CIA's Dominion, Smartmatic, and Mockingbird Media partners finally sink Tucker Carlson with help on the inside from fired ex-producer Abby Grossberg: "Anti-Semitism! Misogyny!"
Systemic election fraud became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. But the fact is we don't know the exact means employed to commit the fraud, the extent of the fraud or identities of the perpetrators because no investigation was conducted. However let's be perfectly clear, there is no doubt about the fact of the fraud, and every reasonably astute adult who was paying attention (around the world) knows it.
'Tis an ominous shame these 'reasonably astute adults' capable of 'paying attention' have gone along the road to endangered species' reservation. Not to despair though: hopeful signs are mounting the tide is starting to turn, slowly but surely 😊
While I appreciate everyone's good work on documenting the con artistry of these people (hat tip to Taibbi & other SubStackers), there comes a time when we must start having a different dialog. Each day is another revelation in the moral depravity of our business and political class (often one and the same), but with each step we are further mired in The Swamp.
We have exhausted all mainstream means through which we could attempt to extricate ourselves from this morass. The noose is tightening but it goes without notice. I liken this to the anxious ambivalence that many must have felt before being rounded up and [insert crime against humanity here].
Bottom feeders on both sides of the aisle are corrupt beyond any hope of redemption. It's time to stop crying woe is me and start asking ourselves how we can oversee a peaceful national divorce, if that is even possible.
I’m not sure a peaceful national divorce is possible. So many states are neither red nor blue but purple. How should the separation be determined? And what happens to the people left “behind the lines” if their state isn’t their preferred side? Some people of course would move, but most would be unable to for a whole host of reasons. I don’t have any answers, these are just some of the things that keep me up at night.
EXACTLY!! Every red state Governor should be formulating these plans. I think Texas is esp since they’re trying to pass legislation on backing crypto with gold. (if I am understanding correctly). Lol.
A divorce from both red and blue? How is that gonna workout for us, do we get a nice piece of land in NW North Dakota??? It’s as close to the moon as anywhere
Their is one problem with that Butterfly, we live a mile inside Washington state side of Idaho border….. grrrrr
It’s a nice conservative place. Not that I am conservative, but the people are nice. The state method would include Seattle for us, no thanks on this method!
We could easily move to Idaho, but it would force a lot of transactions that we would’t want to afford at the time, not to say any of that divorce stuff gives a shit about me or you and what we think.
That in itself would be defined as a SHTF for us, one I am trying to remedy at the moment, just need a bit more time and I can cross that off the list of possible bad situations.
First, a very brilliant and courageous scholar, Eustace Mullins, said many years ago, "Never trust anyone who is allowed to appear on television." Do I have to explain why? Television is totally owned and controlled by the enemy. And believe me, Mullins meant anyone and that includes Tucker Carlson. Second, Abby Grossberg is a very obvious male to female, transsexual androgyne. "She" is laced with male physical and biological characteristics from head to tow. These freaks are ubiquitous in Talmudvision, entertainment, politics, and the celebrity world in general.
I've gone back and looked closely at the pictures of AG, him/her(?). I hope I am not falling into a suggestive notion, but it appears to me that the still picture shows some cosmetic doctoring around the adams apple. Otherwise her other physical features appear masculine. One can not and should not take for granted what you think you are seeing.
Yes, too much red pilling of Hannity's Boomer bots prior to his war shilling show. Apparently Carlson took less money from Fox in exchange for less or no editorial oversight. Anyone who has Greenwald and Jimmy Dore on weekly is not owned and controlled by the deep state. And if he was, why did they just oust him as the highest rated show? Makes no damn sense.
Many figures on "the left" or "liberals" have not uttered one word about plandemic or bioweapons. Part of it might be they know how normiefied their "liberal" base of paying subscribers is and they know they'd be raked by the mockingbird press (daily beast et al) as "anti-vaxxers!" and that would cost them dearly. Jimmy Dore is one of the few I respect in this regard. Though slow to figure out the scamdemic, once he did learn the hard way (ill health from the clot shots) he started hammering the truth as it came to him, even through Mike Yeadon which is rare to see on any YT channel.
