There has been many a coup d'état for lesser things than what we are now experiencing. Seems the lions are hypnotised by these shamans in suits - I mean the lions who are in a place of authority (militarily, politically, socially).
So many times we've had conversations like "Someone is going to take that guy out!" but nothing happens. Are the walls too high? Are the inner circles so loyal? And where is the equivalence to the French underground? Where are the young lions with their computer hacking savvy launching strategic counterinsurgencies? Or are they too busy doing that in a benign virtual game that they have no motivation to do it in reality?
Thanks for the great article Good Citizen - I wish it could be lit like a Molotov cocktail and tossed into the middle of a WEF conference!
It's a pleasure to read your articles. I am portuguese and i don't speak english properly. I hope you understand my words. You have a beautifull soul. Thank you.
Sheep are sheep, and nothing can change that. They do not want freedom, and if you attempt to lead them out of captivity they will turn on you and kill you. I have lost long time friends over the COVID insanity. You might say I need better friends, and that is certainly true in some cases. However, I was a different man 30 years ago when these people came into my life and became my close friends. During the scamdemic, I attempted to save them with logic and facts, and they responded with hysterical overreaction and walked out of my life. Something lost and something gained. At least now, I know who has my back and who cannot be trusted when the chips are down. Moral of my story, you cannot save anyone, let me repeat that so that it may sink cannot save anyone. And furthermore, the lions are gone in the West. They have been bought off, silenced and emasculated. Strong men and women (lions) still exist in Russia, and that is one of the reasons why the West wants to destroy that noble country.
Thanks for your original comment, it touched me. My social circle was gone too. Luckily not my stepsons tho, even though they are vaccinated, and my sister and father have not abandonef me, although they are steeped in the narrative. Which is interesting in itself, to have long-term relationships with people so blind too what is happening. Like so many others, I've found another social circle. But it will take a while to develop the long-term relationships that I once had. It's a grieving process for sure, and a necessary shift.
Well said. And I soooo relate. I've lost friends of 40 years, 2 years, it doesn't seem to matter about length or time or closeness or facts and logic, nothing seems to matter, which seems to be explained only by a sort of psychosis, "mass formation," that is a response to TERROR. It's sad, but my compassion wears pretty thin when it comes to stopping this criminality, fraud, and let's be plain: Concentrated Evil. NOT like frozen orange juice. I've been a lion my whole life, and now I'm 61, and I want to DO SOMETHING. The lion"ess" is the Hunter, and she's pissed off. I want to know where the rest of my Pride is, and let's GO.
The days of the Lion are over. One must become the mystic who lives on the fringes of society. Close enough to ply their wares, but not so close as to be caught up in the insanity. This is not going to get any better. The WEF has declared a Great Reset, and they will dramatically reduce the population, and enslave the rest. Only the fringe dwelling mystic has a chance, a slim one, but slim is better than none.
You think living on the fridge will protect you from 5G? I don't think we can just go off and hide from this, no offense intended. I'm not the type to sit around and let people just kill off most of the people on the planet. The days of the Lion haven't started.
"Living on the fridge." I have never lived on a fridge, or any other appliance. Furthermore, I am not suggesting hiding. I am suggesting the path of least resistance. You seem to have a disposition and a desire for conflict. As such, you will draw these types of events into your life. Enjoy your desire to go down fighting. P.S you can't save anyone, and if you try, they will turn against you.
LOL. I didn't realize I said "living on the fridge." It should have been "living IN the fridge." No, I don't really have a disposition or a desire for conflict... not really, but I do enjoy a good argument, when it's not violent. I'm just REALLY REALLY angry and resentful about all this culling the herd and terrorizing everybody, and jabbing little kids and masks and all the rest of the really skanky behavior of the Filthy Fricken Rich, and what's happening to our planet and Bill Fucking Gates and Klown Fucking Schwab. Sorry about all the dirty words, but they help me.
I am part clown and part gladiator, without a sword. I don't even have a red nose. I'm FRUSTRATED and TIRED of the bullshit.
You don't understand that things move in cycles. The West sees a linear path in time and the East sees a cyclical path in time. As such, events repeat. Every 24,000 years there is global catastrophy on this planet, many die and the cycle starts again. That time is now. This is the Great Age of Darkness, (the Kali Yuga) and it is coming to an end. The Globalists will win for now and there is nothing you can do to stop them, but Winter is coming and in the late 2020s the Age of Darkness comes to an end, and the Great Purification begins. Soon thereafter, a renewal. This is the natural cycle and nothing can speed it up, nor can anything hold it back. Learn to go with the flow or go down fighting.
