platformed un-realm of cyberspace. Forgive the association, but your writing is my "inoculation" against the universal gaslighting I experience in this mutilated Clown World from the moment I gain consciousness each morning. So, sincerely, thanks for helping keep some of us alive and vital in these dark and bruised times.
I’m not sure if we’ll ever know who started it or if there was some kind of grand unifying vision behind it all. But a precedent has been established, so something like this will probably happen again. Realistically, we have little ability to influence anyone in power. Voting is a joke, and the corporate managerial class showed us exactly who they are during the mandate era.
Our greatest hope is decentralized resistance. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point —
(1) Take control of your food supply. Buy meat from local ranchers. Start a vegetable garden. Get some chickens.
(2) Take control of your water supply. If you are on city water, prepare a backup.
Prepare for the worst hope for the best.. Location. Location. Location. Water, food, energy, population, security. Playing catch up the past few years myself. I think certain places will be much better off than others. In the states obviously places like Florida Texas Tennessee Wyoming will sniff out the scams sooner. Sherrifs and governors will be the most important deciders on noncompliance. Outside the US...the more corrupt and dysfunctional with a population that has a low tolerance for b.s. the better. Trying my hand at either Hungary, Croatia or Mexico for now. Did a deep dive over the summer on why these topped my list. Mix of low vax uptake, people, politicians, corruption, energy security, social cohesion, and dollar power.
Thanks. I think they will come for the preppers eventually but I'll hold out as long as I can. I have water and food taken care of so I'm thinking about energy. The main thing that scares me is I have ten years on my mortgage. Lol, anyone want to start a go fund me?
They will come for the preppers, homesteaders, small farmers for sure. But I would think they need to take away the 2nd first, which is why hardly a month goes by without a mass shooting blamed on the gun.
No need for apologies!! I describe my own mental processes as flashes of brilliance surrounded by eons of stupidity.
Here's the problem with art -- you want to express yourself in your own way, but at the same time art always produces an audience. If you stay true to your art, you will have a small audience. If you cater to a larger audience, you may feel and be seen as a sell out. Tough choice.
We haven't had the same experiences and you use a lot of code that only has meaning for you based on your experiences. I would like to understand, but you'd have to talk down to me. Not that I'd take offense, but you might not want to slow down for me.
Words can be freighted with meaning to me, whereas they seem feathery to you. It takes me awhile to unpack a single word, and you have flung twenty before I catch a breath.
Not meant as negative criticism, and I found a couple gems in your work. Take care.
Very good read as usual, Retarded is the perfect word for some of these people. I have already started to see an increase back in mask wearing and I'm sure it's the fully boosted! Linking todayl @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
I drove past a billboard yesterday that said people with disabilities are 10 times more likely to die of COVID-19. Schedule your booster today. Sponsored by disabilities.org. 🙄🤬 I’m in MI.
Was looking through my father's online health records today through kaiser Permanente and everywhere I clicked they were bombarding him with reminders for flu shots and covid boosters. He has incurable lymphoma! I asked him why he pays hundreds of dollars each month to a company that wants him dead. The steam is still releasing from my ears.
Serious question, how do you know it’s incurable? I have a friend who’s recently been diagnosed with stage 4... she is doing high dose c injections and fenbed among other things.
Follicular lymphoma has no known cure but it's manageable. I should say I don't know that there's no cure, but Big Pharma's AMA and global allopathic medicine offers no cure. They gave him 3 years to live, 8 years ago. We switched him to a high alkaline diet and everything got better and his blood work only improves as he sticks to the diet, so maybe there is one.
I open up my e-mail from great writer The Good Citizen and see a picture of Bill Gatesofhell, who sits atop the pale horse. He is Death. That turtleheaded fuckstick has more plans? What a surprise! You know why he bought up an assload of property? To build the biggest graveyard in the United States.. Heed this warning Mr. Gates: THE LIONS ARE COMING FOR YOU! YOU ARE A POACHER OF INNOCENT LIVES AND YOU DON'T CARE! YOU WILL BE SHOWN TERRIBLE NIGHTMARES THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK! TURN YOUR PALE HORSE AROUND AND RETURN TO HELL!
Amen! Why does evil live so long? (Don't answer, I know.)
Well, I have to answer, sorry. If you reverse the letters in the word "live", what word do you come up with? You can only keep evil at bay, you cannot kill it. You have to take evil and reeducate it. Sometimes people learn their lesson, others never do so they keep coming back to taunt, haunt, and drain you. That's when you fight fire with fire.