Jimmy Dore has been great on poking holes on the vax bs. Credit to him and Tucker for joining forces to expose the truth about the injectable poison, despite being on opposite poles of the political spectrum.
That just gives him credibility with the sheeple. He, like any of his ilk, is just a cog in the political/entertainment matrix on Talmudvision. The control cage, false dichotomy. It's all theater and mass distraction while the Controllers destroy our world and inevitably, us.
Except he didn't push the red-blue pro wrestling false dichotomy like neocon schill Hannity. He was the only person on TV who raked both parties for being useless whores for Oligarchs. The first to question the clot shots, and fake pandemic, the first to expose the US role in engineering war in Ukraine, he even exposed all the red-blue theater as a mass distraction. HIs opening monologues were some of the only honest television being broadcast today. Even republicans stopped going on his show because he would expose and embarrass them. Most are now probably happy he's gone.
Yes, but he would never, ever, expose the real beast behind all of our travails and misery. I'll give you a clue. They are descendants of of Turkic-Mongol tribe who hold murderous suzerainty over a sand-box in the Middle East while their fellow tribesmen own all of the U.S. Congress, Executive, and judiciary branches like you own a dog or a horse (and they openly brag about it) and the mass media and financial system as well. Have you figured out who I'm talking about? Carlson for all of his "blight-wing" bluster is just tame, controlled opposition.
So I DVR the show _ for the opening monologues, fast forward through ads. Not full bore red pill, but often well written, hitting highlights of controversial subjects: Ukraine; child mutilation; gun grab; censorship; rotting cities...
For the largest audience on network Tell-lie-vision, it was a small breath of fresh air. Looked around trying to find news and was amazed at the vitriol espoused by NYT, WaPo, and Hollywood, etc. They really do not want their bubble burst. Before I had even tried to watch last night, with no knowledge about what had gone down, I received a text message _ which I automatically deleted and reported as spam _ from someone who bought my number off some list _ asking if I would support him for President. Think Nick Fuentes was the first to espouse that over a year ago. (Part of the reason I watched; my wife disdains his preppy demeanor.) Your take is probably as close as we will know. Tony Bobolinka’s re-quote of Jim Biden: ‘Plausible deniability.’
1. I worked in a technical job in local tv in a major market. On the news. I NEVER in the 15 years I worked there, heard anyone say anything anti-semitic (lots of the talent/ management were Jewish) or anyone say anything derogatory about women. For all intents and purposes, working in tv news is like working in an office. People might say things off the cuff privately about not liking an individual, but I really don't buy the whole "full of anti women/anti Jew hate."
2. I applied for a job in the CIA in the mid 80s. Took a really, really long psychology test, that along with weird obscure history, talked a lot about your sex life, and your abilities to do things like urinate on command (really.) They also inferred that you would be having sexual relations with people as part of your job. My family was delighted when I failed miserably.
Oh, the CIA tests were super weird; a few were timed, so you were not supposed to think about the answers, just answer instinctively. In retrospect, it made it seem like they wanted you to work in a 3rd world country (with no real medical care; that question was asked outright) in an inferior job (aka, maid/housekeeper, that was asked outight) for someone you disliked (that was kind of said outright) who you may or may not have to sleep with as part of your job. One of the questions they asked several times was: "Do you often get in trouble for your sexual behavior?" Some of the other tests were big on obscure third world politics, especially those taking place in Central America.
I was just hoping for a gig writing reports somewhere in a nice office in Switzerland. My parents were delighted at this failure, and in the end, I am as well.
