Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Being uncool in this rotting culture is just the best. Welcome to the club. Here's looking at you, kid.

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Being uncool is cool.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I know what you are on about GC, even though I am not familiar with any of the names. I suppose that is the result of being both old, and a hermit of sorts, but I have known that western culture is on a fast slope downward, and personally I hope that happy horizon is not a decade away, but arriving much sooner. Just pray that that horizon is not loaded up with mushroom clouds.

Like you, I try to avoid the camera, (even have a piece of black tape over the one on my computer since I believe they can be remotely activated), but having never visited any of my daughter's facebook pages, I have no idea what they have posted in my name. I do know that most every intersection has cameras, and the denser populated a city is, the more eyes that are on you.

Meanwhile, here on the hunkerdown the circle of life goes on, and I have a week old goat that I'm bottle feeding---such things do happen with new mamas ---so I best get up off my ass, and get to work again.

Thanks for the good writing GC, world needs more of it.

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Black electrical tape is a must on the laptop. Started it about a decade ago after Snowden. Sounds like you're far enough away from all the madness surrounded by beautiful new life. Enjoy!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I also have black electric tape over the camera on my laptop.

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" Just pray that that horizon is not loaded up with mushroom clouds. "

I used to do the same, JVC, but I've changed my thinking about nuclear power and weapons. Have you ever heard of Galen Winsor? He worked at a fairly high level in the nuclear power industry post WWII, and he had a very interesting perspective on the "dangers" of nuclear waste and radioactive fallout.

Essentially, he acknowledged that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan are powerful and dangerous - but in the short term, not the long term. (Note that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both safe, healthy cities to live in today.) He also argued that nuclear power is far safer than we've been told, and that nuclear "waste" is really an extremely valuable energy source.

If you're interested, this 45 minute video from a talk he gave in 1982 will give you some food for thought:


So don't worry about the mushroom clouds (unless you are really close by!), but do, definitely, keep that black electrical tape on your computer. I do the same! No one needs to know what I look like when I stumble onto my computer first thing in the morning, except my poor husband.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I'm jealous that you were able to ignore all of it for 20 years... as the Mom of a "millenial" and a "Gen Z'r" - I'm surrounded by this shit - especially with the 21 year old whose face is becoming permanently implanted in his phone screen with Tik Tok videos coming out the wazooo..... I have talked to both my kids - as in "do you know what China is doing with your images/information when you post to Tik Tok" - and yes it is videos of them dancing - but fully dressed, thank God.. and both say to me "it doesn't matter, they already know everything about us anyway". These kids truly don't understand the potential implications and have been so bombarded by these sick cultural "influencers" like the gross Cardi B that their brains are warped. When my daughter went to see "Duo Lipa" last year - I literally said to her - who the fuck is that? Yet - still I try.... because I'm that naive Mom - thinking I could forestall the inevitable reach of cultural rot - who monitored every tv show they watched, had parental controls on tv's and all devices, neither of my kids had a phone until they were 14 and even then - it was a track phone with no internet access and only for my peace of mind.... (and to think, I would be sent out the door with a dime in my shoe for the pay phone....and my mother giving me strict orders not to return home until it was lunch time or if it was winter - until I my mittens were soaked - all to be sent right back out the door after a quick tuna sandwich and a change of mittens and told to be home when the streetlights came on). My idea of cultural heroes was David Cassidy - whom I would kiss full on the lips of his giant poster adorning my room and tell him I loved him and reading the Partridge Family album covers from front to back over and over..) My kids do love "my music" as they say - the great 70's groups like Fleetwood Mac, Led Zepplin, Queen,..... and they do tell me all the time that the wish they grew up in the 70's and 80's like me...... similar, in many ways to a post Soviet Russia..... Oh -- but they have ....no....idea.....

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Lol "who the fuck is that sweetie?" I remember the dime in the penny loafers trick. The good ole days. One day they'll see the rot too and remember mom was right.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Lol...the language I use with my kids....has progressed over the years. Probably wouldn't have dropped the f-bomb when she was 15 but at 25 - it works well. There's really no other word as apt when you want to highlight a specific level of befuddlement.....as in - what the Fuck, who the Fuck, how the Fuck..... my kids tend to know I mean business at that point! Good news though - both my kids often agree with me when it comes to the cultural shit storm of their generation....not 100% - but I take my wins where I can get em.....!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It was Bobby Sherman that did it for me! And Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows.