I've been very fortunate, compared to many, to have friends who did not care either way or even asked if I was vaxxed. Except for a few family members who didn't/don't appreciate my lack of compliance. But I didn't care . Then I got covid, it sucked, I recovered and now I really don't give damn.
You said that you got COVID. How do you know that? How do you even know what COVID actually is? The PCR tests had the cycles jacket up so high that almost anyone would test positive. There was great financial incentive in a positive diagnosis thanks to Orange Judas. His declaring a National Emergency and having Congress pass the "Cares Act" financially incentivized a positive COVID diagnosis. The COVID protocol in the hospital required Remdesivir which shut down the kidneys and caused fluids to accumulate in the lungs, and then the patient was placed on a ventilator which earned the hospital and additional $30,000, and the patient died with a "diagnosis of COVID death, which earned the hospital additional funds. 90% of people placed on a ventilator died.
Well, I'm not convinced there isn't a virus. I came down with a respiratory bug unlike any flu. It was way more intense and the symptoms were more diverse than any flu I've experienced. I felt the difference. Flu is a walk in the park compared to this. I didn't need hospitalization, though. But I wouldn't wish even what I had, on anyone. It really sucked.
That's why I don't particularly doubt Sars cov 2 exists. It's just another coronavirus. I can't comment on where it came from but I don't think it's a hoax per se. Now I don't agree with all the lock downs, masks , authoritarian measures nor the vaccine push that's another thing from acknowledging the existence of a nasty respiratory virus going around. All I know is that I am in excellent health, fit, haven't had the flu in years, took supplements and it still sucked. It's possible my body hasn't seen a virus quite like this before (limited cross-inmunity) or that I have some unknown immune system issue that made it worse. The issue I have is that it's the measures that were taken were/are authoritarian and ineffective. I'm not telling others what they should or should not do regarding their personal risk assessment so it doesn't really matter to me, some folks get no symptoms, others get it worse regardless of 'vaccination' (mRNA transfections). The one thing that is clear is that if people try to scare me with covid horror stories, I tell them I've already had it.
Here's my take after copious research for two years:
Yes, there is a "virus," or some kind of little critter. It's been patented (Big Pharma has destroyed the law that made it impossible to patent LIFE) and is a bioweapon, and I suspect it's been loosed on us via the Persistent Aerosol Spraying they do almost daily where I live. No apologies for this idea, I don't CARE if anyone want to say I'm a "conspiracy theorist," because frankly, we're WAY beyond that shit nowadays. There are LOADS of conspiracies, I expect most people reading this page know that, and if someone doesn't know that yet, they're probably masked...
Now: If you were trying to cull BILLIONS of civilians (great name for a band, eh?) would you use ONE tool, or several? uh huh. So, after you've toxified the FOOD system and for Covid, made a fake supply problem, what else can you do? Oh, I know, FAKE medicine that actually harms. (P-harma). And then, previously setting the stage for this, dumb everybody down, and spray them for decades with heavy metals like aluminum... Practice your vaccine game on them for a few decades, too, and put nasty shit there that causes problems, and force all the kids who have to go to public schools to be jabbed COPIOUS times before they're even old enough to go. Trick the elderly by giving them "flu shots" instead of getting them out in the sunshine, healthy food, good social, exercise, etc etc. Then, pretend there's a scary pandemic, use fake tests (the PCR has NEVER been a "test" at all. It simply makes more of something. It doesn't find disease, nor infection), fake knowledge (a "virus" is really a made-up, pretended scary critter, when it's actually an exosome, a cell that is created BY THE BODY, only when there is toxicity or poisoned cells, and helps the body to clean them out. Terrain Theory, not Germ Theory-- "Contagion" has never been proven.), lies about Nature "attacking" us and trying to kill us, when it's simply a matter of being healthy in the winter, via good diet, social connection, enough exercise, sunshine or Vit. D supplements, along with other nutrients that SHOULD be in our food but are being deleted from our topsoil by synthetic pesticides... So... We get "flu season" because of HOW WE LIVE, not because of "viruses," that is a myth designed to SELL VACCINES.