Nice post. Re: Tucker's connection to the CIA, it's possible that the CIA, like other organizations, has competing factions and interests within it, and that the faction that took him down succeeded against the faction that supports him. It's also possible that Tucker is or was a CIA "asset" without being an actual CIA employee. I found this link to be interesting, although not conclusive regarding this question:
Cold war was a completely different time. He was a completely different person just 20 years ago and ashamed of how he reported on Iraq etc. From personal experience I believe people can change a lot in that time. It's possible there are competing factions, but not likely if you take just the past 6 years alone and see what they've engineered domestically and abroad, and what they're capable of tracking. Anyone on the inside attempting to compromise their ops would be swimming with the fishes. He did have an insider (NSA) warn him that his phone was tapped, so there are some supporters in some places. But I don't buy the Tom Luongo premise that it includes the fed or that they have any power at all after seeing the domestic coup, two impeachments, fedsurrection, Ukraine, hunter laptop, rigged elections, fake pandemic, money printing, subversion, censorship, demoralization, the USSA secret police branch has been very successful with help from DOJ, persecuting abortion protestors, concerned parents, prosecuting meme makers and on and on. It's a failed state. If there are any "good guys" on the inside they really suck at their jobs.
Yes. No self-respecting "good guy" would remain silent in the face of the evil outrages of the Brandon administration. A lack of integrity in all positions of society is what has been revealed for all to see these last few years.
America: the wealthiest shi*hole country in the world.
Tucker was good at bringing attention to some of the crisis but always seemed to walk a thin line between trying to make his viewers aware and not pissing off the powers that be. While entertaining he didn't provide any solutions and I'm sure didn't change the views or actions of anyone on the far left. As GC once wrote become a wolf and surround yourself with like minded people is the best insulator from this insanity. The powers that be will never let voices of dissent play in their sandbox.
Tucker is an actor and enjoys his role. Leaked texts indicate that he thought the stolen election was a hoax and he did not believe Trump but he was playing to his audience. Tucker shows his brilliance in knowing his audience and being an "edgy-tarian."
His father married very well btw. Ive found conflicting reports of his net worth but I have a hard time believing he did not receive any of that Swanson money.
These people are all related. It's all just a show as the Bard so sagely said centuries ago.
GC jumped on this like a Ram in heat, excellent job.
Foxnews, controlled opposition and red hats who still believe we have a government for and by the people, lmao, Foxnews….. Tucker was sacked by the global cabal, Foxnews has been dead to smart people since 2008 or earlier if you shat out your red hat filter prior to Mike and Barry.
Everything is rigged or smoke and mirrors, accept that all news is lies and all their lies are really becoming so obvious that even the simplest minded seals may start waking up thanks to the Good Citizen and his fellow citizens.
Let's be clear. Fox and Tucker are in the same game as they all are. NO ONE gets to have a national prime time show on a national network who isn't serving some purpose in the cabal's manipulation and control scheme. It serves their divide and conquer agenda, their undermine trust agenda, to have a Tucker. But THEY define the boundaries and targets of the undermining. Half truths. Half reveals. Point to someone to blame / hate. That's how this all works.
The Fox "settlement" for the "suit" is simply shifting some money from one account to another account owned by the same small crew of oligarchs while attempting to put the Humpty that is our election myth back together again. I have no doubt the Tucker-as-free-speech-truth-teller-martyr role he's just been given serves their purposes too, as do the "sexism" "antisemitism" narrative squibs (which are so overused these days they don't even get off the ground, let alone explode). These folks are master manipulators. They've been VERY good at it. But their attempts are so obvious and ham-handed now they increasingly fail to move the needle where they want it to go. Good. Keep it going humans! Don't buy in to any of the cabal's nonsense.
I can't say to what group Tucker hold his allegiance, but that is less important than the outcome of what he produced. Tucker made people stop and look around. The fact that he questioned any of the MSM narrative has been helpful.
With Limbaugh, lefties always cried constantly, but when lefties actually listened to Rush, they started thinking.
I’m not comparing Tucker to Limbaugh, don’t misunderstand. But if Tucker is someone that makes otherwise braindead people start to snap out of it, who cares!
I think that Tucker's firing was, as The Good Citizen said, a multitude of things. The one that comes to mind is the Jan 6th footage. I know that not all of it was aired, but polling shows that a majority of people now believe that the FBI/feds were involved in stoking violence. And that's not a small matter. Tucker definitely had an effect on that.
The entire argument from leftists trying to stop Trump has been based on the fake "insurrection." Now that they are losing that narrative, where are they going next?