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Bobby Sherman! 💋💘❤💕❣💋

I watched "Dark Shadows" everyday after school! I liked it best when they were in the 1800s instead of the 1970s. Best Soap Opera EVER!!! Ask any other 12/13 year old! 😂🤣😂🤣

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

And Bobby Sherman was so sweet. I even watched the 70‘s series very loosely based on Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, “Here Come the Brides”, in which he played the youngest brother. Be still my heart! Lol

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Yep. My family watched, "Here Come the Brides," every week, until it got cancelled.

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Although I was just a kid I thought it was a great program. Loved the historical setting. And the theme song in the opening credits was great!


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Thanks for that link! 1968.

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You totally get it! Lol And yes, stories set in the past were typically better than the modern day stuff. All that Angelique stuff was high art soap opera.

I bought the book series, the comics, the bubblegum packs that came with little posters. Went to see both movies at my local cinema. Jonathan Frid was my crush for years.

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I got a few of the bubblegum cards, but not many. No $$. 😂 They got disappeared over the years.

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Love it! Especially because when I was around 5 or 6 and starting to pay more attention to adult music, the very first record that I begged my Mom to buy for me was - Bobby Sherman's "Julie, do ya love me"! I played that record constantly! GC probably realizes now that his excellent and very appropriate rant about today's "culture" - has taken many of us down memory lane!

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"Julie, Julie, Julie, do ya love me?

Julie, Julie, Julie, do ya care?

Julie, Julie, are ya thinkin' of me?

Julie, Julie, will ya still be there?"


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I had that album. ❤️ Had to have it in my Junior High years. The fact my name is Julie really sold it, obviously. Lol

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Yep. Had the album. I'd sit and stare at the cover pic. 😂

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50's and 60's were great. Had to comb the Baldwin Hills gully for pix of naked wimmin.

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Reject post modernism. Embrace classicism. Latin, Greek, Gregorian chant, Bach, Euclid, and Euler will heal your mind. This is why they have been deliberately excised from our "education system".

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I love Gregorian chant and often have YouTube channels with it running to fall asleep to.

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I've had to teach myself advanced math because they don't have graduate level classes at community college and really stupid transfer rules that can have you trapped in community college forever. If my abusive foster parent had only let me apply to a real college...

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Anyone who claims she has has ended up suicided.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Disabling all cell phones might help. Alot. With all the hackers that exist, this would not be that hard. The negative effects would be real, but the positive effects would be realer. Children are growing up looking at this stuff, and porn and it warps the mind.

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It is a mind warper. Louisiana is requiring an ID for access to online porn sites. Now feds will be able to track and collect law-abiding adults private surfing habits tied to DL IDs instead of parents using those parental controls on their kids soma devices for what they were designed. Religious conservatives... always with good intentions, and terrible solutions.

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What teenager won’t find a way to subvert parental controls? Porn is obscenity and is probably already illegal by public standards per Miller v. California (1973). Banning it outright is the solution and only requires political will.

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deletedJan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen
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Lead was banned in gasoline 50 years ago, and the ban forced car buyers to pay more for electronic ignition. Where’s the alternate demand for lead gasoline? 😆 The list is endless.

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It's said the inventor Thomas Midgley Jr. accidentally killed the most people in history:


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I saw that a couple years ago...or so.

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deletedJan 7, 2023Liked by Good Citizen
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Yes, wasn't there a study on the correlation of lead emissions and rise in violent crime, including emergence of serial killers?


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Alternate places like what? Porno dens? Libertarian mumbo jumbo.

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Porn was non-existent prior to Miller and its preceding decision. The masses did not rise up to meet demand. Porn was regarded universally as morally abhorrent, so the pornographers themselves created the demand, starting in the era of videotape, cable, and mass-distributed print, but exploding with the internet.

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Cardi B is a streptococcus infection isn't it?

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Hahaaha. And they said the A strain of it was bad.

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In my naivety I looked it up. I do believe you're correct in your assessment.

But after further research I've come to the conclusion that she's closely related to the Duo Lipa.

I'll post my findings below. Compliments of Wiki.

Streptococcus is a genus of gram-positive coccus or spherical bacteria that belongs to the family Streptococcaceae, within the order Lactobacillales, in the phylum Bacillota. Cell division in streptococci occurs along a single axis, so as they grow, they tend to "FORM PAIRS" or chains that may appear bent or twisted.

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I would've thought it was an abbreviation for some "rare" cardiac adverse effect of Pfizer/Moderna

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lmao.......the clap, perhaps?