But this Covid business is not about vaccines, it's about inoculations that might kill you, might make you infertile, or might be saline. It's about depopulation (yes, AGAIN), because, and this is my theory, the little cabal of Utterly, Criminally Wealthy Psychopaths running the planet are terrified that too many people ("cattle," they call us) might rise up and kill them! So, like the generations of Psycho Filthy Rich before them, they are trying to not just cull in vast, massive way, and make infertile, and generally treat us like "dumb, stupid animals" -- Kissinger, and keep our numbers manageable. These people cannot feel GUILT, nor compassion, nor any kind of concern for our safety or well-being. The "health and safety" thing is absolute rubbish. They have done EXACTLY what is the WORST response to "Covid," even if it were a true pandemic, with lockdowns and masks, and isolation and the crushing of small and medium-sized businesses, and fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, and TERROR. All these things bring DOWN the immune system. It's NEVER been about "health and safety." And these jabs... Death, maybe. Infertility, maybe. Neurological damage, maybe. You can't just go and kill everybody with a shot, people WOULD figure that out pdq. But look at the life insurance companies, shitting themselves, not in the year BEFORE the jabs, but POST JAB YEAR. More payouts than in maybe 200 years! BIG DEATH INCREASE, folks. Just in case you don't trust all the rest of this info! Okay, sorry if I'm going overboard. First visit, and look what I do... lol Cheers. xo
I agree, it seems like something exists because friends who are very in touch with their body say just like you, that this infection is very different. They can feel it. I think I had Omicron just because my sense of smell was out of whack for a month, and that's never happened before.
I think it can be difficult for people to distinguish a mild Sars cov2 infection from the usual cold (unless they get an odd symptom like yourself)or are very nuanced/sensitive. For those who get a 10 day fever, skin rash etc it's not too difficult to recognize this as something altogether different. When I've had the flu in the past, I could usually watch movies and eat soup. This thing destroyed my appetite and was so agitating I spent most of my time staring at the walls waiting for it to end. Despite how crummy it was, I do not regret avoiding a transfection, nor do I agree with all the other covid shenanigans. But it was, nevertheless, a real yucky experience.
Why is it that hardly anyone seems to notice the obvious?
According to the latest fake news, people can expect "hemorrhaging fever" and or "Ebola" (both are invented illnesses, cover-ups for poisonings). Either way, people will start dropping in the street like flies, with blood spurting out of their orifices.
Remember the protest in Israel when Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) were used against those who protested against the "covid" policies? People dropped in the street with blood spurting from their orifices.
The same result can be produced by turning up the overpowered 5G towers above 30GHz (Is it an accident that the highest-measuring instrument to find out about microwave exposure measures only up to 10GHz, while the radiation starts to become lethal from 30 and up?).
DEWs are primarily for crowd control, but they can target a specific target as well, as it happened to be the case, when Dr. Noack was murdered within seven hours after posting the truth about graphene hydroxide in some of the lethal injections (but 5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, too).
When a "real" pandemic needs to be emulated, 5G towers are the way to go. They can kill all life in selected areas, "proving" the existence of a "lethal virus" and a "pandemic," which will further empower the monsters who have taken over just about everything in the "civilized" world.
Is this, as Bill Gates put it, the real "pandemic that will grab people's attention"? Is this what he and his wife were openly smirking about?
Next? Martial law and mandatory lethal injections.
You cannot say you haven't been warned.
The ONLY way to defeat the tidal wave is by pointing out that Germ Theory (as opposed to Terrain Theory) is a fraud and by replacing the monsters' money with something of intrinsic value.
The sad part about are military is that there are very few lions except perhaps the Seals that reject the jabs. But then again, they don't want lions, they want people who will obediently follow orders and as you say, fight along with Nazis against a made up enemy. I think many would follow orders against their own people, as that was evident in D.C. when they put up the fences and stationed soldiers their to defend the Capitol. AND IT WASN'T AGAINST THE RUSSIANS!!
I don't know what has happened to people. Reminds me of the Bob Dylan lyric in Tangled Up In Blue
"All the people we used to know
They're an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians
Some are carpenter's wives
Don't know how it all got started
I don't know what they do with their lives"
I hope there are still lions left and their roar gets heard,
I fear the sheep are already dead, lost in the illusion of gaining herd immunity when in fact they signed up willingly for herd susceptibility. Only the lions will be left. We need to unite to form a super pride if we are to protect ourselves and future generations of humanity from these demonic psychopaths.
Well, that seems to be your thing. Just sit back and let it all roll. Is that the "mystical" you're talking about? Throwing up your hands and just do nothing? If you're going to try and instruct someone, then DO IT, don't just tease a little bit and say nothing much. Put your plan out there, if you have one, or is that asking too much?
Let it go. I have no intentions of instructiong anyone, I am merely having a conversation with a rather angry stranger on the internet, and now that conversation is at an end. Best of luck.
This article gave me goosebumps!!! I recently realized that a particular verse in The Bible has been changed ( Isaiah 11:6 ). We grew up learning that it said “ and the Lion will lie down with the lamb “ but now it says “ the wolf will lie down with the lamb”. Mandala affect? Just one of many! The imagery you give of Lions and sheep and wolves is not coincidental. Things are being exposed and the Lions and the LIONESSES are roaring. You don’t want to mess with a Lioness and her Cubs. At least the ones who are crouched and have you in their sites.
