
Apologies for the typos from the title on down. Editor decided he could take labor day off. Pff.

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ADL needn't conjure up imaginary anti-semites. Their actions are inadvertently creating the real deal. Lots and lots of people are noticing patterns and trends.

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so that means nothing. nobody will do shit. they own the earth and can buy anybody or ruin them

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Says it all when the blood tribe says they will vote for Biden because Biden sends rockets to Ukraine. Massive giveaway to who they really are.

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They can't even stay in character for their funders for two seconds.

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I suppose it’s hard to concentrate when there’s not enough brain cells to go around. You couldn’t make it up 😂

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I call hem Biden Bots. Just as Biden is really dead so no brain to speak of, they are braindead. Many are vets, gaslighted into believing the Pentagon is the tower of virtue. I've worked with them, the Pentagon is a pit of sniveling cowards "Who will finance my next war?"

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Whether they are imitating Antifa, Trump Supporters, or Nazi's, you gotta admit, they give it the old

college try :-)

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Nazis, not Nazi's.

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My autocorrect does that so I understand.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The guy with the full-face tattoos is a Nazi from Ukraine, a spyboy.

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Yes, the Ukronazis have many spy bois in these circles, and they helped breach the capital Jan 6. The CIA knew war was coming there after Orange Hitler was deposed. 17 years in prison for US veterans walking the velvet ropes. No prosecution for Ukronazis working for the CIA. What a time to be alive. How's the football season going so far coach?

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

First game got hurricaned out, and rescheduled for tonight. We got whacked in our pre-season game, which was expected. The school has won two games in three years, so we have to build a culture first. The good news is more kids have come out for football, so the word is spreading that it's a new day. And it's fun.

My head coach is a great young guy full of positive energy that spreads like a Maui fire. It's his first game as a head coach. Makes me smile.

I'm the Wise Old Owl to these young 'uns.

Baby steps. Gotta teach the kids to believe in themselves first, kinda a Ted Lasso thing. (The Ted Lasso series is prolly one of the most positive things I've seen on the screen in many, many years....)

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Good to hear coach.

How'd the homestead fare in the hurricane?

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save your bread and circus sports worship for a different time. sports worship keeps young strong white guys oblivious to what the jews are doing. all major sports run and owned by jews another of their psyops

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It's coaching young boys into men at the amateur level, something the nation desperately needs, not bread and circuses.

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that is the fathers job which is sadly lacking due to total female dominance of raising kids whether if she is alone or married. . amateur sports lead to college and pro sports. look at the young strong aggressive soccer fan in great shitain. they go insane while country is turning black/brown as paki gangs rape and enslave young white girls into sex slaves and drugs. a woman in england said over a million girls the street shitters have defiled

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If it weren't for sports, I would never have earned two Master's degrees.

Growing up in a broken home as a kid, sports was MY way "out."

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I hardly think helping 13-18 y.o. young men, some without a male figure in their life, learn sacrifice, teamwork, and discipline at the public high school level (in a deep red area of FL) is hardly caving into "Jew bread and circuses."

I can speak from personal experience how important lessons learned on the football field benefitted my young life, and certainly influenced me to be the man I am today.

Kids need more sports and less screen time.

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if your story is true you got hit in the head to much. how can you not see the connection from amateur to pro football? every pro player started out as a kid. do you think they worked in wal mart then at 22 tried out and got on the dallas cowboys. it is the fathers job to instill values on his kids. stop trying to sub it out to an idiotic football coach

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Oh, my story is very true.

I played 3 years of pro ball before injury, and coached as a grad assistant in college for 3 years after my pro days were over (as I knew they would be.) I was a lucky one in that I understood the value of an edumacation, and knew sports was only a temporary stop..

Plus, when I played 90% of the pros didn't make crapola $$$. It's a different sports world today. My biggest contract was for $25,000 a year, and most guys needed an off-season job to survive (which is why training camp was so brutal, in The Day; we needed to get back into shape since we had no "off-season" programs like today.)

Hell, I could coach your kid and hopefully influence him to seek a better way to live than that of an angry, bitter, old man who hates "Jews."