We're pretty damn close to the end of the line here -- if we're not already past it. Any and all help is welcome, so long as it takes the fight to the powers that be, and perhaps opens people's eyes.
This cow was an obvious plant to sabotage Fox and especially Tucker. You can take the girl out of CNN, but you can't take the CNN out of the girl. The anti-semitism was people saying Merry Christmas to each other during the holidays. I'm sure the misogyny was almost as egregious.
Outstanding. My half baked theory is Gates/Soros to discredit Dominion (which they have a hand in) election tampering accusation, was to offer Fox a backdoor payment equaling the fine they had to pay. So it's a financial wash while at the same time quashing the truth about Dominion election tampering. Fox and it's hosts may suffer a near fatal setback, but in sum, opted to take the sleazy deal rather than bear the expense of a lengthy trial in a thoroughly corrupt judicial/jury system . Call me Muddy Waters.
Systemic election fraud became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. But the fact is we don't know the exact means employed to commit the fraud, the extent of the fraud or identities of the perpetrators because no investigation was conducted. However let's be perfectly clear, there is no doubt about the fact of the fraud, and every reasonably astute adult who was paying attention (around the world) knows it.
Well said.
'Tis an ominous shame these 'reasonably astute adults' capable of 'paying attention' have gone along the road to endangered species' reservation. Not to despair though: hopeful signs are mounting the tide is starting to turn, slowly but surely 😊
While I appreciate everyone's good work on documenting the con artistry of these people (hat tip to Taibbi & other SubStackers), there comes a time when we must start having a different dialog. Each day is another revelation in the moral depravity of our business and political class (often one and the same), but with each step we are further mired in The Swamp.
We have exhausted all mainstream means through which we could attempt to extricate ourselves from this morass. The noose is tightening but it goes without notice. I liken this to the anxious ambivalence that many must have felt before being rounded up and [insert crime against humanity here].
Bottom feeders on both sides of the aisle are corrupt beyond any hope of redemption. It's time to stop crying woe is me and start asking ourselves how we can oversee a peaceful national divorce, if that is even possible.
I’m not sure a peaceful national divorce is possible. So many states are neither red nor blue but purple. How should the separation be determined? And what happens to the people left “behind the lines” if their state isn’t their preferred side? Some people of course would move, but most would be unable to for a whole host of reasons. I don’t have any answers, these are just some of the things that keep me up at night.
EXACTLY!! Every red state Governor should be formulating these plans. I think Texas is esp since they’re trying to pass legislation on backing crypto with gold. (if I am understanding correctly). Lol.
A divorce from both red and blue? How is that gonna workout for us, do we get a nice piece of land in NW North Dakota??? It’s as close to the moon as anywhere
Each state can be a separate nation maybe?
Their is one problem with that Butterfly, we live a mile inside Washington state side of Idaho border….. grrrrr
It’s a nice conservative place. Not that I am conservative, but the people are nice. The state method would include Seattle for us, no thanks on this method!
We could easily move to Idaho, but it would force a lot of transactions that we would’t want to afford at the time, not to say any of that divorce stuff gives a shit about me or you and what we think.
That in itself would be defined as a SHTF for us, one I am trying to remedy at the moment, just need a bit more time and I can cross that off the list of possible bad situations.
How about you?
Wasn't Gates' most-recent US Farmland accretion sanctified in the Dakotas?
The problem is, many MANY people are dependent on government handouts which they will not be willing to give up.
First, a very brilliant and courageous scholar, Eustace Mullins, said many years ago, "Never trust anyone who is allowed to appear on television." Do I have to explain why? Television is totally owned and controlled by the enemy. And believe me, Mullins meant anyone and that includes Tucker Carlson. Second, Abby Grossberg is a very obvious male to female, transsexual androgyne. "She" is laced with male physical and biological characteristics from head to tow. These freaks are ubiquitous in Talmudvision, entertainment, politics, and the celebrity world in general.
First thing I said when I saw her interview last week, "that's a man!"
And you were spot on, Brother.
I've gone back and looked closely at the pictures of AG, him/her(?). I hope I am not falling into a suggestive notion, but it appears to me that the still picture shows some cosmetic doctoring around the adams apple. Otherwise her other physical features appear masculine. One can not and should not take for granted what you think you are seeing.