“Uh, excuse me, Mr Citizen? May I call you Good? Good. Uh, I ,uh, am from the, uh, Department of Federal Wild,uh, life Management, and you have been, uh, reported, uh, for spreading, uh, endangerment to, uh, the ruminate animal population, specifically, uh, sheep as well as, uh, omnivores, specifically fox and, uh, jackals, as well as, uh, possibly borg and, uh, homo sapient creatures. Now, uh, you have two possibilities to, uh, reconcile this, uh, egregious case of, uh, wrong think. You may come, uh, with me and take 2 or 3 or,uh, 4 shots of our new, uh, Fagedaboutet mRna. Uh, or, uh, we’ll be headed to McClean Hospital for your, uh, frontal lobotomy. What’s it going to be, uh, Good?”
“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!”
WOW. A friend just posted this on FB and I just subscribed. Hopefully down the road I can help financially. This is by far the closest thing to a proper manifesto I have seen in these appalling times. And yes, my opinion of humanity in general was already rock bottom but the reaction to Covid managed to sink it even lower, to depths I didn’t know existed. Glad to see SOMEONE who understands and is sufficiently and appropriately outraged and has the writing chops to express that!
Your writing gives me chills. It makes me want to roar. I do growl a lot. No barking yet.
It is not always easy to not start a sentence with "I feel." Impotence comes to mind, though, if I could tear them, disarticulate them with my bare hands and teeth, I would.
It seems as though much more time had passed since I wrote this comment. (haha, I did not start that sentence with, I feel like, though I could have). I may have had a glass of wine before writing it.
I struggle with the us verses them/good verses evil battle. On the one hand, I read essays like this and the words spark hope/life into what, if the globalists get away with it, will otherwise be a dark and dismal future. On the other hand, when I read works from say, Charles Eisenstein, I am underwhelmed, deflated, totally demoralized that, all the kumbaya, hand holding, singing around the metaphorical campfire will only bring eternal damnation and destruction all the faster.
I would love to hear the Good Citizen's, as well as other folks opinions on this.
Good, nourishing food for lions: Gates, Gates, Fauci, Ghebreyesus, Biden, Trump, Harris, Daszak, Hochul, Newsom, Macron, Ardern, Johnson, Morrison, Merkel, Duterte, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, S. Spielberg, M. Jagger, the heads of the NYT/WaPo/CNN/WSJ/Fox/MSNBC/NPR Lie Machine, many many more. Devour and vomit out. Sadly, there are no lions in sight. Dr. Robert Malone praises Senator Ron Johnson as a hero. In the current fascist America, holding hearings with vaccine victims and making a documentary in which truth-telling doctors voice "a second opinion" about the plandemic makes you a hero. It's pathetic. Sen. Johnson gets millions of dollars in contributions (ie, bribes) from Big Pharma. Not a single Congressperson will do what obviously should have been done a long time ago---call for an immediate halt to the US and global covid "vaccination" program---despite the overwhelming evidence that it is a spectacular failure and a well-documented genocide. America has sunk to a very low level of depravity and immorality. It's time for a revolution.
The Lions are being anesthetized by gatekeepers and limited hangouts that are everywhere in the alt media. Partial truths that are taken as a 'we are beginning to win' as a pyschological ploy to keep dissent from turning from useless noise to full on revolution...lead by LIONS.
Not led by lions, led by hyenas. Lions don't fall for BS. When we are REALLY beginning to win, you won't have to say it or tell anyone. It will be OBVIOUS.
"Time is not going to be our great healer, our great equalizer, and it may only be a great concealer of the truth." You are so right here, because the truth does not determine the direction that people go in, beliefs do. And a vast majority of the world's population is still asleep and vulnerable to their beliefs being fully manipulated. The vast propaganda campaign will churn on, and over time hide these crimes committed. Unless....
There has been many a coup d'état for lesser things than what we are now experiencing. Seems the lions are hypnotised by these shamans in suits - I mean the lions who are in a place of authority (militarily, politically, socially).
So many times we've had conversations like "Someone is going to take that guy out!" but nothing happens. Are the walls too high? Are the inner circles so loyal? And where is the equivalence to the French underground? Where are the young lions with their computer hacking savvy launching strategic counterinsurgencies? Or are they too busy doing that in a benign virtual game that they have no motivation to do it in reality?
Thanks for the great article Good Citizen - I wish it could be lit like a Molotov cocktail and tossed into the middle of a WEF conference!
Good Citizen you no doubt know of the Kotwica...
