Best paragraph of the year so far GC!

In a decade or less, all of these girls are going to turn on their Spotify “Best of Taylor Swift” playlists, light some candles in their trailers (Blackrock will own all homes), drink a bottle of ripple blanc, and get creampied by their low-T beta boyfriends with low-quality low-motility jizzum over and over and over.

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It was a great paragraph, but I am skeptical about the "over and over" part. I'll grant GC poetic license on this though...

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Oh, I thought this was pretty funny:

"Sorry I can’t offer any Super Male Vitality or Brain Force Ultra at this time. The Chicoms have stolen everything and we’re all out of stock. I hope my words and ideas will suffice."

I don't know if I should be happy or sad that I understand the reference.

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I was wondering if he any more of that Brawndo.

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Really we should be skeptical it will happen at all. They’ll all be so feminised with next to no testosterone... and by then the designer babies ‘grown’ in artificial wombs will be for sale so it’s a win-win for all!

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I had the same thought.

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This paragraph is peak GC. In my minds eye I can picture the breaking badish Winnebago parked on the side of an LA freeway. The girl full of tattoos and with purple streaks in her hair drinking from a box of cheap wine. Her soyboy boyfriend sitting on the couch with a VR headset on and his limp dick in his hand. When does the movie come out???

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Great movie. Hospitals are not much different then that today, and we already have the kids going to Butt Fuckers. Sitting on a toilet seat while eating and watching videos can’t be that far behind.

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Exactly right. I see this twit pushing the double jab as if it were getting two different candies at the same time. What a couple of whores they are. I will say that the military is the other pusher in this gladiatorial shit show. Military everything at every one of the sporting events. Tanking the troops for keeping us safe from the Muslim hoards that never were! 911 was an inside job in order to bring about the Patriot Act, that brought about the wars, that took away our rights. Your choices are now paper or plastic, take it or leave it. Kelsie acts like a dolt in the insurance commercial with Mahomes, but I do not think he is acting lol. So, if the military is the DOD, and it is, then the DOD financed the research for the jabs, and they did, then all the teams involved, and that is all of them are whores for both, and sellouts for the money. The matrix must be a happy place for the swifties, and all the believers in the covid lies. Sports have become a religion, and the fanatics are the ministers who know nothing about reality, and everything about the teams do not realize how stupid they are. Critical thought not necessary.

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Haha. He probably isn't acting which makes him an even cheaper whore. Spot on with the military faux Patriotism recruitment circle jerks at NFL games and... "911 was an inside job in order to bring about the Patriot Act, that brought about the wars, that took away our rights. "

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What did they want? The vaxx.

What did they create? K0VID.

What did they want? The Patriot Act

What did the create: 9/11

How many more events in history can we do this with?

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Everything is fixed and a racket. That is how that asshole got, "wide open" on the football field. The entertainment/music racket is just as fixed as big-time sports. Swift migrated to Nashville at the tender age of 15 with just a guitar and a few songs. In less than two months, Swift was accepted by and working with some of the biggest song writing teams in Nashville's state of the art recording studios, a mega million dollar music market. That is according to the scripted narrative which is just Hebraic, errant nonsense. Things like that don't happen in this world. Swift is obviously bloodline connected as are all mega stars carefully catapulted to the apex of the entertainment dung heap. Nothing organic about it. It's all fabricated and contrived, Freemason style. "Her" other prerequisite for fame and fortune is the salient fact that Swift is a male to female transsexual androgyne. You'd be hard pressed to find a superstar, celebrity scumbag who is not, either male to female or female to male. I've seen photos of Swift as a child and it was unmistakable. I was looking at a boy with a female hair style. Aside from biological, physical male traits from head to toe, the real clincher was a photo of Swift at a beach wearing a tight bathing suit. Plain as day, there was a lump between "her" legs at the crotch. I guess that explains why Swift is childless. Guys just can't seem to get knocked up. And like all of them, trash though they be, Swift does not pen "her" own tunes, the audial abominations that blare on Pop radio. Likewise for the so-called "music" on the recordings. The Yids have always had a stable of in-house session musicians to lay tracks down on the tunes written by their in-house songwriters for their music machine. In fact, most of it is computer driven nowadays. This is the matrix of Talmudic, perverse, inverted delusions. Enjoy, dumb Goy.

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Haha. I was waiting for the tranny line and there it is. But ive read there's some connection on her

Mommagers side to whatever pedophile cult runs entertainment.

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Doubtless there is, GC, alomg with a plethora of other depraved family secrets. Notice that many of the androgynes have "swing" names. Taylor could be a name for a guy or girl. However, "her" handle should be changed to, "Tranny Swift".

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I have lived with that problem all of my life since my mother named me Dana after Dana Andrews, who she liked. UGH!

There are so many other people with so many other of those "bisexual" names that suffer from that too.

It is one of the many burdens we bear from our stupid parents.

I could change my first name, but it actually comes in handy since the matrix doesn't know which gender I am! Keep them guessing!