You've got it all wrong! It was folding clothes and sleeping that caused all those sudden deaths haha. Yeah COVId is pretty much an IQ test that everyone failed. Including the science. The original COVID virus was claimed to have a sequence of roughly 30000 base pairs. They now claim to have discovered 12000 variants with more expected. If you count your fingers and toes, arms legs etc, the human body has about 30 discernable features. Now imagine changing 12 of them. Are you even the same person or a person at all. COViD is! Meanwhile the test sequences for the very accurate PCR test can confirm all 12000 variants using just 4 amplicons of ~100 base pairs each. Science!!! (Aka 'whatever nonsense they can get you to believe) . In October 2020 they announced ced that the vaccine would not stop infection and wouldn't even be tested for stopping transmission. 2 years and 2 billion shots later everyone just got the memo and are pissed. Because a bit of simple reading to save your life is more than most can be expected to do. They even came out with a Netflix documentary called "Pandemic" a week before launching the real pandemic. So that you could feel like the people on TV!! "Look at me starting in my own Pandemic! We did it Ma!". It's all just a race to the stupid bottom, and you can bet your bottom that when they completely recycle the script word for word, all the same people (the o es left alive anyway) will fall for it all over again. We're all the stars of our own Truman Show and only a small few of us get it. I walked off the set decades ago and do hope you'll all join me.
Nagasaki x1000: "Because a bit of simple reading to save your life is more than most can be expected to do."
I’m noticing comments disappearing in front of my eyes. Hmmm…. You mentioned Mike Yeadon being a personal hero… now gone! Maybe you deleted it?
I have joined you!!
Got to the party late; glad I did, after reading all the comments. Blew a gasket yesterday morning, to myself, cats scattering, wife even heard it from her home office: "Don't give me this "it's the most wonderful time of the year" bullsh+t! It's the f++king worst time of year! Winter Solstice! They're out playing tic-tac-toe in the sky to insure the arctic bomb. People die. Things break! Accidents!"
After I got that out I calmly went about my routines. And then got a call from my 19-year-old daughter, broken down on the side of the mountain between Chattanooga and Nashville. My vaxxed friend got some gunky detoxing going on, which he calls a "bug" he caught. Another friend, a black tradesman (who was wearing an Obama t-shirt on voting day) told me he got the news back from his prostate biopsy _, benign _ then went on to tell me how he's finally figured it out: people who don't go to thee doctor/hospital are healthier.
I think the piece you wrote is spot on, GC, but I wish I were not stuck in my loop of saying the same thing again. This hoax goes back at least to JD Rockeffeller, to lying Pasteur for French Nobility, to Rome, to Egypt, to Babylon. Do youselves a favor and start listening to awakened allopathics: Cowan, Kaufman, Brogan, Lanka, Yeadon, the Baileys, Jennifer Daniels, Mary Fallon (of the Weston A. Price Foundation; read HIS story and life's work.)
It's the most wonderful time of the year to wake out the MKUltra/X-Files' nightmare.
I'm on all their trails now full time in a deep deprogamming mission of my own. Self detox on health and how we actually get sick and why. It’s going to take time but I'm trying to be a sponge. Yeadon might be a personal hero and I don't even believe in those.
A noble pursuit. All the best on your journey of rhythmic harmony of self w/ earth, air, fire, water & Divine Spirit.
John Cusack plays a Bill Gates type of character in the Amazon Prime Original series “UTOPIA.” This series ended after one season which aired in 2020 before the plandemic hit.
Another masterpiece summary of the situation, past, present and the future. I had never watched X-Files, but Tony Heller recently uploaded this perhaps today
One argument against your thesis is why would the p e r p s inject themselves and why do the majority of people seem to survive without ill effect? True, some might be injecting harmless Saline, but I don't think that's the general practice and it would certainly be revealed if it were. Some reporters died at the World Cup, but did any of the players I don't think so?
Tony Heller has been on fire the past few days with dystopic video clips on his YT channel.
