
I knew this would likely not be a popular post given Naomi's newfound popularity with the health freedom "movement" that's not really a movement. In case you missed it, I acknowledge her recent change as a positive, more than once and attribute it to her likely "seeing" things in a piece I found rather silly. I recognize we're all advancing on our own terms and pace. If I question her intentions now, it's because of her past, and because intentions are hard to know. A recent satire on Dr. Malone's obsessive desire to control his own public image through lawfare and unintentionally hilarious posts on Substack, was not popular either as I suspected. I do not do "tribes" and "teams' and "our side" on any subjects. Especially with public figures, many often pushed into that role. While considering potential "backlash" has kept me from publishing works in the past, those days are over. I cannot be free to write what I see with those chains.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

GC, I don’t feel worthy of responding to your reply to all.

All I can say is it feels, no it seems, like all of these new age experts pretending to be on the side of medical freedom or of seeing the truth, are going to be the next wave of tyrants, or at least they are jockeying for positions…

You are such a fine writer, I am a man of simple words, but took an excellent class in writing when I was in college, you bring back memories of the things I was trying to be taught, that is a compliment my friend, those things I have never thought of until reading you. I believe I understand them now a bit better, thanks

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Thanks Devo.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

GC, you just blew me away.

Every sentence packed a punch.

Do you know, she had a column recently how she actually listened to Trump speak, and was okay with it?

I was a liberal (rent control) when I was in college. I hated the feminists though when I went into the workforce...they brainwashed an entire generation of women...and made men and women think they could have sex and not be effected/affected....women cannot do this. Men can.

I never could stand my peer group.

Thanks for stating what the needle was, and the damage done.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Can you elaborate more on Dr. Malone inside story? I read few articles from Sage Hana about his strange shift and I know that he changed positions in middle of 2021. Nevertheless, I really like his presentation on fifth - generation warfare and most of his insights are very good and truthful.

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I don't have the inside scoop. His lawfare against others seemed suspicious, beyond the petty and absurd. George Webb has some interesting stuff. Click archive and search "malone"

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I also don't understand that. Honestly, I am more on Sage Hana side, even when sometime is childish the reporting is not fake. Also this tweet is mystery for me, Mike Yeadon was there since beginning and always on good side. https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1698388717243666710

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Malone trying to take down Yeadon? Oof. It's no contest, on integrity, on bravery, courage, on not clout chasing and gas lighting. Malone is a child with horses.

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Mike Yeadon is the Real Deal

Malone is more ‘integrity is important and once you can fake that you have it made ‘

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"...considering the large population in India that remain to be vaccinated..." Tells you everything, Malone's got Willie Sutton vibes and just going where the money is.

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Sorry, forgot the link...


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I give Naomi the benefit of doubt as I would most people who start to question their previous conceived notions. We will see where she goes from here. Good insights as usual!

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Keep being you.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

You are one of the few substacks that I always read the newest post. Love your writing, and keep up the great work, GC

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I replied to Wolf directly on her Substack, that, if her husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, she would learn that her fellow feminists made sure that breast cancer receives many times more taxpayer funding than prostate cancer. No reply back, but I did get a few "likes" for that comment.

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“please forgive the reflexive unthinking reverence.”

Did you mean, please forgive the LACK OF reflexive unthinking reverence?

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Thank you for elaborately and poignantly stating what I was sensing of late. She has lost one paid subscriber today.

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deletedSep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen
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You are so right. I was starting to give Naomi a pass when she first started talking about the vax harms done to pregnant women and unborn/newly born babies... and then I realized I was being totally manipulated. The woman is a complete schill.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Damn this was excellent reading that I will have to read at least three times to absorb fully.

It’s not the jab, that’s the easy way to make money for these people the last three years. I began to hate all of the “experts” as early as January 2021.

It could be 5G, but that is just part of it, it is the the Internet, the tv, the magazines and movies. They are all programming for the soulless they create. It is staring at your fucking god damn phone all day long.

It is prescription drugs, it is the loss of the middle class, it is the lack of god in peoples lives.

GC, my opinion is that it has ramped up like a hockey stick since covid, everyone became an expert, at being narcissistic pigs. I used to meet nice people often before covid, now everyone hates everyone, with exception of the jovial fat guy you still run into once in awhile. It’s a me-me-me world baby.

Our culture was in decay pre-2020, all of what you say, and above as I wrote, combined for a warp speed trip to societal collapse.

Th jab isn’t taking peoples souls for fuck sake, it’s killing 30% is all, and that number goes up every booster these sick fucks are allowed to release on the zombified droolers.