I think we should take out the gd 5G towers.
It's a pleasure to read your articles. I am portuguese and i don't speak english properly. I hope you understand my words. You have a beautifull soul. Thank you.
Please be careful about posting your email account directly -- if you did. There are some many a$$holes and bots out there. Thanks!
Sheep are sheep, and nothing can change that. They do not want freedom, and if you attempt to lead them out of captivity they will turn on you and kill you. I have lost long time friends over the COVID insanity. You might say I need better friends, and that is certainly true in some cases. However, I was a different man 30 years ago when these people came into my life and became my close friends. During the scamdemic, I attempted to save them with logic and facts, and they responded with hysterical overreaction and walked out of my life. Something lost and something gained. At least now, I know who has my back and who cannot be trusted when the chips are down. Moral of my story, you cannot save anyone, let me repeat that so that it may sink cannot save anyone. And furthermore, the lions are gone in the West. They have been bought off, silenced and emasculated. Strong men and women (lions) still exist in Russia, and that is one of the reasons why the West wants to destroy that noble country.
The covid insanity destroyed my social circle.
Welcome to the club.
Thanks for your original comment, it touched me. My social circle was gone too. Luckily not my stepsons tho, even though they are vaccinated, and my sister and father have not abandonef me, although they are steeped in the narrative. Which is interesting in itself, to have long-term relationships with people so blind too what is happening. Like so many others, I've found another social circle. But it will take a while to develop the long-term relationships that I once had. It's a grieving process for sure, and a necessary shift.
But the ones who are left are precious. Honor them with true friendship.
Well said. And I soooo relate. I've lost friends of 40 years, 2 years, it doesn't seem to matter about length or time or closeness or facts and logic, nothing seems to matter, which seems to be explained only by a sort of psychosis, "mass formation," that is a response to TERROR. It's sad, but my compassion wears pretty thin when it comes to stopping this criminality, fraud, and let's be plain: Concentrated Evil. NOT like frozen orange juice. I've been a lion my whole life, and now I'm 61, and I want to DO SOMETHING. The lion"ess" is the Hunter, and she's pissed off. I want to know where the rest of my Pride is, and let's GO.
The days of the Lion are over. One must become the mystic who lives on the fringes of society. Close enough to ply their wares, but not so close as to be caught up in the insanity. This is not going to get any better. The WEF has declared a Great Reset, and they will dramatically reduce the population, and enslave the rest. Only the fringe dwelling mystic has a chance, a slim one, but slim is better than none.
You think living on the fridge will protect you from 5G? I don't think we can just go off and hide from this, no offense intended. I'm not the type to sit around and let people just kill off most of the people on the planet. The days of the Lion haven't started.
"Living on the fridge." I have never lived on a fridge, or any other appliance. Furthermore, I am not suggesting hiding. I am suggesting the path of least resistance. You seem to have a disposition and a desire for conflict. As such, you will draw these types of events into your life. Enjoy your desire to go down fighting. P.S you can't save anyone, and if you try, they will turn against you.
LOL. I didn't realize I said "living on the fridge." It should have been "living IN the fridge." No, I don't really have a disposition or a desire for conflict... not really, but I do enjoy a good argument, when it's not violent. I'm just REALLY REALLY angry and resentful about all this culling the herd and terrorizing everybody, and jabbing little kids and masks and all the rest of the really skanky behavior of the Filthy Fricken Rich, and what's happening to our planet and Bill Fucking Gates and Klown Fucking Schwab. Sorry about all the dirty words, but they help me.
I am part clown and part gladiator, without a sword. I don't even have a red nose. I'm FRUSTRATED and TIRED of the bullshit.
You don't understand that things move in cycles. The West sees a linear path in time and the East sees a cyclical path in time. As such, events repeat. Every 24,000 years there is global catastrophy on this planet, many die and the cycle starts again. That time is now. This is the Great Age of Darkness, (the Kali Yuga) and it is coming to an end. The Globalists will win for now and there is nothing you can do to stop them, but Winter is coming and in the late 2020s the Age of Darkness comes to an end, and the Great Purification begins. Soon thereafter, a renewal. This is the natural cycle and nothing can speed it up, nor can anything hold it back. Learn to go with the flow or go down fighting.
I’m a lion”ess” and it would be my pleasure to join you! Let the “hunt” begin!
I've been very fortunate, compared to many, to have friends who did not care either way or even asked if I was vaxxed. Except for a few family members who didn't/don't appreciate my lack of compliance. But I didn't care . Then I got covid, it sucked, I recovered and now I really don't give damn.