My guess, worth little I know, is that most of the elite athletes have had their "events" already in year one due to the nature of their lifestyles, high intensity training, hours each day etc. At last check thousands have had heart problems, and many have died or been forced to retire including Sergio Aguero of Argentina who would have been starting next to Messi. That's just tier 1 elite athletes - in the thousands!, forget amateurs. At the EUROS last summer which was really year 1 (2021) where all the vaxxidents occured for elite athletes, Danish midfielder had a heart attack in the middle of a match against Scotland. They defribbed him back to life on live TV. All of 2021 had the collapses on the pitch and the vax effects filtered out. As for the perps, I don't think any of them have had anything injected, and most of the hand picked servants of power- PMs, Presidents etc. are getting show injections of saline. As Andrew Tate said many times on his podcast circuits, none of what they're planning will effect the rich or powerful. When he didn't want to be tested or show a vax pass he simply went to another country and took a private jet where none of the protocols applied. No testing, no masks, no vax passports, nothing. Two worlds, one for the .1%, one for the slaves.
Edit: also those reporters recently got boosters before going to Qatar (probably) which combined with adrenaline, late nights meeting deadlines etc, probably did them in. As for the players, having seen what's happened to other players they will be staying far away from this toxic shit forever. I think there's one owner of a team in the Turkish super league who refuses to sign new players who have had the shots. Doesn't want the investment liability.
I've been following Tony for years now, one of my favorite sources, and he is lately ON FIRE.
Dear Good Citizen, I appreciate your detailed reply to my devil's advocacy. I'm almost 100% with your insightful observations. I only wish I could articulate them one quarter as well.
I don't doubt the injection is harmful to deadly, and mostly ineffective. The fact it was rushed out with minimal testing and zero long term testing ruled it out for me absolutely. That decision emphatically reinforced by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Michael Yeadon and others, early on.
I saw 100's of injuries and deaths on Hugotalks https://hugotalks.com/2022/06/12/young-hearts-part-18-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads-healthy-young-people-dying-suddenly/
Taken all in, it's unbelievable this could be happening and scarcely, to not at all, mentioned in MSM.
Yet, for all that carnage, it's still diluted enough to escape notice by most people deprived of any MSM coverage. Having already been injected, it's understandable they will block or discredit anything that suggests they made a terrible to deadly mistake, though shite uptake is in decline, suggesting some are slowly awakening.
More devil's advocacy:
I live in a senior mobile home court of 115 spaces. I imagine at least 80% of an estimated 200 people, were vaccinated. 4 neighbors died this past year, all over 80 and not in good health, yet at least three most likely vaccinated neighbors over 90, are marching on. So it is: the doubtless due to vaccination deaths and injuries are too low to grab the attention or concern of the average citizen. Future effects of vaccination can only be speculation, though I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about it.
As to the perps, which would have to include all local health officials, upper echelon hospital staff and administering MDs, it's impossible to believe they all took placebos on the hush hush because they knew the jab was injurious, ineffective and/or deadly.
I agree the outbreak was a well-coordinated scam and that more such lie ahead (well documented by you), but I remain skeptical about the deadliness of the jab. Though, and I'm not saying it's true, some of the perps at the very top, Bill Gates et al, may be celebrating an initial cull of the herd with more to come.
I'll give you that as a very distinct possibility.
The one-off mention of Turkey and speculation about the players is interesting, but not convincing.
Well GC, looks like you got an advance copy of the script. MiFly is right in that these bad actors are too arrogant to actually pull off the carnage they are shooting for. That's why there has been so many attempts. The question is "how do we stop the fear porn"?? I'm on record here and elsewhere, that the official narrative is a false narrative, and somehow the masses need to realize this. What if this next time the hold a pandemic, and no one lines up for the shot. I can dream, can't I??
We all get advance copies of their script. Most people ignore them and assume the best. I'm not sure it's wise to do that anymore given their stakes. You should be fine in Texas. I have a feeling most people there, outside the city limits of Austin anyway, will not buy what they're sold for half a minute. California or New York on the other hand...oof.
There is a song 2525 from 1969, very dark, dystopian. We'll have to rewrite it for 2025.
I had hoped to go to the World Cup here in the US in 2026, but I supppse Gates, et al., will have created an "elites-only" tournament.
I'm not sure where we go from here, the sheeple seem to love the mask and shots and their heros, dancing doctors. Maybe with thr FBI overplayimg their had with Twitter, things will change, but, I tend to think that CIA-owned Musk is just tweakng the FBI, so nothing will change.
This stack is a gem, I really enjoyed it. Thank you and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. 🙏❤️🌲
Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄
happy kwanza
billy g can take his next fake pandemic and shove it you know where. I will not be participating in this crap.