Damn good piece GC!

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Her blindspot, and it happens with many when they first snap out of their slumber, is they have zero reference to what was really happening prior to the waking up so they think all of it just began when they started to take notice.

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We are all on our own journey, though few "experts" unworthy of the label are propped up as suddenly as she has been. Her lack of reference to the past (beyond 2020) became very clear in attempting to read her book.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

You're kind and I like that. I was subscribed to Naomi's substack but I ended up purging that subscription, along with some others.

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Same here.

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I did not say that to criticize (or at least negatively criticize) anyone. As you said, we all have our own path and journey. Its just an something I first noticed in a friend when he finally snapped out of it, then started noticing similar behaviors in various public figures the past few yrs. The way I look at it, better late than never

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

GC's piece is brilliant and I definitely see the point. However, my view of Naomi Wolf shifted when I first read her book, The End of America, that she published in 2007. She saw the emerging surveillance state that Bush and the neocons erected in the wake of 9/11.

It wasn't much of a stretch for Naomi Wolf to recognize covid as simply the next stage in an evolving totalitarianism. For a legacy arch-feminist, I credit Wolf for having the bravery to make a public stand, even if now she is no longer allowed to circulate in the bi-coastal liberal cocktail circuit.

You're right when you make the point about Wolf 'snap[ing] out her slumber'. She admitted to voting for Biden, obviously missing the early warning signs in 2015 and ignoring what many long knew about Biden and the DNC, regardless of whether they were MAGA Trumpers. Although the damage was done, Wolf apologized for what she admitted to be the wrong choice. How many only recently came to the conclusion that they were snowed by the likes of Barack, Hillary, Mitt, McCain and the other denizens of the Uniparty elite?

I will add that I agree with GC that the 'zombification' of humanity probably does go beyond the mere fact of being a willing participant in the covid shot program. One's willingness to get the shots is more a symptom or the effect of a larger form of indoctrination/social engineering that's been going on for decades.

Great comment. Great piece by GC.

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That was an important shift for her which I omitted (The End of America) though it seemed more reaction against the Bush/Cheney regime and once Obama was elected, as many liberals assumed, all was well with their world. If by his second term said liberals could not see that Obama was probably worse than Bush in many respects (4 countries instead of 2, droning, HC mandates, bank bailouts, surveillance ramped up) then it wasn't until the "dangerous" Trump that they were magically activated again against their better judgement, and finally 2020 to realize, there is one party working on behalf of a global machine against all citizens.

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" ... once Obama was elected, as many liberals assumed, all was well with their world."

This is probably true of Naomi Wolf. I think even she will admit that it took Covid to completely rock her belief system to its core and to understand - or at least to suspect - how the world is actually run. My faith aside, I know that I no longer believe most of the things I may have believed three years ago.

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John for me it’s since 2001 - have been researching ever since.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Hallelujah amen brother. Their is no true introspective analysis with most of them, oh they say I was fooled like you and such, but they truly believe it all started in 2020, or when they figured it out. It is the ultimate form of self admiration, or worse…

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I gotta be honest, I am sick and f**king tired of people implying everyone was fooled. No, we weren't. I saw the first report of a 'sars like virus' on RT.com in December of 2019 I think it was. I called bullshit then. And when it took over all media, including so-called alt and independent outlets, who were all just running with the narrative and nobody asking for proof of this alleged virus, I tuned out from everything and read a lot of books and went about my life as if I had nothing to worry about other than society turning into a bunch of zombies. Whatever it was or wasn't I just did not care.

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Joel, you are right, I believe the first people to recognize the scam, were the ones who went out immediately and researched the previous reported epidemics of the 2000s. In 2020 there was almost zero independent media until quite late in the year. Then the vaccine was announced and lots of folks became instant experts, at first one had to weed through these so-called experts to figure out who was full of shit. It was tough to say the least. I researched the entire year; I wasn’t working at the time, so it was night and day. I should have done proper research and started a podcast or some bullshit, but I am not into that sort of thing. I was trying to protect my wife from the hospital she worked at.