You said that you got COVID. How do you know that? How do you even know what COVID actually is? The PCR tests had the cycles jacket up so high that almost anyone would test positive. There was great financial incentive in a positive diagnosis thanks to Orange Judas. His declaring a National Emergency and having Congress pass the "Cares Act" financially incentivized a positive COVID diagnosis. The COVID protocol in the hospital required Remdesivir which shut down the kidneys and caused fluids to accumulate in the lungs, and then the patient was placed on a ventilator which earned the hospital and additional $30,000, and the patient died with a "diagnosis of COVID death, which earned the hospital additional funds. 90% of people placed on a ventilator died.
Well, I'm not convinced there isn't a virus. I came down with a respiratory bug unlike any flu. It was way more intense and the symptoms were more diverse than any flu I've experienced. I felt the difference. Flu is a walk in the park compared to this. I didn't need hospitalization, though. But I wouldn't wish even what I had, on anyone. It really sucked.
There are many respiratory viruses. Some worse than others. Also, your immune response to any virus depends on your health or lack there of.
That's why I don't particularly doubt Sars cov 2 exists. It's just another coronavirus. I can't comment on where it came from but I don't think it's a hoax per se. Now I don't agree with all the lock downs, masks , authoritarian measures nor the vaccine push that's another thing from acknowledging the existence of a nasty respiratory virus going around. All I know is that I am in excellent health, fit, haven't had the flu in years, took supplements and it still sucked. It's possible my body hasn't seen a virus quite like this before (limited cross-inmunity) or that I have some unknown immune system issue that made it worse. The issue I have is that it's the measures that were taken were/are authoritarian and ineffective. I'm not telling others what they should or should not do regarding their personal risk assessment so it doesn't really matter to me, some folks get no symptoms, others get it worse regardless of 'vaccination' (mRNA transfections). The one thing that is clear is that if people try to scare me with covid horror stories, I tell them I've already had it.
Here's my take after copious research for two years:
Yes, there is a "virus," or some kind of little critter. It's been patented (Big Pharma has destroyed the law that made it impossible to patent LIFE) and is a bioweapon, and I suspect it's been loosed on us via the Persistent Aerosol Spraying they do almost daily where I live. No apologies for this idea, I don't CARE if anyone want to say I'm a "conspiracy theorist," because frankly, we're WAY beyond that shit nowadays. There are LOADS of conspiracies, I expect most people reading this page know that, and if someone doesn't know that yet, they're probably masked...
Now: If you were trying to cull BILLIONS of civilians (great name for a band, eh?) would you use ONE tool, or several? uh huh. So, after you've toxified the FOOD system and for Covid, made a fake supply problem, what else can you do? Oh, I know, FAKE medicine that actually harms. (P-harma). And then, previously setting the stage for this, dumb everybody down, and spray them for decades with heavy metals like aluminum... Practice your vaccine game on them for a few decades, too, and put nasty shit there that causes problems, and force all the kids who have to go to public schools to be jabbed COPIOUS times before they're even old enough to go. Trick the elderly by giving them "flu shots" instead of getting them out in the sunshine, healthy food, good social, exercise, etc etc. Then, pretend there's a scary pandemic, use fake tests (the PCR has NEVER been a "test" at all. It simply makes more of something. It doesn't find disease, nor infection), fake knowledge (a "virus" is really a made-up, pretended scary critter, when it's actually an exosome, a cell that is created BY THE BODY, only when there is toxicity or poisoned cells, and helps the body to clean them out. Terrain Theory, not Germ Theory-- "Contagion" has never been proven.), lies about Nature "attacking" us and trying to kill us, when it's simply a matter of being healthy in the winter, via good diet, social connection, enough exercise, sunshine or Vit. D supplements, along with other nutrients that SHOULD be in our food but are being deleted from our topsoil by synthetic pesticides... So... We get "flu season" because of HOW WE LIVE, not because of "viruses," that is a myth designed to SELL VACCINES.
