Dirty bombs, just like actual nukes, would have a certain isotope ratio that is characteristic for the source. In case of Ukraine, those sources are limited to their existing (and controlled) nuclear infrastructure.

It would be identifiable, especially if the wind carries it over 3rd parties.

A Russian source would be more difficult to pin down (their nuclear industry is vast and they also do reprocessing, for example they reprocess our spent fuel chiefly because of the Plutonium in it, but there's all sorts of nasty stuff in spent fuel). When the Russians do radiological attacks, they also send a message that it was them. For example: Polonium is difficult to acquire and purify. When they chose that as a weapon for an assassination, it was meant to be understood (any dummy can make ricin that does the job just as well. Pure Polonium, that doesn't have other isotopes that might trigger a radiation sensor, in quantities, is Big Boy stuff).

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Interesting. Thanks George. Nobody in the western (corporate) media will report on the source. Any Russian investigation will be ignored. But there are a few dozen people across the west sitting in swiss villas, lake Washington mansions, Maryland colonials and British estates that could use a cup of Polonium tea.

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Well, I'm not so blackpilled, even though I live next door in Hungary. In case of the fighting around Zaporizhzhia, they were very reluctant to name the Ukrainians as the attackers (even though they bragged about it, and I have an NPR(!) article to point to), eventually the international atomic whatever UN people showed up to provide an independent source. It's the UN but you gotta cook with what you have.

So I hope if there's any radiological incident, they will do get there as well.

Also, wind might carry this crap to other countries, and any cucking to Washington will become a secondary problem for the politicians over there, if the radiation alarms go off.

Any university radiological lab should have the spectrometers to do an investigation on the composition of the radioactive elements present in the bomb. That's routine science. Nerd tourists in Chernobyl do that on their laptops, there's at least one Youtube channel with that.

Although wind is unlikely to carry that stuff far, it's not like a nuke, even nukes don't spread their fallout far if they detonate close to the ground. Maybe if there's a big fire.

TLDR: it would be a very stupid escalation for either side, with only downsides and no upsides that I can see.

I'll be VERY cynical here, but gas attacks against civilians worked against Assad just as well. If I remember correctly, he was winning on the battlefield and also winning the hearts in a civil war, when, according to Western media, he decided to use a Big No No weapon against a bunch of civilians for no apparent reason. And don't forget babies in incubators, the babies on bayonets of the modern era since the First Gulf War. Why change the playbook?

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Yes, every escalation Ukraine (U.S./UK) has taken against Russia the past eight years has only downsides for humanity, but upsides for their control of the masses and framing Russia and Putin as "evil". These neocons are real psychopaths. Those Syria "chemical" attacks via their White Helmet (USAID) proxies was laughable. Pathetically inept and yes, the drooling BBC-CNN watchers bought it all. "Assad is evil". They'll buy this too if it happens.

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I have no illusions about either the Neocons or Putin. To us, Hungarians, Russia is a place where the natural gas and oil comes from, and we don't really want anything else to do with them. Maybe a few good Russian restaurants in Budapest.

But it's true that Americans should focus on the (post-)Neocons more than on Putin (is there a difference between John McCain or Hillary, when it comes to ForeverWar?). Putin is losing his own domestic demographic and cultural war, he's not a conquerer, but he can cause a lot of damage if provoked. There, I'll spam my 2 cents, Citizen:


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But Hungarians seem practical about Russia, pre negotiating gas contracts, future nuclear plant construction, not hysterical like the Poles.

Are you near Lake Balaton?

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Close enough that a dirty bomb going off on the beach would be a concern. Between Balaton and the Danube. Have you been to Hungary?

It is true that we see this differently than Poles, I shamelessly plug another essay touching on it:


We are very forgiving with the Poles, they've been fucked over by history, royally. We're one of the few who are not at fault. They're betting on a Washington-exclusive strategy going forward, which is a future post that I'm planning. Not smart. Their heart is in the right place, but not smart.

Hungary is trying to act like Austria this time. We had enough 20th century, thank you. Judge us from Twitter if you will. When all the Slava Ukraini posting is over, we'll still be here to deal with the aftermath.

