Project For A New War On Terror
Dusting off the old script, and a new rule for this Substack.

Last year Klitz Schlub’s Young Global Leader for the Empire of Lies’ “D” team arrived on Substack to announce her stunning and brave choice to leave the Demonic Party.
It really must have been such a difficult decision for her, one can only imagine the riches from book sales and Fox News contracts filling her eyeballs with dollar signs heartache, suffering, and pain she must have endured.
After a brief congratulations on her easy decision, I thought I’d throw out the first pitch to try and get a game going, but she was in no mood to play.
Instead of giving the proper answer which would have taken all of two seconds to think up and write, I dunno, something like, “I denounce the tyrannical World Economic Forum and all technocrat Globalist organizations. They should be declared enemies of the state and have their funds seized, and leaders arrested for organized operations against American citizens including but not limited to the engineered pandemic.”
Geez. How hard was that?
Too hard apparently.
Instead, she denied it, but we always have receipts. And a few days later
delivered them nicely.There’s a reason WEF-chosen ones end up where they do.
I’m always for second chances and the benefit of the doubt, but when it comes to the power of the WEF and its Young Global Leaders program, these bastards are batting a thousand.
And as if she was never anti-war and anti-Israeli war crimes, right on cue she’s laid on her back and opened her crack for the Military Industrial Complex. She now plays the duality game invented by Dick Cheney’s bat boy, George W. Bush, “If you’re not with us Zionists, you’re with the terrorists.”
This is the Fox News card. You're with Israel or you’re dumber than Alexandria Occasional Cortex and her squad. The sad thing is that millions of conservatives watching this crap and falling for it are as dumb as Alexandria Occasional Cortex.
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I realize a quarter of you reading this are too young to remember what all this is about. You’ve read a thing or two about this script, and maybe have some vague understanding from history classes watching YouTube Bitchute, but you don’t remember all the madness from the first version.
If you’re too young to remember the months and years after September 11, 2001, allow me to offer a very brief refresher course: After the CIA and Mossad orchestrated the (false flag) attacks of that day, killing nearly 3000 American civilians so Larry Silverstein, the new recent owner of the WTC could cash in his incredibly timed new $4 billion insurance policy, the government spent years terrorizing the American people with help from their Mockingbird media whores, while blaming everything on whomever the Neocons and their Project for a New American Century thugs (mostly Zionists) had penned in for regime change operations, also known as bombing, droning, and slaughter of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. That’s the really simple version that leaves out the economics, the commodities, the resources, and geopolitics.
Now they’re finally getting around to checking Iran off the list with help from newly acquired war pigs like Tulsi Gabbard.
A brief anecdote about those months that followed 9-11: People were in such hysterics about Scud missiles from Sadam Hussein in 2002—whom the Bush administration and media blamed the 9-11 attacks on (Seriously!)—that Fox News told them to go out and buy duct tape to prevent Anthrax from going inside their homes if a Sadam Scud were to strike their nearby Dunkin’ Donuts. Home Depot sold out of duct tape in one weekend, and Walmart probably sold out of Huggies.
EVERYTHING you’re seeing on attention networks and corporate media today is simply a redux of this exact, same, script, except this time the false flag was October 7th. Oh, and the cave-dwelling goat-herding Taliban outlasted the Empire of Lies in Afghanistan for twenty years at a cost of $5 Trillion, while the U.S. killed a million Iraqis (after already starving half a million Iraqi children to death the previous decade) and spent four trillion, ALL to give Iraq, a former stable Bathist secular state now ruled by Shia, to Shia-dominant Iran. Yes, they did all that and strengthened the enemy they now want to go “fight” in another staged war.
But none of these wars are about conflict. They serve four main purposes.
Loot the treasury for the controlling class (money spent is money laundered) and to strengthen Israel
Orchestrate more conflict for future looting (mass human sacrifice)
Send hundreds of millions of “refugees” to destabilize the west (more on that below)
Keep the world distracted from the 5.1 Billion bioweapons administered to humans as “medicine” over the past three years. Don’t pay any attention to that stage four pancreatic turbo cancer. There are Hamas terrorists at the seven eleven!
Their new story is that “Oopsie, we accidentally left the border open for three years. And Hamas suddenly wants to strike American Laser Tag centers and Hobby Lobbies so watch out Americans, and shit your pants hard, again, and make your enemies the same enemies of Israel so we can send billions more to Israel which has a GDP of half a trillion and doesn’t need it, and especially so American men and women can go die for Israel’s problems, again!”
If you take away one thing from this post, let it be this: Should there be a “terrorist attack” in the U.S. over the next twelve months before next year’s selection (if they even have the selection) as it looks like they’re telegraphing ‘terror threats” through all their chosen mouthpieces, it will not be Hamas that carries it out.
It will be the U.S. government’s intel pigs, and their groomed “terrorists” again.
It will be a false flag.
It will be blamed on Hezbollah (Hamas is not as connected to Iran, though most people are too stupid to know the difference).
It will be to gain consent for regime change in Iran
The message will be, once again, the same one they used in 2002: “We have to fight the evil-doers over there so that we don’t have to fight em’ here.”
If you think this Good Citizen is exaggerating:
And this is what you’ll hear from Biden soon, except with more bumbling and sleepiness, and more of a confused “I shart my pants” look than a stupid one.
