The actions of the Tribe tell you to never trust a Hebrew. The actions of Mike Johnson tell you to never trust an evangelical christian. Both are suicidal and homicidal cults. And while I am at it, never trust anyone unless they have proven themselves trustworthy, and make them earn that trust with every interaction. Yes, I am also talking to you Trump cultists.

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A fine and sensible list Mr. Lucky. I would just add, "a Kennedy who flew on Epstein's jet, and whose exwife was friends with Ghislaine Maxwell and died by suicide."

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Thank you for your reply. And yes, add RFK Jr. to the untrustworthy list. He has been correct on only one issue: The Trump kill shot.

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I am pretty sure that this quote from the 10th Protocol, located at the end of the chapter speaks volumes for what is going on this very day.

But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relationship with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INNOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the (masses) see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.

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Feb 7, 2024
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He needs to be FIRED. He doesn't have a position that needs impeaching. He's an EMPLOYEE of the government. All I can say is, train, be armed and be ready to protect yourself, your family and anyone in the immediate vicinity if need be. I literally am carrying in my own home! And I never leave home without a fully outfitted AR 10 locked in my rig.

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Impeachment is a message, and an important one. Zionist speaker of the House did as his masters dictated, and made sure the vote failed. And about guns.....they certainly did a lot of good when they stole the election, they certainly did a lot of good when they started burning down the food processing plants, they certainly did a lot of good when Orange Jesus declared national emergency, locked down the country, gave the democrat governors cover, allowed ANTIFA, and BLM to burn down cities. So, its ok to imagine that guns will save you, but so far they have stopped nothing.

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My guns will save me. I didn't witness any of what you just posted anywhere near where I live. So if you don't want to train and be armed to protect yourself... that's on you. Guns don't do anything. PEOPLE need to get off their fat asses in those besieged areas and deal with it. When BLM came to Harrison, AR back then, they were met with LOTS Of guys and gals with guns. They didn't burn down shit in my town. As for impeachment? What message does it send. Fire the bastard. I could care less if he is impeached. Why would the average person give a flying rats ass?

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Feb 7, 2024
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Are the bots infiltrating Substack now (following 150+ Substacks)? I'm here for the long term since I love your writing and calling out propaganda. I officially joined the flock!

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Thanks Moody!!

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Well, if you do shutdown the stack, you don't have to refund anything to me. I hope it works out better in the future. I really like your content. Probably my favorite stack TBH.

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That's high praise. Thank you 🙏

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Same here. No refund necessary. Perhaps we should start buying gift subscriptions for family and friends.

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The Tribe created the Evangelical movement, and here is how it was done: https://www.unz.com/estriker/americas-church-the-invention-of-the-evangelical-christian-movement/

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Great piece. Whitney Webb has a similar one exposing American evangelicals on Mint Press News from 2019.

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Excellent! Glad you enjoyed it.

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I sent Striker's piece to my Zio-Evangelical neighbor who jumped out through his own asshole "...to get back at me..."

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Fact is, psychopathic control freak parasites have infiltrated every institution of our society. The whole of the west is going down the toilet and it is at the point where the toilet is making the sucking sound.

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I'm here for the long term GC, Thanks for the senior discount. It makes a difference. I love your writing and your observations. I hope we never lose you

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Thanks Alex! Welcome to flock meadow.

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The thought of those bastards watching western women on onlyfans really erks me. Glad to see you support Dr. Shiva, GC. I got a bumper sticker in the mail. I'm gonna get his "systems" book next, I should have just ordered it then. Shiva is so hardcore, I love it. He called Bobby Kennedy, Booby Kennedy! Hahaha. Shiva's the real deal, we're lucky to have him.

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''Booby.'' that's pretty mild. He used to just call him a scum bag.

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He's not wrong! You've known of Dr. Shiva for awhile??

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I agree, and yes, I've known of Dr. Shiva since 2000.