My initial research started with the following epidemics, subsequently researching the vaccine trials I became alarmed, everything they injected these vaccines into died…. I believe it was truly 100% of animals died. The RNA vaccine has always been a failure…

Not a complete, but relevant list:

2003 – Sars Covid 1 – 1st trial of the psy-op

2009 – H1N1 Swine -- 2nd trial of the psy-op

2012 – Mers Covid 2 – 3rd trial of the psy-op

2014 – Ebola again – 4th trial of the psy-op

2020 – Covid 19 – Expected last psy-op

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Actually that was a huge reason I for my immediate skepticism. Its an area I long had been researching prior to covid. My blind spot was my faith in humanity assuming more people would catch on before it was too late.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023

My faith in humanity was absolutely murdered by these 3 years, we lived in a lock down state, fortunately we live 1 mile from a free-state.

To watch the different people on each side of an invisible border was at first hopeful, the right side living free and uncaring, "it is all a lie, it doesn't affect me and I am going to live life normally". And the left side losing their ever loving minds day by day, even though the truth was right across the invisible border.

Most people didn't get to witness daily life on a border of a free/lockdown state. It was humanity 101 for me. So people that judge my lack of empathy and downright disgust with human beings can fuck right off, I was front row in 101-201-301 humanity on display everyday.

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I had long thought it was a character flaw of mine that I wasn't a fan of people (in the most general of terms), but the past three years made me re-think that. Gues it was them, not me. As for lockdowns, we had all the standard nonsense here, but I decided to look at the actual policies one day early and to my surprise, they were written in a way to indicate they were all completely voluntary. There was no enforcement mechanism (cops weren't even wearing masks during traffic stops), and no type of punishments for violations. I would have not cared either way, cuz F em, but looking around me, it seems not many others took the time to read em, or had succumbed to the fear porn.

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Joel, same here and I was determined not to get jabbed which was pretty difficult living in Western Australia, cutoff from the other states and territory. We were absolutely hammered here. My whole family succumbed to the jab, but I stood my ground after spending day in and day out researching and passing off informative documents to all and sundry to no avail .🤬

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Shit, other than myself, I can only think of maybe a handful of people that I know didnt get one for certain. No living family that I associate with so at least that I didn't have to worry about, but some of my friends really shocked me, especially ones who were not concerned about needing one or didnt have an employer mandate, but just ran out and got it anyway. Then one told me he got his 7 and 9 yr old jabbed. That actually brought me to tears. I walked away from 70K a year at a job I would have done for free I was that serious about never letting that shit in my body. Broke as all hell these days, but, I won't be 'dying suddenly' anytime soon. And for the record, well fucking done holding your ground through it all. I was completely shocked and horrified what those demons were doing to ya''ll down there.

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Yep, we had some doozies that’s for sure - communists through and through all of the Premieres in each state and territory. Lucky we don’t have guns etc anymore, they got confiscated back in 1996 with the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania (which was another con job against the people) , otherwise there could have been some accidental deaths over the last few years🤣

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Shit, I remember when ya'll got that gun ban. My first thought was they are going to really regret that one day. Ditto Australia. However, there is a good chance things would have went very differently had ya'll still been armed. Here is the US, the severity of lockdowns had a very strong correlation to gun laws in each state. Strict laws, like California or New York, had near total lockdown, whereas places like Florida and Texas, among others with high ownership, people could mostly go about their lives. The possibilty of guns being pointed back at them shows the true cowardice of governments

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In feminist terms, would her blind spot be called the B-spot ??

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I think you're a little harsh and unfair on Naomi. You need to show a little more pity...

Joking aside, and, despite her being in a relationship with an ex-alphabet agency operative, I am inclined to believe that Wolf has had a genuine Road To Damascus moment. In fact, I suspect she'll convert to Christianity in her future re-education/concentration camp. Or at least in the last instant, in the ditch, before some regime goon squeezes the trigger of his/her/zhe's .45.

I give her credit for her change. You forget that it takes a great deal of courage to stand apart from your class and culture, and to fight for truth. Her life prior to 2020 has vanished completely. She swapped comfort/wealth for truth. 99+% of doctors, academics, virologists, politicians chose differently. These possessed Gadarene swine continue on their charge, over the cliff and into the sea.

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They had abandoned her after her last book Outrages, which her publisher dropped. By 2019 it was a done deal, so it didn't take that much courage to come to the truth. And by then the comfort and wealth were a long time accumulated. I don't doubt her genuine awakening at all. But a PI husband with spook connections? Oof. There goes my anonymity. It was fun while it lasted. I stand behind every word published on this Substack.

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Well, seeing that she is probably comfortably wealthy, and that the world is about to go off a cliff, did she really give up much?

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Being shunned and pushed out into the wilderness by friends and associates is no picnic. Lots and lots of very comfortable doctors with padded retirement accounts said/did nothing.