To quote a quote from the post I linked: "They say that we are Putin's interlocutors, when the question everyone should be asking is whether or not Russia will be in our neighbourhood for the next 100 years - I think it will be"

We're not trying to win anything out of this war, any more than the Austrians do. We're just minimizing our losses. We assume that it will be a net loss for Eastern Europe, for Europe. The longer it goes, the more.

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What would be the isotope ratio of the radioactive material which is still sitting in the soil around Chernobyl?

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There's not much to be potent. Remember, you can walk around there in a bathing suit, today, if you can tolerate the cold. Although, post-covid trigger warning, you SHOULD wear a mask, as breathing that stuff in might be unhealthy.

As far as radiological fingerprints go, I doubt that there's a more thoroughly studied source than Chernobyl, so don't worry.

Every peaceful nuclear project involves the creation of minute, weapons-capable isotopes, so it's a well-monitored field, even outside of military intelligence. Ukraine, after the Budapest memorandum (1994) became a non-nuclear state as far as weapons go, so they should be as probed as any other similar state, like Hungary. That is: well.

TLDR: due to Chernobyl and nuclear disarmament after the dissolution of the USSR, it's too late for Ukraine to become a nuclear rogue state without notice.

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UN weapons inspectors will no doubt confirm then that the fallout has a very different isotopic signature from the Chernobyl fallout or Ukrainian nuke material. I am now much reassured! Bearing that in mind, they might not want to detonate a device at a time when the winds will widely disperse the fallout over countries which might want to check on the UN findings.

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I don't have a high opinion of the UN, but I do believe that large bureaucracies suck at conspiracies.

You'd be hard pressed to find a larger bureaucracy than the UN 😉

It's also as multi-cultural as it gets and the members are so nosy that it puts gossiping high school girls into shame. It's highly unlikely that they could pull something like that off.

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Well, the UN IPCC have done a pretty good job since the 1980s of convincing the entire world that man-made greenhouse gases are catastrophically heating the planet, so I'm not so sure.

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That's different, a bureaucracy that has a problem to solve will always find more problems that fit its mission, and never solves what it was created to solve.

If the UN had a "Russian nuclear terrorism council", it would find Russian nuclear terrorism everywhere, as it should.

It's their nature.

Only stupid bureaucrats achieve their mission or admit that they were useless to begin with. The good ones go on forever, more and more. It's in their nature.

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This article is a Russian false flag.

And my comment calling it a Russian false flag is, in turn, a Russian false flag designed to distract you away from the original Russian false flag.

In Russian Federation, flag falsified you.

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I'm so sorry please don't ban me.

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CIA asset ^

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It's true. And highly trained, too, which is the really sad part.

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yea i thought so when i saw you in the clown shoes

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They're actually microphones

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Were I to make bets based on current noise, my money would be closer to the 2nd of november.

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If it was the 5th of November and it was the UK parliament that went up, I don't think it would upset the population very much at all.

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Australia's Melbourne Cup - The Race That Stops A Nation- is run on first Tuesday in November,

which is November 1st this year, so at least holding the False Flag on the 2nd wont stop the race from being run...Melbourne, you will recall, was the last human outpost on Earth , due to the psychopaths nuke war, in the movie 'On The Beach'...

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Welp, I'm a dumb normie and, as I have said elsewhere, everything about this war puzzles me. But taking Citizen's assumption at face value and as a signal, the predicted wind and barometric conditions seem to favor the 2nd when it comes to narrative creation against the ruskies. Granted, I could only access forecasts up to the 4th. I’m not a betting man, anyway. And right now, noise is indistinguishable from signal to me.

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Now you know why every US media outlet has been screaming "RUSSIA" for the last 6 years.

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RT seems to be suggesting that Ukraine is going to shoot down a 'dummy 'dirty bomb over Chernobyl. The explosion at or near ground level would of course churn up a lot of radio-active material which has settled since the original meltdown. So hey presto, they have their evidence of a dirty bomb complete with fallout indistinguishable from the original Chernobyl contamination. Does Zelensky really think we are that stupid that we would fall for such a trick? I guess it doesn't matter, because the people that matter actually want to fall for it and don't really much care if the wide awake non normies in the West aren't fooled. They can rely upon the media to propagate the fake news for them.

