It began with: " we just want to visit our dying partner in hospital"...and has morphed into: " we will seize your child and cut off his genitals, and you can't stop us". This is how evil operates. Present a benign face...but once that camel has it's nose under the tent...evil will not stop until it is total. No one in Oregon seems to remember 30 odd years ago, when the Oregon Citizen's Alliance warned of where all this was headed. I remember it like yesterday...the hate they received...the Nazi slurs...the crazed lesbian who violently entered one of their meetings, and then sued them for being evicted (she claimed assault).

Gloria Steinem was CIA, and MS magazine was a CIA propaganda rag. Naomi Wolf is controlled opposition. She has ties to Chabad Lubavitch. NO ONE gets a high profile unless they are working for the cause. You can't fight back if you don't understand who the enemy is. All the newbies who "woke up" during the scamdemic (actually there was no "awakening" the global elite simply dropped all pretense of hiding their plans) still are being played. Discernment of these psy-ops takes decades to learn.

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You cannot imagine the depths to which I appreciate your comment here, in its entirety.

"Discernment of these psy-ops takes decades to learn." - Exactly! And few possess the time, desire and tenacity to put in the work. It is a lot, admittedly.

And a hearty thank you for your comment on Naomi Wolf - she's such a liar. It is sickening to see how few seem to grasp it.

"NO ONE gets a high profile unless they are working for the cause. You can't fight back if you don't understand who the enemy is."


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Aug 2Edited

Thank you. Recently in a Substack comment section, on an article about vaccine suicide, I mentioned how I had learned about the coming genocide 20 years prior, on a "conspiracy" website. I mentioned that, if I could find this out 20 years ahead of time on a library computer (I did not have internet until 2020) then there was no excuse for people to claim they were duped into getting the Jonestown jab. The response: "well, you had to be looking for that info in order to find it". Precisely. Some of us WERE paying attention back in the eighties and nineties. While everyone else was having a good time, playing the grasshopper, we were taking every opportunity to get a handle on what was coming...even if that meant riding a bike to the library every day to use the computer...and coming home soaked to the skin for about five months of the year. One puts in the hard work...and one reaps the rewards. My life was totally untouched by the scamdemic . I don't know anyone else personally, who can say the same.

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"The Jonestown Jab." Haha. I think even Tru TV had a "Conspiracy Theories" TV show segement in 2009 or 10 where Alex Jones, Rema Lebo, and the host Jesse Ventura talk about the Jonestown Jabs. Rema is somewhere on substack now, but she was warning about this to people on their programming screens a decade earlier. Unfortunately most people bought the lies about "conspiracy theories" which is probably why the phrase was invented by the CIA to begin with. Now they're probably using conspiracy theories in the reverse (psychology) to get people to believe lies are true. It's all so exhausting but that's why I keep it simple: never trust the government. Never trust the media or alternative media, most of whom appear to be paid controlled opposition now.

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Dr. Rima Laibow.

Yes indeed, do not trust of course any MSM, nor the 'alternative' media. If they have a platform, they are a part of the apparatus. It is very very few who are not in on it. It won't be long and we shall see where this all heads. I personally believe that we're headed towards a moment, a crossing moment, wherein those of us who have carving out discernment stand the best chance. This moment will not be like anything most have anticipated.

The reason we saw so much Biblical scripture portrayed during the opening ceremony of these Olympics only serves to reinforce what is about to unfold. We are following a script here on Earth (imo) and soon we shall see big pieces of that narrative play out.

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Dr. Rima Laibow. Ooof. I hacked her name badly. I've only read one of her posts. So many people on substack these days, and many solid writers who go unnoticed—so little time. But I'm averse to her in some ways due to her certainty about everything. Certainty about everything makes me skeptical. And while she was right about the jabs because the wife of some elite diplomat told her in a clinical visit, I'm not sure that makes her right about everything else. Actually it probably doesn't. Similar aversion par example: I used to listen to Alex Jones at least a few times each week depending on the day/topic. I haven't listened to more than ten minutes in a year. I can barely stand the sound of his voice. He's become Kosher Wars or Info Snores and paid opp and may have been for sometime before I started listening regularly, but I started at least 15 years ago so I don't think so. It wasn't until after his billion dollar judgement that I noticed a Yuuuuge difference. Then Elon magically starts promoting him on X, with the algos pushing him into the spotlight, and he's invited into every spaces to give his expert opinion. Somethings off with all that. My skeptic siren went off. David Icke calls him out every day now for his baloney, but Icke is heavily smothered by Elon's algos. That place is a digital oligarchic dictatorship circus running Intel ops as culture war fodder. People are too stupid to see it.

As for the Biblical theatre playing out, there are a lot of people programming armageddon or "end times" to their followers based on their own beliefs. It reeks too much as if they're part of the agenda (wittingly or unwittingly) to "will it into being" which the Zionists and their evangelical goy stooges would be ecstatic to realize, given their rewritten holy book (Scofield Bible) from 1909. The reinterpretation of scripture to dupe these masses was a Zionist-British operation. I don't think earth itself (if it is a planet floating around a solar system in a single universe as we were' told and we're not being run by a sythbio simulation already) cares about our religions, cults, beliefs, etc. It's all human run psyops for the greater agenda.

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I bought Icke's books back in the nineties, but I have believed him to be controlled opposition for many years now. Too much info to go into here.