So I respectfully say you have no idea what you are talking about.

Many if not most college players would never have any college education experience if not for athletics, and many if not most don't have fathers at home. Pro players are the unicorns, not the norms. Unfortunately, they get the spotlight, not the regular, normal kids.

I do not believe kids from bad environments should just be thrown away because some angry white guy thinks so.

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...the father's job to instill values on his kids --point taken, but there is a place for other men in a community to make it feel more solid to a kid.

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Way to go! Your community needs men like you.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

We lost bigly last night to a vastly superior team with a mature program.

We are starting from scratch.

I am proud the kids didn't quit. Even in defeat, they earned the right to hold their heads' high.

Our job now is to teach how to be competitive in the face of adversity. Then we will teach how to win.

There is always next week to implement the lessons learned.

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you aint good at coaching or anything else

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"or anything else"

Your wife says otherwise.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

We have much in common.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen


The Holocaust (TM), 78 years after its end, is STILL adding "survivors." 5 million + and counting. THEIR math, not mine.

It's the only narrative in the world kept alive so long on blatantly false 2nd-grade math.

3 (max) - 6 apparently equals 5+. "New Math" ahead of its time.

Also, 15 - 6 apparently equals 15 too.

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There's a reason the 16th Amendment authorizing personal income taxes, the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) all came into existence in 1913...

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Can't remember, but when did the Birth Certificate come into play? It's also a big part of our slavery

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Birth certificates began in 1900, first social security numbers in 1936.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

My reaction to the "Nazis" at Disney... exactly the same as my reaction to the videos of "Islamic extremists" lopping off heads 20 years ago...fake...fake...fake.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I'll have more to say, but right off: Oyvey!! The insanity is ratcheting up in a big way.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Agreed alison. We are a nation of clowns. Pathetic and sad.

As that great philosopher Walter Sobchak said in the movie The Big Lebowski,

“F- - - it dude, let’s go bowling.”

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One has to wonder if Soros, the ADL and Nosferatu Greenblatt and their various Jew-ops aren't deliberately obvious, fake and gay, getting people to focus on them and ignore all the Jews in government, media, NGO, the whole greater Regime, apparently acting in concert either by instinct or by conspiracy.

All the midwit cuckservatives go on about Soros (safe enough) and then how they cherish Israel and the Chosen.

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Con Inc has to kneel before Israel like slaves. Embarrassing.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

GC, these knuckleheads were in my neck of the woods last year, for of all things a XYZFJB pride parade in Ceour d’Alene, ID.

That festival of trannies and butt pushers was doing drag for kids, full on penis in your face action, with the rainbow of freaks and white liberal Karen’s cheering them on….

As you know the Feds, dressed in supremacy drag, were rounded up in a Uhaul just a few blocks away from said devil worshipping. Someone tipped off the cops and the cops did their sworn duty of protecting the defenseless pole smokers from a beat down utilizing sticks and rocks and oh, shields. That would have been a full on blood bath for sure, the twinkies were saved by the local Barney Fifes.

They cannot even come up with a unique angle here, the exact same shit regurgitating from town to town across America. Only their base believes this cock-a-maney, so it is as all federal programs, a complete waste of taxpayer money. They cannot even play white supremacy games good, the government seems to be imploding quicker and quicker under chief fife….

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Yep, I remember that.

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Lemme guess, were gonna see a lot more "nazis" the closer we get to the next election, probably fake attacking some fake "women".

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I'm also looking out for the next George Floyd event. Though if they keep orange man off the ballot in those key states they won't even need another one.

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That is why I left Minneapolis. I wasn't waiting around for the next marxcicisst firebombing or plandemic lockdown, can't got to the grocery without your jab card, here's your cell gramma killer. Though I wonder how much tolerance America has for burning down cities in the name of social justice? Hopefully at least the SCOTUS will declare taking bad orange man off the ballots as unconstitutional, so the motherfuckers don't ignite "civil" war.