But this Covid business is not about vaccines, it's about inoculations that might kill you, might make you infertile, or might be saline. It's about depopulation (yes, AGAIN), because, and this is my theory, the little cabal of Utterly, Criminally Wealthy Psychopaths running the planet are terrified that too many people ("cattle," they call us) might rise up and kill them! So, like the generations of Psycho Filthy Rich before them, they are trying to not just cull in vast, massive way, and make infertile, and generally treat us like "dumb, stupid animals" -- Kissinger, and keep our numbers manageable. These people cannot feel GUILT, nor compassion, nor any kind of concern for our safety or well-being. The "health and safety" thing is absolute rubbish. They have done EXACTLY what is the WORST response to "Covid," even if it were a true pandemic, with lockdowns and masks, and isolation and the crushing of small and medium-sized businesses, and fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, and TERROR. All these things bring DOWN the immune system. It's NEVER been about "health and safety." And these jabs... Death, maybe. Infertility, maybe. Neurological damage, maybe. You can't just go and kill everybody with a shot, people WOULD figure that out pdq. But look at the life insurance companies, shitting themselves, not in the year BEFORE the jabs, but POST JAB YEAR. More payouts than in maybe 200 years! BIG DEATH INCREASE, folks. Just in case you don't trust all the rest of this info! Okay, sorry if I'm going overboard. First visit, and look what I do... lol Cheers. xo
I agree, it seems like something exists because friends who are very in touch with their body say just like you, that this infection is very different. They can feel it. I think I had Omicron just because my sense of smell was out of whack for a month, and that's never happened before.
I think it can be difficult for people to distinguish a mild Sars cov2 infection from the usual cold (unless they get an odd symptom like yourself)or are very nuanced/sensitive. For those who get a 10 day fever, skin rash etc it's not too difficult to recognize this as something altogether different. When I've had the flu in the past, I could usually watch movies and eat soup. This thing destroyed my appetite and was so agitating I spent most of my time staring at the walls waiting for it to end. Despite how crummy it was, I do not regret avoiding a transfection, nor do I agree with all the other covid shenanigans. But it was, nevertheless, a real yucky experience.
Every time someone gets ill they think they have CONvid. Absolutely dumb.
And you have natural immunity. This was the answer the entire time.
Brilliant, chilling, “this is the way”.
Unintended Consequnces by John Ross IS the handbook for a successful, brutal, and relentless tipping of the scales.
Never thought the book I read 15 years ago and thought would never happen in my lifetime, may be our only way out.
God help us...
Why is it that hardly anyone seems to notice the obvious?
According to the latest fake news, people can expect "hemorrhaging fever" and or "Ebola" (both are invented illnesses, cover-ups for poisonings). Either way, people will start dropping in the street like flies, with blood spurting out of their orifices.
Remember the protest in Israel when Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) were used against those who protested against the "covid" policies? People dropped in the street with blood spurting from their orifices.
The same result can be produced by turning up the overpowered 5G towers above 30GHz (Is it an accident that the highest-measuring instrument to find out about microwave exposure measures only up to 10GHz, while the radiation starts to become lethal from 30 and up?).
DEWs are primarily for crowd control, but they can target a specific target as well, as it happened to be the case, when Dr. Noack was murdered within seven hours after posting the truth about graphene hydroxide in some of the lethal injections (but 5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, too).
When a "real" pandemic needs to be emulated, 5G towers are the way to go. They can kill all life in selected areas, "proving" the existence of a "lethal virus" and a "pandemic," which will further empower the monsters who have taken over just about everything in the "civilized" world.
Is this, as Bill Gates put it, the real "pandemic that will grab people's attention"? Is this what he and his wife were openly smirking about?
Next? Martial law and mandatory lethal injections.
You cannot say you haven't been warned.
The ONLY way to defeat the tidal wave is by pointing out that Germ Theory (as opposed to Terrain Theory) is a fraud and by replacing the monsters' money with something of intrinsic value.
Right ON.
The sad part about are military is that there are very few lions except perhaps the Seals that reject the jabs. But then again, they don't want lions, they want people who will obediently follow orders and as you say, fight along with Nazis against a made up enemy. I think many would follow orders against their own people, as that was evident in D.C. when they put up the fences and stationed soldiers their to defend the Capitol. AND IT WASN'T AGAINST THE RUSSIANS!!
I don't know what has happened to people. Reminds me of the Bob Dylan lyric in Tangled Up In Blue
"All the people we used to know
They're an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians
Some are carpenter's wives
Don't know how it all got started
I don't know what they do with their lives"
I hope there are still lions left and their roar gets heard,
Another good one and linking as usual @
I fear the sheep are already dead, lost in the illusion of gaining herd immunity when in fact they signed up willingly for herd susceptibility. Only the lions will be left. We need to unite to form a super pride if we are to protect ourselves and future generations of humanity from these demonic psychopaths.
In every group, the most disfunctional and narcissistic always rise to positions of power.
Maybe that's because we simply can't get our heads around the root causes of that, and then FIX them.
As you wish.....there is nothing more to say.
Well, that seems to be your thing. Just sit back and let it all roll. Is that the "mystical" you're talking about? Throwing up your hands and just do nothing? If you're going to try and instruct someone, then DO IT, don't just tease a little bit and say nothing much. Put your plan out there, if you have one, or is that asking too much?