This is the old-new narrative that freshly minted Ziowhore Tulsi Gabbard is being paid to promote. CIA and Mossad frame the talking points to cover their tracks. People like Cruella Aloha go on Fox News and do their bidding.
So, welcome back “War on Islamist Terror!” Oh, how you benefited America and the world for twenty years. Please bless us again for another twenty more.
As for goal number four—to send hundreds of millions of globopsycho-created refugees to settle in Europe, Canada, and the United States to turn the entire advanced west into one giant refugee holding center of undereducated, unskilled, (and overeducated brats) debt-serfs while agitating the millions of Muslims in these countries with images of Zionists bombing hospitals, schools, and assassinating Muslim civilians and dumping their bodies in mass graves. Israel gets its ethnostate with big giant walls, while the rest of the West pays the price for its holy wars.
See Max Igan’s video from yesterday at minute 20 for the blindfolded executions and mass graves. Warning: Very graphic. Zionist shills: “We have to prevent never again…by doing it again!”
Take it away Cruella!
With that I say Aloha
. Welcome to the Zionist War Pig club. Grab a warm blankey and snuggle up nicely next to your new Ziowhore friends Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham.Two weeks ago I wrote:
Being anti-war is easy at cocktail parties and on first dates.
When everyone is screaming their lungs out from psychological manipulation, after a lifetime of ideological programming, and demanding that sides be taken, few people stay the course and hold fast to their anti-war beliefs.
To stick to principles in times of hysteria requires courage. To be balanced and thoughtful is to be brave.
In the months ahead asswipes like Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, the retarded kid from TPUSA, and Cruella will say that Iran sponsors terror, and they’re a threat to the world, all the same bullshit they said before about Bin Laden and Iraq and Libya and Syria. Millions of normies will eat it up, some of them will be the same idiots who ate it up last time they ran this script, while many more will be too young to remember the first programming installment.
They will bully those who stand against war. They will smear them as anti-semites, pacificists, and terrorist sympathizers just like they did the first time they ran this script. We’re already seeing this play out everywhere.
Most will herd into the ranks of the warmongering whores to feel comfort and to not be associated with that ditzy bartender Occasional-Cortex and her squad.
Very few will have the mental fortitude to press CTRL+ALT+delete and end the task.
By the time the regularly scheduled atrocity war crimes programming is done, you’ll be able to count on one hand the number of people who are still anti-war. I’ll reserve one finger for Ron Paul and his son, and one for Jimmy Dore, but the rest are anyone’s guess.
When I started this Substack I had only two, simple rules.
Don’t believe anything the corporate media says
Don’t believe anything any government says (The George Carlin Rule)
I’m adding a third rule today.
Don’t believe anyone in the “alternative” media.
The greater their following, the more likely they were chosen to push opposing views and gain people’s trust for something bigger that comes along later. We’re seeing this now with all the “conservatives” who spoke out against the jabs and mandates, and masks, using their platforms to whore for more wars.
Yesterday Glen Beck masturbated on livestream to an Israeli flag. It won’t be long before he gets arrested for molesting Jews in public. Pretty soon all these assholes will have Only Fans pages for other war pigs to jerk off with.
Get ready for the “War on Terror” part deux. Brought to you by all the same fuckers as before.
If you want to see the face of real terrorists, this is them…
Robert Kagan at the bottom is now running the show through his co-author buddy Anthony Blinkin the Secretary of State. While Kagan’s wife, Victoria Nuland, is the #2 at the state department.
All of these Ziofuckers should be in Gitmo, but instead, they’re running the Empire of Lies right back into an infernal hellscape.
And if you thought your dollars were already worthless Americans, just wait until they get done borrowing for their next “project.”
Never again, Kagan.
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Thanks for sharing.
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Excellent. I'm watching a lot of people - like Cruella - bury themselves right now. RFK JR too. I don't think they grok where we are. Redux isn't working. No one (paying attention) is interested. Thanks.
Bravo!! Excellent post!!
Thanks for calling out Tulsi, the latest whore for the Zio genocide, MIC and the 2nd round of the Global war of Terror!! I wish I could say I was shocked with by her response to the on-going genocide of the Palestinian people, but I'm not. I've been suspicious of her for a while because of the WEF Young Global Leader crap and then doing a stint on Faux News. She never sounded genuine--everything coming from her sounded fake and rehearsed. And then once she went to Maui and said NOTHING about them being DEWd and stuck to the official script, well that once the end of it for me.
So, I'm totally NOT shocked. And just before your substack post came in, I saw an article on her at ZionHedge, and I have to say I felt an evil radiating from her, like it was always there, but now she doesn't have to hide it.
And she's not the only one who has flipped for the new war of terror--did you hear about Vivek?? Apparently, he's now a full supporter of Israhell and called for heads on pikes, which I believe is something they did in Iraq (and by "they" I'm referring to the Death Squads the ZSA sent in)
Where's Tucker on all of this?? We were supposed to think he was so brave for talking about Building 7 after he was no longer on Faux News, but has he said anything about the latest obvious as hell FF being used as an excuse for the slaughter of children, on-going genocide and possibly WW3?
It's hard to wrap your head around the evil we are up against. It's like we're surrounded by demonic, genocidal psychopaths and they're everywhere (controlling almost all governments, the media, the alt media). It feels like our world has gone mad.