Thanks for saying it. One of the better straight forward pieces on this narcissistic scumbag.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sent…
Thanks for saying it. One of the better straight forward pieces on this narcissistic scumbag.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from scumbag narcissists. This is not even an apology it is more gaslighting. The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice. Crimes were and are still being committed. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred. 'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
This notion of "sorry" has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is appalling and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed. Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of millions and an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic.
I don't believe we should even be in a conversation about "forgiveness" at this point- we need justice. Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.
"Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes."
Thanks for saying it. One of the better straight forward pieces on this narcissistic scumbag.
These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.
It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from scumbag narcissists. This is not even an apology it is more gaslighting. The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice. Crimes were and are still being committed. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred. 'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.
This notion of "sorry" has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is appalling and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed. Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of millions and an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic.
I don't believe we should even be in a conversation about "forgiveness" at this point- we need justice. Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.
"Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes."
No thanks.