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I gave up on the Hollyweird pop culture crap over two decades ago, myself.

Misanthropy hit about a decade ago.

Now. I just try to tend to my dirt and my critters while it seems the stench from this bloated culture just get's worse every day. Thank God I'm upwind.

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Upwind is always good.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I’ve never understood selfies and have only taken a few. I’ve never described it as shame but yeah that’s what it feels like and I don’t need anymore of that in my life. Don’t understand the constant need to advertise one’s life to whomever may take a peek. The fact that ppl are making money from this shameful behavior is both brilliant and bogus. When will this end?

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Can they create a bioweapon that selects for narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths? That would mean targeting themselves. sigh...

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Wouldn't that be the best?!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The laughable War on Drugs could never contain America's massive dopamine addiction! Hits of this powerful drug are freely distributed by likes/shares & comments on one's craftily scripted "life" as reflected on social media. Influencer or fangirl/fanboy alike. Seriously, were "duck lips" EVER a thing before FB or IG--and did that stupid fad not explode from influencers with botox-gone-bad selfies, pretending it was somehow "sexy"?! Years later, we still see women of all ages mimicking that cringeworthy facial pose any time a camera whips out...

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Lips so injected with chemicals for bloating. an epidemic of bee stung lips. And the fake asses with implants. Then tattoos. Endless dermal scarring by choice! Now throw in tainted blood and ugliness has never been so ubiquitous.

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I took 1 selfie once. Then deleted it. I sent it no where. I felt dirty.

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Love being out of the loop in satanic doings.

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Culture has floors. And sub-floors. Once not long ago Negro Jazz was thought trash. Then after WW2 Elvis, Blues, Rock on radio. Then came the 60's and flood gates opened. Now we are here.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Mumble rap, autotune, and face tattoos.

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James, I am not far from age 66. My century began in 1957 at the latest.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I've been saying this ever since Billary denied smoking pot: We Are Sooo F@<ked.

There is no putting the horse back in the barn.

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Me, first seeing the phrase "Megan Thee Stallion" when she apparently promoted a limited offer at McDonald's:

"What the fuck does that mean?"


"But a stallion is a male horse."


"Fuck, am I old?"

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Perhaps Megan Thee Stallion is just another way to confuse kids in terms of gender.

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Transgender male-to-female human identifies as a transgender female-to-male animal of some sort (like that trans Twitch streamer who identified as "deerkin" and wore antlers like a male deer even though they were a mtf transgender so shouldn't antlers give them gender dysphoria?)

I feel like that should be on Tumblr's master list of genders, I'd call it a "gendermatryoshka"

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Welp, they do make it hard. Googled Dua Lipa and, although no lesbian fad, it sure churns out the basest feeling. I guess that's the point, anyway. When you're thinking with the lower head you aren't thinking at all.

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Western Civilization's collapse can be viewed through its art. We've gone from Caravaggio, Rembrandt, and Reubens to the garbage of Pollock, Rothko, and too many other "artists" to mention.

Pope Benedict often mentioned that a pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true will lead one to God. It's no surprise that our faithless western world is assailing each path to the transcendent.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Good Citizen, I commented earlier, but after turning off my computer, I just have to come back in and add how much I enjoy your writing and ability to capture reality in a way few others can. I wish I could meet you in person and embrace you. You are a gem, even in this virtual way that we communicate. Love to you.

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Thank you alison. 😊

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I'm so ignorant of today's culture (deliberately so) I don't know how to take photos on my old flip phone or transfer them to my computer, nor do I recognize most of the names of 'celebrities' on my news feed. I'm astonished and appalled at how low our culture has sunk and I miss Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day and cleanliness and decency. Thank you GC for the excellent article, and for validating me for becoming a recluse.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Until last year, I thought Channing Tatum was female.

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Who is Channing Tatum?

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supposedly it's a he, and he is an "actor."


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They all are reversable, depending on their feelz.

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Oh, yeah, he's a he. He's gorgeous! But, he is also very 10 years ago.

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Not female, just a bottom.

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A pretty hot bottom! 😁

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Have you noticed how many actors have gender-neutral names? Some say they "transitioned" (male to female, female to male), and the name would be an indication of it. I don't know, but it sounds plausible, especially when you study their features with a more critical eye. Considering the agenda of confusing and blending the genders, it would make sense that what the screen presents to us reflects that and programs our minds at a subliminal level to become unable to tell the difference between what looks like a male and a female.

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