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It's going to be interesting to say the least. If they can use the 14th, which ironically is supposed to guarantee due process, to keep him off state ballots SCOTUS will have to act fast. They tend to move fast when the uniparty wants something done or in national elections. I can't say they'd do it for Trump. Then there's the issue of the party's delegates at the convention. They could pull a Truman Wallace thing, or the party could make up some new rule for convicted felons. Who knows what they'll pull but the regime and uniparty (which has zero opposition) seems intent on keeping him out for good, even if it means locking him up.

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I still hold out hope for something like the fall of the Soviet Union, the near total wiping away of the current power structure, to reignite something like self-governance again. Even as I say that though, I think the death toll would be far greater than that of the Soviet fall. So all in all I am content to practice self-governance and write about it.

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Sadly, I don't think the judicial or legislative systems have much relevance anymore. Laws are only as good as the people who enforce it, and the executive branch has demonstrated time and time again that it will not enforce things that it disagrees with.

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Like a lot of people they lost their stones, in the wake of the woke onslaught. Maybe if we are lucky they will find them again.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Laura Loomer, a "feisty Jewess" according to her Twitter profile, posted several photos of a "Ukrainian Nazi" at the Jan 6th protest along with buffalo man: twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1698518761194602634

One photo shows a black T-shirt with a red design based on the Ukrainian trident sigil, re-styled into the form of a 7-branched Jewish menorah. What kind of "Ukrainian Nazi" would wear that?

According to wiki, the Ukrainian sigil is actually of Khazar origin. Maybe Zelensky thinks he's the reincarnation of "Volodymyr the Great". See graphics: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Ukraine

Here's another menorah T-shirt for comparison: ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1XJ3aXXzsK1Rjy1Xbq6xOaFXaH/2018-Hot-sale-israel-menorah-T-Shirt-flag-short-sleeve-men-dry-fit-white-man-shirts.jpg

Note that Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the "Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith", is a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) along with most of the key players on the "Biden team": cfr.org/membership/roster

For background on the ADL, see "The Ugly Truth About the ADL" (1992): larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1992/eirv19n27-19920701/

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Interesting stuff. Was suspicious of Loomer getting her "hair done nearby" at the exact time as the "demonstration" but she's really bringing the heat, with receipts. The Khazars still at it, now globally. Thanks for the links.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Fine. It's bought but unoccupied, and all we had was some wind and rain. The coast 15 miles away got flooded, though, a real mess.

Hoping to make the move very soon.

For better or worse, the post-Andrew building codes in FL make structures surviving weather events much more likely.

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Hey Peregrine, you by chance a fan of CJ Box? Nate, one of the main characters is a Master Falconer, he flies Peregrines and other raptors. Their are dozens of storylines on the subject, if you haven’t read the books look em up. Fictional mountain west, main storyline is about a game warden named Pickett.

I coached my kids for years, nothing better than teaching young boys and girls competitiveness at any level imo.

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I will check him out.

The only Falcon I flew was a red '65 coupe with a 260 and glasspacks my neighbor let me try.

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Oh yes, there's obviously a huge problem with "hate" groups and "extremists" in Amerika. This "dire threat" to our "democracy" is completely obvious when one of these so called "hate groups" gets even fewer participants to join them than Biden did at his campaign rallies! 🙄

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From a source you link, the blue-checked Laura Loomer, self-described "Feisty Jewess," asks:

"Is our Government using Ukrainian spies and Neo Nazis to instigate political conflict and falsely accuse Trump supporters of being white supremacists? "

Gotta be honest. I did NOT see any Ukraine connection -- but she DOCUMENTS it.

Proof of Sergai Dybynyn at the Jan 6th riots, and also being in the recent past buddy-buddy with two US Senators. https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1698518761194602634

Good Citizen, even if I don't always agree, love the writing -- but times are hard -- but you've earned my resubscription for that one alone. Good bit of the above I already knew, but going down this particular rabbit hole -- oh, man.

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Thanks DH. I didn't know what to think of Loomer happening to get her hair done at the exact same time as the Nazi show in the same burb of Orlando but she has all the receipts. The bodycam footage of the ukronazi is bizarre. The cops look him up on the laptop and it says to call the FBI. Clearly a bunch of ukronazis in the US stirring shit on the feds payroll with their protection.

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