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Wow, dude. That's awesome. I first seen him in 2015 or so, before the YouTube censorship purge. He's the real deal....or at least I hope so. I always have a hard time throwing all my chips into one basket for anything in life. Shiva seems legit though.

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He seems to be trying his best, but he's got no chance in this rigged system. I used to watch his videos a lot. Since then, I've gone deaf and don't/can't follow him anymore. He's the one that woke me up to RFK, and others, as imposters in the ''medical freedom'' movement. I agree that he's for real, at least outwardly, but he does seem to have an outsized ego. That being said, in a sane world I'd certainly prefer him over anything that's running in this selection.

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Yeah, I agree with what you said about his ego and about choosing him over anybody else these days and yeah, he's aware he can't win in this rigged system. Most recently he said he is trying to save the way for others like himself.

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Brilliant. Bye bye Bobby.

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Nooo! Don't ever move on to different pastures! I have learned so much from you. Your content is a welcome surprise gift whenever I get an email with your latest work. Your content, apparent integrity, brilliant mind, emotional intelligence, style of writing, and voice are worth exponentially more than the measly $7 per month (or whatever it is). The problem is that being a noticer among non-noticers (or full-on ostriches) is lonely, and doesn't lend itself to helping cultivate your flock with referrals. I WISH I had someone I could refer you to. So I'm a dead end in that regard, but I do feel my Good Citizen education has had a clandestine, yet positive, ripple effect in my world. Coincidentally, I heard Jeff Buckley's version just this afternoon on my local (super left) public radio station that I listen to only because at least they play good music. That song, and version especially, makes me stop what I'm doing and silently weep every time. But, like, for hope, and an existence beyond the mainstream that allows peace and joy because we see the truth. We need you to continue to expose the truth. And also to learn about life in far flung places, caring for aging parents, the nostalgia of playing in a rock band, and various other things that make up GC and instill integrity and humanism (and humor) to your content. Although anonymously, which I think is what lends to credibility (and likely safety). Thank you for all your hard work!

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Thanks IT. It's A lonely world among the noticing flock. There's been a positive response in a short time today so I'm encouraged to march forth. That song gets me too. Every time no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I'll stop and marvel, and let it capture me all the way to those last haunting hallelujahs when the shivers go up my spine.

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GC, if you need to pull the trigger on #3 please do NOT refund me one shekel.😏 I hope it doesn’t come down to that but in case it does my small contribution is all yours. 🤙

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Thanks Spek. A Good Citizen til' the end. "Wolverines!"

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Fuk yes GC🤙

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GC is an immensely gifted writer

rabbi trump...we spent 7 trillion in the mid east. and if trump was president all that time it would be 70 trillion spent for pissrael

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F Israel. Bunch of Parasites.

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I hope you continue to write for us. This is one of my favorite stacks which I am always excited to see pop up in my notifications. I enjoy your clever prose and insight. Regarding Israel, I used to live in Washington DC where I worked for the Federal Government. Every Office of the US Federal Bureaucracy is infiltrated by Jews so their control is no surprise. Now I live in Los Angeles where I have witnessed their control of the propaganda arm of the US Empire.

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I joined the flock after a piece you wrote on Ukraine about two years ago. You were the only one I that I could see calling out the BS for what it was. I don't always agree, or even know enough on a topic you cover to agree or disagree, but so what? You make me think (as do many who write comments) and for that I'm grateful. I hope you stick around.

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Good evening Good Citizen, it's been a pleasure getting to know you. Looking forward to many more years together, always benefiting from your nsights served up with a helping of wit. Have learned much from this relationship over the last couple of years. Many thanks. Take this to the bank, I'll be resubscribing when the contract come up. Think I will be one among the many. Blessing upon you.

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Thank you Barbara!

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Mossad likely complicit in murdering his uncle and father. He seems scared of something.

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Definitely scared is in there.

Still he ran on transparency and telling the truth. He'd be better off dropping out and illuminating the rat's nest that is the political world.

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Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead. Bravo, GC! In for a penny, in for a pound.

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