No one red pilled Boomercon zombies more than Tucker.
Yes, too much red pilling of Hannity's Boomer bots prior to his war shilling show. Apparently Carlson took less money from Fox in exchange for less or no editorial oversight. Anyone who has Greenwald and Jimmy Dore on weekly is not owned and controlled by the deep state. And if he was, why did they just oust him as the highest rated show? Makes no damn sense.
That Greenwald (and Taibbi) never went anywhere near the "vaccine" issue is very suspicious to me.
Many figures on "the left" or "liberals" have not uttered one word about plandemic or bioweapons. Part of it might be they know how normiefied their "liberal" base of paying subscribers is and they know they'd be raked by the mockingbird press (daily beast et al) as "anti-vaxxers!" and that would cost them dearly. Jimmy Dore is one of the few I respect in this regard. Though slow to figure out the scamdemic, once he did learn the hard way (ill health from the clot shots) he started hammering the truth as it came to him, even through Mike Yeadon which is rare to see on any YT channel.
Jimmy Dore has been great on poking holes on the vax bs. Credit to him and Tucker for joining forces to expose the truth about the injectable poison, despite being on opposite poles of the political spectrum.
BINGO. Avoidance and buy in. They do not get a pass on this.
because blackrock and vanguard and goldman sachs saw what he did to pfizer and were afraid they'd be next.
fox doesn't need the ad money. they can survive on what they get from the brandon build back better budget
That just gives him credibility with the sheeple. He, like any of his ilk, is just a cog in the political/entertainment matrix on Talmudvision. The control cage, false dichotomy. It's all theater and mass distraction while the Controllers destroy our world and inevitably, us.
Except he didn't push the red-blue pro wrestling false dichotomy like neocon schill Hannity. He was the only person on TV who raked both parties for being useless whores for Oligarchs. The first to question the clot shots, and fake pandemic, the first to expose the US role in engineering war in Ukraine, he even exposed all the red-blue theater as a mass distraction. HIs opening monologues were some of the only honest television being broadcast today. Even republicans stopped going on his show because he would expose and embarrass them. Most are now probably happy he's gone.
Yes, but he would never, ever, expose the real beast behind all of our travails and misery. I'll give you a clue. They are descendants of of Turkic-Mongol tribe who hold murderous suzerainty over a sand-box in the Middle East while their fellow tribesmen own all of the U.S. Congress, Executive, and judiciary branches like you own a dog or a horse (and they openly brag about it) and the mass media and financial system as well. Have you figured out who I'm talking about? Carlson for all of his "blight-wing" bluster is just tame, controlled opposition.
"Even republicans stopped going on his show because he would expose and embarrass them."
Ted Cruz immediately comes to mind.
So I DVR the show _ for the opening monologues, fast forward through ads. Not full bore red pill, but often well written, hitting highlights of controversial subjects: Ukraine; child mutilation; gun grab; censorship; rotting cities...
For the largest audience on network Tell-lie-vision, it was a small breath of fresh air. Looked around trying to find news and was amazed at the vitriol espoused by NYT, WaPo, and Hollywood, etc. They really do not want their bubble burst. Before I had even tried to watch last night, with no knowledge about what had gone down, I received a text message _ which I automatically deleted and reported as spam _ from someone who bought my number off some list _ asking if I would support him for President. Think Nick Fuentes was the first to espouse that over a year ago. (Part of the reason I watched; my wife disdains his preppy demeanor.) Your take is probably as close as we will know. Tony Bobolinka’s re-quote of Jim Biden: ‘Plausible deniability.’
Is the 2015/2016 online Alt Right the Talmudvision too? You are the Talmudvision. 🤣
The Alt-Right so called is chock full of trannys, yids, homos, bulldykes, and pedophiles. And you are an imbecilic, sheeple, asshole.
Sure thing, Schlomo. 😉
Crawl back into your kosher sewer, Troll, and keep your vacant eyes fixed on the Talmudvision.