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Hey, I know that first hand. My ER nurse wife lost her job, while all the ER and ICU docs went right along (except 1). They knew this thing was BS, but couldn’t lose that lake house or mountain cabin. One surgeon admitted to her that he knew it was BS, but felt he had to take it for his kids college, his house, his business. She saw him not long ago and said he looked pretty rough. The regret must be killing him morevthan the shot.

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Sorry to hear that, man that hurts me to think of your experience. My wives employer thankfully offered declinations/exemptions and we most definitely had several, we did however, have to word them very carefully, you couldn't just say I won't take that..... It was a horrible 6 months of anguish. Damn them all for their lies, gullibility, and being sick evil bastards.

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But God is good. She took a travel nurse job at an Indian Reservation, and it was the best experience of her nursing career. We didn’t suffer for loss of income, only disrupted lives, but it was all blessings.

She’s back at the hospital that furloughed her (they put all the dissidents on unpaid leave - a brilliant ploy to deny them unemployment benefits), and it’s quite interesting. While the local propaganda rags all trumpeted the furloughing of the unvaxxed staff at the hospital, they were dead silent about the hospital allowing them to return.

Every single employee that encounters my wife has said that they regret taking the jab and felt coerced into doing it. The hospital has retaliated on my wife as best they can, denying her transfers (5 times) to other departments. They finally acquiesced by giving her a graveyard shift.

We fully expect her to lose her job again when they ramp it all up again. But we will all be in a tight spot then, as they will have a zero tolerance policy, the implementation of the digital health ID, and go full totalitarian.

We all know this and we are all waiting for that other boot to drop. Get ready. Make your peace with God. The Antichrist system is fully live, in control, and about to be crowned.

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Hey Hey, god is great, that is interesting about the travel job on the IR. We live in an area surrounded by Reservations, perhaps the next round that might be an option. The exemption we wrote up was for all mRNA vaccines, so if they release a FLU RNA this year and we expect them too, we have that covered legally. If they try to deny it after accepting it, we will sue them to kingdom come.

My backup plan is to sell everything, keep one car and an RV and travel to where it is free, we will both find jobs locally and live as free as we can until we cannot. God will see the path forward for us, we will just follow his lead.... :-)

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I haven't made it through to the last word in an article that landed in my inbox for longer than I can remember. Thank you for rekindling the avid reader in me. Appreciated.

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Everyone in the medical freedom movement considers themselves to be vastly superior to everyone else in the mfm in terms of knowledge, experience, consistency, understanding, morality, humanity and ability to see the truth. Rather than working together to end the genocidal enslavement of humanity they are busy with their circular firing squad. Almost like they were being manipulated by the cia or wef or Billy Gates!

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

This was a mindblowing read. Appreciate it. You're a helluva writer!

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I'm a fan of you both so I'm not taking sides - why should I? - and I take each of your work with a grain of salt so I can use my own cognitive process in deciding what to take on board, what to jettison or what to investigate further. At times, especially toward the end, this felt more like a hit piece as opposed to "I'm just asking questions". Fair enough. It's your Substack. In defence of Naomi, I usually consider her sweeping statements as generalizations. You, on the other hand, are laser focused (space laser focused?) and rip stuff to shreds so we can evaluate from the perspective of the Meadow, which is why I subscribe. Your current Wolf-ripping is painful yet I also see it as necessary. We've got to be able to do this to everyone in the public sphere at some level.

"Watching strangers in public who appear not to have an earthly clue what transpired? Oof. That’s the one. " This got me on a personal gut level as I experience it almost every day. Talk about Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It's been so weird and alienating I can't even express. I've been red-pilled so much over the last three years, it's been brutal as hell yet it's ultimately redeeming. Because what's the alternative? Yeah, right.

Official Stories by Liam Scheff and 180 Degrees by Feargus O'Connor are recent reads.

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This article is magnificent. I think there is something in the Bhagavad Gita about the corruption of women leading to societal disintegration, primarily via miscegenation. I know men miscegenate too but in far less numbers than women. Feminists have always made lying claims that have no basis in reality, such as 1 in 3 females in colleges and universities in the U.S. are victims of rape or attempted rape. Really? Not even close. Like the fagots declaring that 1 in 5 men are homos. These freaks parade these lies for political leverage and power. Well before Stupid-19, humanity, in particular white humanity, went into serious decline for a plethora of reasons, most of them Talmudically induced. It's just that with the Scamdemic, the rabbis and their shabat goys put the engines of our obliteration in hyper-drive. The fat lady hasn't completed her song yet but she's completed the first stanza and the curtain is half way down.