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Precisely. The propagandists will get the memo and all scream in unison. They could smear website home pages and newspapers with mushroom clouds of the Soviet's Tsar bomba test even if there's just dirt flying around all the NPCs will go right into "the current thing" programming. "I guess it doesn't matter, because the people that matter actually want to fall for it and don't really much care if the wide awake non normies in the West aren't fooled. They can rely upon the media to propagate the fake news for them."

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You are literally killing people with this article, just like the people that undermined trust in the covid vaccine.

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Made for TV reality show, brought to you by Microsoft and Pilfer, working warped speed to counteract the fallout and grid pulse: line up to be shot, and buy it!

It Takes All of Us.

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a dirty bomb is indistinguishable from a regular bomb except for it containing radiation, theres no big bang like a nuke going off. there will be no pretty pictures on cnn/bbc except for those blobby ones you see usually used in hurricane predictions showing where the radiation is going

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Kind of like covid being indistinguishable from the flu? They don't care for their psyops what's believable or realistic. Assad's "chlorine gas attacks" on children. Iraqis taking babies out of incubators. Twin towers. Tower 7. "we're bringing it down". Home Depot selling out of duct tape in 2002 because Sadam was going to launch an anthrax attack on Missouri. Bush: "We can't wait for it to come in the form of a mushroom cloud. That's why we have to fight em' over there." lol it's all a laughable pantomime, a silly farce.

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im sorry i'll try to make my comments more interesting next time :(

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More explosions.

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To change the subject a bit, other than lekvar, what else does Hungary export to the US?

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I'm sure the SchwabKlausians are scrambling to find that red button and nukuler codes as I type this.

Hey, Coof Diecinueve didn't work as planned, so maybe Dirty Bomb-22 is the ticket.

Fun watch trip down Memory Lane: War Games (1983) with a young Mathew Broderick.

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Winston Smith was puzzled by Julie's claim that it was their own government dropping the bombs on them, to keep them scared and controllable...

The Nuke Story got everyone's attention, as intended...It provided the medium for promoting the idea of a pre-emptive strike to "Stop Putin !"...Zelensky's call to Nuke Russia Before Russia Uses Nukes was

an unscripted response of someone who fell for the psy-op about What Mad Putin Would Do If He Was Losing...

Stop being Rational in explaining The Psychopaths...Psychopathology has its own rationality...

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America and NATO manufactured the war in the Ukraine. These knuckleheads that are supporting this war are doing nothing more than contributing to Armageddon.

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I've spent my whole life living under the threat of nukes, so I feel a kind of "fear fatigue" with all these reports of potential nuclear war. I'm also suspicious about the true extent of the dangers of nuclear radiation - aren't people now living fairly normal lives in Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

I suspect the ill effects of nuclear radiation and fallout, while real, have been exaggerated. What really concerns me is that they will use any nuclear attack (or report of a nuclear attack) to explain away the upcoming "fallout" from the "vaccinations." Could some of the illnesses caused by the various mRNA injections be re-branded as the result of nuclear radiation?

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Interesting hypothesis, will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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When the cocaine "Nazi" said that he wanted to make the country a new Israel, he was serious (and many within his tribe agrees). Historically, it is a homeland to them.

Therefore, I predict that there is zero chance that a real nuke is used that would destroy any part or make it uninhabitable.

(((They))) will never do that to their homeland.

Now, that is not to say that they would do something that they blame as a dirty bomb to use as a reason to take the war to the next stage. But I cannot fathom that they actually set off a real nuke.

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I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist so I could be wrong: but I'm very skeptical nuclear weapons even exist. We have no independent confirmation of their existence. The globalists already controlled much of the world by WW2 so its possible nukes and the Cold War were another money laundering operation like NASA. (There's zero doubt the Moon Landings were 100% fake.)




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I'm not sure why you are referring to using footage of old nuclear explosions. A "dirty bomb" is a conventional explosive device packaged with radioactive waste. There would be no "mushroom cloud" any simulation would require.

As for isotopic fingerprinting, this is typically used to determine which enrichment facility that bomb-grade fissionable material comes from--they each reportedly have subtle differences in their output. Fingerprinting a sack full of fission products from nuclear waste is another story entirely, and would be much more difficult, perhaps impossible. This is not to mention the fact that expended nuclear waste it is probably much easier to come by than enriched fissionable material--it is much less closely guarded. And it could have been sourced from just about anywhere.

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