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Many years ago I was stunned to learn that Beverly is a "Swing" name that can be used for either gender, though I can't imagine any sane parents naming their son Beverly. Apparently some do it because I once read an article by a man with that first name.

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Some names that can be either/or are 50/50, like Taylor or Dana, but Beverly is clearly feminine? I would definitely change my name from Beverly, if I was masculine, and I never saw any man named Beverly. What matters most is if they were given that name by their parents or purposely took it?

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I saw a photo of the guy. I can't recall his surname as this was many years ago but his first name was definitely Beverly. Maybe his parents really wanted a daughter instead of a son. I think he was a fool for not changing it as soon as he was legally able to do so.

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EGI is full of disinfo to make the subject look insane but no there is absolutely doubt about this one

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Hereticdrunmer, After reading Cathy O’Brien’s book, “Trance Formation of America” where she speaks of her MK Ultra abuse and the role Nashville played and is still playing in it, I’ve wondered about Swift ever since. Can’t say I know anything about what’s between her legs and don’t care. I’m not buying Swift and this player’s relationship for one second, especially after seeing his kill shot commercial. Cathy also spoke of Dodger games being rigged and players being recruited from 3rd world countries and being mind controlled. Enjoyed the article GC

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The city should be renamed, Trashville, Audrey. People erroneously think the rock music world is decadent while its counterpart in Country is wholesome but nothing could be further from the truth. The realm of country music is filled with violence, pedophilia, incest, murder, rape, and trannys, inter alia. All of the genres are owned and controlled by the same cabal of satanic, black magic, occultist sorcerers. Professional sports, including Division One college which is just semi-pro, have always been fixed as they are inextricably entwined with the billion dollar gambling industry. The system makes the insiders and major high rollers a killing. With today's high tech, employing such tricks as tiny magnets inside of game balls to move and direct them at will, contest fixing has never been easier.

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Yes, been down this rabbit hole for the past 5+ years. It’s so disgusting.

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This is the Devil's world, Audrey. That salient fact is only denied by morons and cowards. The Devil and his kids. I'll refrain from naming that particular tribe as it is glaringly apparent to any discerning soul.

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Now I have to look at some pictures of this tail-er switch girl. Maybe I’ll even listen to 30 seconds or so of her latest hit song.

I guess professional football is the same as pro wrestling. The contest totally faked and the winner predetermined.

The good citizen laid open some bare bones in this one. :).

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Pro football is the same as pro wrestling. Big sports are fixed at the behest of the billion dollar gambling industry. And big politics is fixed just as well. Politics is just another division of entertainment in the Tribe's fabricated matrix of "Reality."

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Spiciest Swift take of all time. Take a bow. Shocking how one woman getting married and pregnant might spark a baby boom and TFR recovery, but let’s see what her handlers have in store. The clock is ticking...

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I actually think thay are more sinister. I think the play goes like this: he's going to string her along and then come out as gay. More of the Men are Pigs project.

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A match made in the board room.

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They even had the Bills have Damar run a fake punt in the 2nd half from inside their own half. I guess that plot line of Damar rebirth had a low Q value, so it flatlined.

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That pairing seemed so obvious from the start (not to the masses but to “us.”) They needed an NFL spokesperson because Hamlin was a train wreck for them. And a top drawer lure— because who even heard of Kelce before he “met” Swift? And it’s all about getting them young. It seems to have worked. Those tweens and teens will forever associate their young-person passion and angst with double-injections.

And sports at this level have always been fixed. Way too many hundreds of millions riding on the outcomes to not ensure viewership and select victories.

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Funny, in that devastating way things can be funny.

Manufactured world gotta manufacture. So many things are falling away during peak absurdity, at least I won't miss FB. Or Taylor Swift, whose popularity was perplexing to me so I assumed a 'spell' was involved.

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The narrative concerning the “holocaust” and the “six million Jews” that supposedly perished was so expertly spun that I think it’s actually imbedded into the baby boomer DNA. I find it incredibly curious that the exact same six million perished Jews narrative can be found in many news articles and headlines post WW1, 1918/19. EVERY group lost many in those world Wars. Kharazian’s and their tentacles have almost a complete stranglehold on the West. Sad that you lost anybody’s support for writing truth. Truth has become the rarest and in my mind the most valuable commodity on earth. I always appreciate your views and the truth of your content.

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Thanks Maxx. I appreciate the kind words and support. I lived 45 minutes from Auschwitz for 8 years and found out a lot by just wanting to know the truth. Unfortunately the programming on the subject runs so deep on Americans that they'd rather believe the lies. Imagine events so horrific that if you dare question them you are imprisoned in 19 European countries. No censorship laws in all of history were ever passed to protect truth.