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Interesting. I think I have the Bhagavad Gita. I will need to reread it (goes to check home library).

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I think it was the Bhagavad Gita, I read it many years ago. It may have been the Upanishads or the most ancient known Aryan text, the Rig Veda. Happy hunting.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

How did Naomi - and many other health freedom people - or whatever they call themselves - only see how messed up some vaccinated folk were, but didn’t seem to notice that those of us who didn't take the shots weren't faring terrifically well either after being magically transported to the world of Invasion of the Body Snatchers? (During the mask mandates, especially.)

I don't think I'm the only one who's still reeling both intellectually and emotionally from that.

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After reading comments on here and other SS articles, I can only say I'm extremely grateful to be basically in the middle of nowhere, very rural, with mostly common sense people around, old time values, no subways, no electric cars, no big buildings, pretty reasonable local governments, and no stores that were adamant about masks because we were having none of it. So, while so many that knew what was going on but still had to deal with so much going on so close to them, most of us escaped the extreme physical and mental stresses. My life actually didn't change except I couldn't find toilet paper and I said "no, thank you" a lot to those offering masks.

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As a professor once wrote in response to a paper he received, “You’ve got it [right], and I think you know you’ve got it.” Nicely done.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I am so happy to see you pointing out the glaring inconsistencies in the intellectual career of Naomi Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing.

I first encountered her as the author of The Beauty Myth. I couldn't read the book - the academicease was beyond my patience. (At the time, I blamed that on my own lack of sophistication, rather than the fact that her arguments were patently ridiculous and had to be dressed up in pseudo-intellectual parlance.)

But I saw her talk at a local university, where her charm had me and the (mostly young female) audience spell-bound. I shudder to think of how she and others like her led me astray in my youth.

Fortunately, I am older and wiser now. One of the big tip offs for me that The Beauty Myth was a pile of horseshit came about as I learned more about the JQ. Wolf dumped the blame for the sins of the beauty industry squarely at the feet of white men, but she never once breathed a word about how the beauty and fashion industry is absolutely riddled with Jews.

She must have been too busy droning on about her Holocaust-surviving grandma to notice.

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CJ Hopkins would ban you for such a truthful comment and now he’s begging for money for his defense. Not a chance pal. You either allow for truthful discussion or you don’t. It’s what I respect most here about GC. I am sure some of my comments are things he disagrees with, but he doesn’t ban you or sink your comments to the bottom.

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I stopped reading CJ Hopkins specifically because not only will he not address the JQ (somewhat understandable, given the risks involved) but also, he constantly reinforces the Jewish narrative a la "NaziNaziNazi" (unforgiveable).

Even most of my favourite substack writers avoid tackling the JQ head-on, but I recently discovered this fearless writer (who is also an exceptionally original and clear thinker):


He started posting in April 2023 and he's so good I am working my way through his entire archive.

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Read Emmet Fox. Start with “Sermon on the Mount” and the “Lord’s Prayer “

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Thanks for the tip. Will give it a look.

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Great to see another substacker tackling the JQ. Too bad it's behind a paywall. Here's someone who has pulled off the impossible and so far seems to have gotten away with it:


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"So, like, when we talk about systemic unfettered exploitation of women in the capitalist workforce from the viewpoint of a white toxic male, that’s like, problematic, right?"

As my husband so aptly pointed out when I read this out loud, "Any sentence that begins with *so* and ends with *right?* is almost always horseshit."

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Did you happen to catch her poison pills at her substack regarding her analysis of the Old Testament books, then her fawning worship of rabbi Schneerson as one of the most noble, loving, etc, etc (scumbag) jewish leaders. that during her presence at his grave she felt spiritual BS? blah, blah, blah

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She is a charlatan, nothing more, well she is educated, so there’s that….

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She is writing about Ancestral memory today, explaining to whitey how the potato famine worked and how wonderful jewish people are, without a single attempt to show us that the Covid attack is a jewish phenomena top to bottom.

Naomi Wolf is good for a few issues related to covid, but she is bad in virtually every other area.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Native American Proverb

“A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul so as to unite him with Source. A man’s greatest calling is to protect woman so that she is free to walk the earth unharmed”.

How are we doing on that ladies and gentlemen?

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

ahahah. indians beat gang raped their women made them do all the work many did not reach forty. women were traded for a horse or a rusty rifle

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Oof. Dances with Winchester?

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

LOL or Dances with Mr Ed

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I think Wolf is controlled opposition.

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Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

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