Glad I’m not the only one who thought so!! Literally couldn’t focus bc it snagged my brain...
Thank you, "Girl on the move". Always a pleasure to meet a like minded comrade of the opposite gender.
Including Carlson. He would have lost his job a long time ago. He played his part well.
Two points:
1. I worked in a technical job in local tv in a major market. On the news. I NEVER in the 15 years I worked there, heard anyone say anything anti-semitic (lots of the talent/ management were Jewish) or anyone say anything derogatory about women. For all intents and purposes, working in tv news is like working in an office. People might say things off the cuff privately about not liking an individual, but I really don't buy the whole "full of anti women/anti Jew hate."
2. I applied for a job in the CIA in the mid 80s. Took a really, really long psychology test, that along with weird obscure history, talked a lot about your sex life, and your abilities to do things like urinate on command (really.) They also inferred that you would be having sexual relations with people as part of your job. My family was delighted when I failed miserably.
Hahhaa! Nice one. What a creepy place. Pure evil.
Oh, the CIA tests were super weird; a few were timed, so you were not supposed to think about the answers, just answer instinctively. In retrospect, it made it seem like they wanted you to work in a 3rd world country (with no real medical care; that question was asked outright) in an inferior job (aka, maid/housekeeper, that was asked outight) for someone you disliked (that was kind of said outright) who you may or may not have to sleep with as part of your job. One of the questions they asked several times was: "Do you often get in trouble for your sexual behavior?" Some of the other tests were big on obscure third world politics, especially those taking place in Central America.
I was just hoping for a gig writing reports somewhere in a nice office in Switzerland. My parents were delighted at this failure, and in the end, I am as well.
Some parents send their 'Diplo-Brat' progeny to Hillsboro College. Free Tickets, etc.?
Blackrock owns majority of both Fox & Dominion. The transfer of $800m from Fox to Dominion is in time to spoil the '24 selection.
Fox no longer needed as controlled opposition. Sacrificed to support the greater returns of 4 more years of unbridled robbery.
Blackrock is preparing to acquire Ukraine and seed it with GMO's.
But this doesn't mean that BLK will have a 'Border'.....not-yet, at-least.
I don't think Putin will let that happen.
Nice post. Re: Tucker's connection to the CIA, it's possible that the CIA, like other organizations, has competing factions and interests within it, and that the faction that took him down succeeded against the faction that supports him. It's also possible that Tucker is or was a CIA "asset" without being an actual CIA employee. I found this link to be interesting, although not conclusive regarding this question:
Cold war was a completely different time. He was a completely different person just 20 years ago and ashamed of how he reported on Iraq etc. From personal experience I believe people can change a lot in that time. It's possible there are competing factions, but not likely if you take just the past 6 years alone and see what they've engineered domestically and abroad, and what they're capable of tracking. Anyone on the inside attempting to compromise their ops would be swimming with the fishes. He did have an insider (NSA) warn him that his phone was tapped, so there are some supporters in some places. But I don't buy the Tom Luongo premise that it includes the fed or that they have any power at all after seeing the domestic coup, two impeachments, fedsurrection, Ukraine, hunter laptop, rigged elections, fake pandemic, money printing, subversion, censorship, demoralization, the USSA secret police branch has been very successful with help from DOJ, persecuting abortion protestors, concerned parents, prosecuting meme makers and on and on. It's a failed state. If there are any "good guys" on the inside they really suck at their jobs.
Yes. No self-respecting "good guy" would remain silent in the face of the evil outrages of the Brandon administration. A lack of integrity in all positions of society is what has been revealed for all to see these last few years.
America: the wealthiest shi*hole country in the world.
Well said, John Henry Holliday, DDS.
I totally agree
Consider the source ...
You might be astounded to find out the backstory behind mint press
Tucker was good at bringing attention to some of the crisis but always seemed to walk a thin line between trying to make his viewers aware and not pissing off the powers that be. While entertaining he didn't provide any solutions and I'm sure didn't change the views or actions of anyone on the far left. As GC once wrote become a wolf and surround yourself with like minded people is the best insulator from this insanity. The powers that be will never let voices of dissent play in their sandbox.