I'm not one for dispensing glib or trite flattery online, but damn GC! Yours is some of the best insight (I was gonna say "content", but I loathe the word) to be found in the pixelated, platformed un-realm of cyberspace. Forgive the association, but your writing is my "inoculation" against the universal gaslighting I experience in this mutilated Clown World from the moment I gain consciousness each morning. So, sincerely, thanks for helping keep some of us alive and vital in these dark and bruised times.
Thanks neo.
I’m not sure if we’ll ever know who started it or if there was some kind of grand unifying vision behind it all. But a precedent has been established, so something like this will probably happen again. Realistically, we have little ability to influence anyone in power. Voting is a joke, and the corporate managerial class showed us exactly who they are during the mandate era.
Our greatest hope is decentralized resistance. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point —
(1) Take control of your food supply. Buy meat from local ranchers. Start a vegetable garden. Get some chickens.
(2) Take control of your water supply. If you are on city water, prepare a backup.
(3) Prepare for electrical grid disruptions.
(4) Kill social media and Amazon.
(5) Use cash whenever possible.
Brilliant piece, as always.
"2025, the West will experience a dramatic decline in population and GDP".......Deagle
The elephant 🐘 in the demographic room perpetually lingering.
Indeed.......and yet, hidden in plain sight.
I read part at Lew Rockwell and clicked over to read the rest but it was locked. Thanks for unlocking the whole piece.
Ok, we have 20 months. What would you consider the be single most important thing we can do between now and then?
Prepare for the worst hope for the best.. Location. Location. Location. Water, food, energy, population, security. Playing catch up the past few years myself. I think certain places will be much better off than others. In the states obviously places like Florida Texas Tennessee Wyoming will sniff out the scams sooner. Sherrifs and governors will be the most important deciders on noncompliance. Outside the US...the more corrupt and dysfunctional with a population that has a low tolerance for b.s. the better. Trying my hand at either Hungary, Croatia or Mexico for now. Did a deep dive over the summer on why these topped my list. Mix of low vax uptake, people, politicians, corruption, energy security, social cohesion, and dollar power.
Thanks. I think they will come for the preppers eventually but I'll hold out as long as I can. I have water and food taken care of so I'm thinking about energy. The main thing that scares me is I have ten years on my mortgage. Lol, anyone want to start a go fund me?
They will come for the preppers, homesteaders, small farmers for sure. But I would think they need to take away the 2nd first, which is why hardly a month goes by without a mass shooting blamed on the gun.
I tried but I just couldn't get much sense out of it. Wish you all the best though.
No need for apologies!! I describe my own mental processes as flashes of brilliance surrounded by eons of stupidity.
Here's the problem with art -- you want to express yourself in your own way, but at the same time art always produces an audience. If you stay true to your art, you will have a small audience. If you cater to a larger audience, you may feel and be seen as a sell out. Tough choice.
We haven't had the same experiences and you use a lot of code that only has meaning for you based on your experiences. I would like to understand, but you'd have to talk down to me. Not that I'd take offense, but you might not want to slow down for me.
Words can be freighted with meaning to me, whereas they seem feathery to you. It takes me awhile to unpack a single word, and you have flung twenty before I catch a breath.
Not meant as negative criticism, and I found a couple gems in your work. Take care.
I don't think it's polite to carry on this discussion on our gracious host's stack. I will comment on some of your pieces on your stack.
Very good read as usual, Retarded is the perfect word for some of these people. I have already started to see an increase back in mask wearing and I'm sure it's the fully boosted! Linking todayl @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
I drove past a billboard yesterday that said people with disabilities are 10 times more likely to die of COVID-19. Schedule your booster today. Sponsored by disabilities.org. 🙄🤬 I’m in MI.
Was looking through my father's online health records today through kaiser Permanente and everywhere I clicked they were bombarding him with reminders for flu shots and covid boosters. He has incurable lymphoma! I asked him why he pays hundreds of dollars each month to a company that wants him dead. The steam is still releasing from my ears.
Serious question, how do you know it’s incurable? I have a friend who’s recently been diagnosed with stage 4... she is doing high dose c injections and fenbed among other things.
Follicular lymphoma has no known cure but it's manageable. I should say I don't know that there's no cure, but Big Pharma's AMA and global allopathic medicine offers no cure. They gave him 3 years to live, 8 years ago. We switched him to a high alkaline diet and everything got better and his blood work only improves as he sticks to the diet, so maybe there is one.