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Thought experiment. Picture yourself in Yankee stadium with a totally full house of 50,000 people. All 5 decks completely full, and looking around deliberately, row by row, section by section, deck by deck. Now, consider that it takes like, 6-8 hours to cremate a body. Picture the ovens at Auschwitz, cremating a few bodies at a time, 6-8 hours each. Consider, in your mind's eye, slowly, how long it would take, row by row, section by section. deck by deck,. all 5 decks, to cremate every one of those people. A long, long time. Months? Years?. Now, realize that to accomplish the task of 6 million, you would have to cremate Yankee Stadium 120 TIMES!! Just sayin'.

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From what I’ve read the Russians never found any incinerators in the camps. I’m sure many died of starvation and disease but I don’t know how many if any were cremated.

That said the Zionists and banking Jews hide behind this 6,000,000,000 figure to this day. How many Palestinians are they going to murder and it’s ok become of WWII, and the Nazi death camps. - wew don’t know if that came out right.

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The "extermination" camps were all liberated by the soviets who had an agenda to make the Nazis look as evil as possible. To the victors go the narratives. Nuremberg was handed over to the soviets with mostly jewish lawyers. They never filmed any liberation of Auschwitz. Later they reenacted it and filmed a propaganda version used to this day with actors. That's what elon saw on his humiliation tour. The red cross dispatches from the camp in 1945 reinforce the revisionist version of events which is labeled "denial" and can get you years in prison if you repeat them in half of EU countries. Yes, and now they still hide behind it to justify their own genocide.

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As far as I know, FDR and Churchill (curse their little souls) never mentioned any extermination camps, or programs, in thousands of pages of memoirs, etc. You would think that would be near the top of the list, but somehow they missed it. The Russians did a quick, hack construction job at Awitz to create the illusion that the clothing delousing area was intended for mass gassing Jews. Fast forward to today, and you never hear the end of ''it.'' In the recent ICJ genocide case against Israel, when it was Israel's turn to present their defense, it wasn't more than 10-15 seconds in that they referred to ''The'' holocaust. Because, you know, they understand genocide. Right.

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Exactly. Neither did Eisenhower. The worst aspect is that Zionists played both Nazis and Bolshies against eachother, one to get European jews to the "promised land" and the other to frame their victim narrative post-war to use a currency for whatever they want. Didn't matter how many died on both sides to accomplish their ethnostate. And they're behind the migratory invasion of Europe and the US. Oh sorry, that's the "Chicoms".

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GC, your reply, to this comment above, came thru on my email but it's not showing here, oddly. Anyway, I agree with your reply 100%. I sometimes use the above experiment as an example, for the brainwashed, to illustrate how preposterous the 6 million figure is. From there, maybe they'll start to dig a little deeper. Dat's it.

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Mr Free Speech Elon just did an obligatory tour of A Witz, accompanied by Squeaky Ben Shapiro and surrounded by tiny hats. It was covered by Kim Iverson on youtube yesterday. It's worth a watch, just to see the body languages and the incredible gift that was presented to Musk by the ''organizers,'' as well as the film they made him watch....'' would the 'holocaust' have happened if there was social media at the time?'' Check it out. Thanks for another classic, GC.

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We have Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Newsome and others with social Media. The greatest flaw with the human race is how easy it is to manipulate most. Also with wife kids and job compliance is a given.

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I'm an old fart, but that isn't the reason that I don't know a single song by her, nor have I ever seen the football player before the constant posts and blurbs I see about him in alt media outlets. If it is true that they are part and parcel of the genocide shot, I suspect they are too stupid to know it.

But swing they must with all the others who forced this Armageddon on us.

And again, when the prosecutions are over and they are needing the man to pull the levers that make them swing, I'm available.

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17 million dead or more. We'll never know the true figure after all the turbo cancers run their course and all those babies are never conceived. I say it's time to bring back Catherine's Wheel.

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Over 2 years ago I was saying the same types of things on substacks (the gallows tender). I knew instinctively that something foul was afoot and told my wife early on that this was intentional genocide and eventually this will be known.

No one is calling me a kook now. Progress.

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What is Catherine's Wheel?

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Super job with the insights. Too bad they don't take the real shots, and then we wouldn't have to be endlessly assaulted with their stupid faces. Pfizer knows that it would be good for business to have their love children pitching over dead with heart attacks, or end up in wheelchairs with their limbs jerking around like tree branches in a tornado.

Look at her early pics and you'll know her boobs now are as phony as her giant horse teeth flashing out of her gaping maw.

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Holy Lambchops, I laughed so many times during this one! Bravo from this Ram Fan!

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I always thought that Pfizer threw in Swift as part of the compensation for doing the clot shot commercial. But I'm sure that it was just coincidence that she just showed up at that time.

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Probably. And she's splitting the commercial royalties with the network.

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Ugh, vomit

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When I was in college, all of the guys were in love with Taylor Swift. Now parts of my extended family are fans. I have never liked her music.

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I asked my neice what music she liked, hoping she wouldn't say her name. Thankfully she didn't so I asked her... "Oh, no way! She sucks!" It was a relief.

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My 36 year old brother likes her. It's always been very strange to me.

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“Just kidding. They can’t read.” 🫳🎤

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Yeah, I busted out laughing at that one too.

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