His audience was red hat morons who can’t handle the truth…
Pure gold and over the target.
What bird eats a mockingbird? That's what we need to become. Love the "scoop." Great work Good Citizen!
Tucker is an actor and enjoys his role. Leaked texts indicate that he thought the stolen election was a hoax and he did not believe Trump but he was playing to his audience. Tucker shows his brilliance in knowing his audience and being an "edgy-tarian."
His father married very well btw. Ive found conflicting reports of his net worth but I have a hard time believing he did not receive any of that Swanson money.
These people are all related. It's all just a show as the Bard so sagely said centuries ago.
He received a lot of that Swanson money in a trust, mostly his wife did I think. But it wasn't until 15 years or so after they married.
That's fairly typical of old money. I always thought Springmeyer was a bit too focused on bloodlines but times like this make me go, " hmmm."
GC jumped on this like a Ram in heat, excellent job.
Foxnews, controlled opposition and red hats who still believe we have a government for and by the people, lmao, Foxnews….. Tucker was sacked by the global cabal, Foxnews has been dead to smart people since 2008 or earlier if you shat out your red hat filter prior to Mike and Barry.
Everything is rigged or smoke and mirrors, accept that all news is lies and all their lies are really becoming so obvious that even the simplest minded seals may start waking up thanks to the Good Citizen and his fellow citizens.
Thank you
Let's be clear. Fox and Tucker are in the same game as they all are. NO ONE gets to have a national prime time show on a national network who isn't serving some purpose in the cabal's manipulation and control scheme. It serves their divide and conquer agenda, their undermine trust agenda, to have a Tucker. But THEY define the boundaries and targets of the undermining. Half truths. Half reveals. Point to someone to blame / hate. That's how this all works.
The Fox "settlement" for the "suit" is simply shifting some money from one account to another account owned by the same small crew of oligarchs while attempting to put the Humpty that is our election myth back together again. I have no doubt the Tucker-as-free-speech-truth-teller-martyr role he's just been given serves their purposes too, as do the "sexism" "antisemitism" narrative squibs (which are so overused these days they don't even get off the ground, let alone explode). These folks are master manipulators. They've been VERY good at it. But their attempts are so obvious and ham-handed now they increasingly fail to move the needle where they want it to go. Good. Keep it going humans! Don't buy in to any of the cabal's nonsense.
I can't say to what group Tucker hold his allegiance, but that is less important than the outcome of what he produced. Tucker made people stop and look around. The fact that he questioned any of the MSM narrative has been helpful.
With Limbaugh, lefties always cried constantly, but when lefties actually listened to Rush, they started thinking.
I’m not comparing Tucker to Limbaugh, don’t misunderstand. But if Tucker is someone that makes otherwise braindead people start to snap out of it, who cares!
I think that Tucker's firing was, as The Good Citizen said, a multitude of things. The one that comes to mind is the Jan 6th footage. I know that not all of it was aired, but polling shows that a majority of people now believe that the FBI/feds were involved in stoking violence. And that's not a small matter. Tucker definitely had an effect on that.
The entire argument from leftists trying to stop Trump has been based on the fake "insurrection." Now that they are losing that narrative, where are they going next?
We're pretty damn close to the end of the line here -- if we're not already past it. Any and all help is welcome, so long as it takes the fight to the powers that be, and perhaps opens people's eyes.
I think Tucker did a good job of that.
This cow was an obvious plant to sabotage Fox and especially Tucker. You can take the girl out of CNN, but you can't take the CNN out of the girl. The anti-semitism was people saying Merry Christmas to each other during the holidays. I'm sure the misogyny was almost as egregious.
Outstanding. My half baked theory is Gates/Soros to discredit Dominion (which they have a hand in) election tampering accusation, was to offer Fox a backdoor payment equaling the fine they had to pay. So it's a financial wash while at the same time quashing the truth about Dominion election tampering. Fox and it's hosts may suffer a near fatal setback, but in sum, opted to take the sleazy deal rather than bear the expense of a lengthy trial in a thoroughly corrupt judicial/jury system . Call me Muddy Waters.