Let it go. I have no intentions of instructiong anyone, I am merely having a conversation with a rather angry stranger on the internet, and now that conversation is at an end. Best of luck.
Stop telling me what to do, boah.
This article gave me goosebumps!!! I recently realized that a particular verse in The Bible has been changed ( Isaiah 11:6 ). We grew up learning that it said “ and the Lion will lie down with the lamb “ but now it says “ the wolf will lie down with the lamb”. Mandala affect? Just one of many! The imagery you give of Lions and sheep and wolves is not coincidental. Things are being exposed and the Lions and the LIONESSES are roaring. You don’t want to mess with a Lioness and her Cubs. At least the ones who are crouched and have you in their sites.
“Uh, excuse me, Mr Citizen? May I call you Good? Good. Uh, I ,uh, am from the, uh, Department of Federal Wild,uh, life Management, and you have been, uh, reported, uh, for spreading, uh, endangerment to, uh, the ruminate animal population, specifically, uh, sheep as well as, uh, omnivores, specifically fox and, uh, jackals, as well as, uh, possibly borg and, uh, homo sapient creatures. Now, uh, you have two possibilities to, uh, reconcile this, uh, egregious case of, uh, wrong think. You may come, uh, with me and take 2 or 3 or,uh, 4 shots of our new, uh, Fagedaboutet mRna. Uh, or, uh, we’ll be headed to McClean Hospital for your, uh, frontal lobotomy. What’s it going to be, uh, Good?”
“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!”
“So it’s the, uh, jabs then, eh, Good?”
WOW. A friend just posted this on FB and I just subscribed. Hopefully down the road I can help financially. This is by far the closest thing to a proper manifesto I have seen in these appalling times. And yes, my opinion of humanity in general was already rock bottom but the reaction to Covid managed to sink it even lower, to depths I didn’t know existed. Glad to see SOMEONE who understands and is sufficiently and appropriately outraged and has the writing chops to express that!
Thanks Phillip. 🙏 You might enjoy this one as well.
Your writing gives me chills. It makes me want to roar. I do growl a lot. No barking yet.
It is not always easy to not start a sentence with "I feel." Impotence comes to mind, though, if I could tear them, disarticulate them with my bare hands and teeth, I would.
It seems as though much more time had passed since I wrote this comment. (haha, I did not start that sentence with, I feel like, though I could have). I may have had a glass of wine before writing it.
I struggle with the us verses them/good verses evil battle. On the one hand, I read essays like this and the words spark hope/life into what, if the globalists get away with it, will otherwise be a dark and dismal future. On the other hand, when I read works from say, Charles Eisenstein, I am underwhelmed, deflated, totally demoralized that, all the kumbaya, hand holding, singing around the metaphorical campfire will only bring eternal damnation and destruction all the faster.
I would love to hear the Good Citizen's, as well as other folks opinions on this.
What say you?
Good, nourishing food for lions: Gates, Gates, Fauci, Ghebreyesus, Biden, Trump, Harris, Daszak, Hochul, Newsom, Macron, Ardern, Johnson, Morrison, Merkel, Duterte, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, S. Spielberg, M. Jagger, the heads of the NYT/WaPo/CNN/WSJ/Fox/MSNBC/NPR Lie Machine, many many more. Devour and vomit out. Sadly, there are no lions in sight. Dr. Robert Malone praises Senator Ron Johnson as a hero. In the current fascist America, holding hearings with vaccine victims and making a documentary in which truth-telling doctors voice "a second opinion" about the plandemic makes you a hero. It's pathetic. Sen. Johnson gets millions of dollars in contributions (ie, bribes) from Big Pharma. Not a single Congressperson will do what obviously should have been done a long time ago---call for an immediate halt to the US and global covid "vaccination" program---despite the overwhelming evidence that it is a spectacular failure and a well-documented genocide. America has sunk to a very low level of depravity and immorality. It's time for a revolution.
It's time.
The Lions are being anesthetized by gatekeepers and limited hangouts that are everywhere in the alt media. Partial truths that are taken as a 'we are beginning to win' as a pyschological ploy to keep dissent from turning from useless noise to full on revolution...lead by LIONS.
Not led by lions, led by hyenas. Lions don't fall for BS. When we are REALLY beginning to win, you won't have to say it or tell anyone. It will be OBVIOUS.
Appreciate the fire; keep fanning the embers.
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"Time is not going to be our great healer, our great equalizer, and it may only be a great concealer of the truth." You are so right here, because the truth does not determine the direction that people go in, beliefs do. And a vast majority of the world's population is still asleep and vulnerable to their beliefs being fully manipulated. The vast propaganda campaign will churn on, and over time hide these crimes committed. Unless....