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Excellent proviso.niw add hasbara trolls..psychotic sayanim...mossad unit 8200 trolls on top...micronudging..entrainment.entrappment. entrancement..honey pot social massmedia..great article in any case*

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I too was well enough informed by the start of the scamdemic to know of its coming. Admittedly I didn't know it would be the entire globe or when exactly it would kick off, but I knew it would be huge. All of the medical hoaxing leading up to it for years was plenty warmup.

I think you might be the gal I've seen on other articles who traveled solo through South/Central America (I cannot recall all the details) and you have some history in Oregon, I do too, Pretty sure GCitizen was at one time an Oregonian himself. Funny to find others from Oregon who were effective enough sleuths to have the proper mindset going in. As a physician working in medicine in Portland when it kicked off you can imagine the hell I was in. Surrounded by completely uninformed, arrogant af, NPR listening normies who thought anything I suggested was worthwhile to converse about was conspiracy theory. I was fired by the other doctors I worked with, and gladly so; I must have said goodbye to 100 people in my life. I tried to help educate them, but to no avail. they would not bother to read anything, despite my being an expert on vaccines since 2008. I have since heard two doctors I used to interact with are now dead. I only feel for the children of these people, they don't deserve any of it.

Yes, it simply took the desire to read, and slowly unravel one's mind from all the many years of programming. Piece by piece you figure it out, and learn all of government is simply an international organized crime syndicate. What I learned about normies over time is that they are never willing to face the threat of their worldview changing. They would rather continue with a completely false paradigm than to face the unsettling process of 'awakening' (not my fav term). It takes a special breed to have done what those of us have tasked ourselves with, which is certainly why there are very very few of us. Far outnumbering us are those who lack the bright consciousness, the spark required to ignite something within one's spirit and to refuse to back down to their tyranny.

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Aug 2Edited

Indeed, I am that gal. That you are a physician in Portland, I find shocking. It has been my experience in life that marginalized folks are the fastest to see truth. I'm talking mainly the poor. Not the hopeless poor, who can't help themselves...I mean those of us who have lived a life of poverty due to unwillingness to compromise with the system. Frankly, I had written all physicians off as being the enemy. You are a rare bird. I congratulate you for seeing through this. It must be much harder to see the truth, when your own comfortable lifestyle is on the line.

I heard an msm top-of-the-hour radio news report in DECEMBER of 2019 about a new virus in China. This is when I felt we were in for the roll-out of the plan that had been talked about online for at least 20 years. Once they floated the pangolin story, I knew for sure. Every January for years, I have studied the cover of: The Economist: The Year ****. If one understands the Kabbalah, one knows that these evil controllers must "tell us" what they plan to do. They feel no karma will be added to their account, if people, by their own free will, agree to the genocide etc. For the year 2019, the cover featured a drawing of a pangolin in the lower left corner. I figured that pangolin was going to be important. Btw, I'm a high school drop -out. Degrees don't mean intelligence, but rather a willingness to join the system and get goodies for doing so. If one considers getting to the Truth to be the most important thing in life...they will not be swayed by goodies.

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Yeah, well I'm likely one doc who breaks the mold. I too refused to compromise, wouldn't bill insurance, and paid heavily for my stance. Likely the poorest doctor you ever talked with! Didn't bother me too much, I was never one for the trappings of modernity anyhow. Knowledge has always been my jam.

And, no longer a physician in Portland. Them days are past!

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Aug 2Edited

It was a pleasant shock, mind you. I would have bet 100 bucks that no such physician existed in the robot radical cess pit capitol of North America. The irony of my situation, is that because of the scamdemic I now have more wealth than I have had in my life. Both my parents died from their clot shots. I expect all my siblings to follow shortly. Oregon is my own personal purgatory.

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This is a good time to revisit the Pike / Mazzini letter. Although we all are obviously against the woke bullshit, it is by design. The letter calls it unleashing the nihilists, making everyone to see the bankruptcy of Marxism / wokism.

But wait, there’s more. Watch how they finish off Christianity, probably through absolute demoralization when the fake Trump assignation is exposed. Just sayin.

Seriously find that letter. It’s dead on to what’s going on, including fomenting WW3 between the Muslim world and the political Zionists.

So take the “exposure” of all the woke bullshit in stride: you are meant to see the nihilism of it.

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Aug 2Edited

I have known about that letter for years. They will TRY to take down Christianity, but a handful of true believers will be alive to see Christ Jesus return . They definitely will take down Churchianity, and those who pose as Christians...until they are put into the place of having to chose between their personal comforts and faith. The way is narrow, and few will make it. Most will go the way to destruction.

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Yes indeed, materialism has weakened the church. You see I put the link to the letter below.

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Of course it’s called a fraud - like the Learned Elders doc, but you decide for yourself. Both of those “frauds” are surprisingly dead on.

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I didn't think it possible that someone could possibly write more narcissistic and intellectually "masturbatory" prose... but Naomi does a damn good job

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Boxer Carina did not got beat up by that man. She was barely stroked. That poor woman was so scared she surrendered right away. I wonder what was going on in her thoughts in the hours before the combat.

Up to a point, it's normal that athletes screw up because of anxiety in their big day. Not unheard of. But this is special, because of the bullshit politics of this decade of psyoppery relentless.

Was she in a bad mental state because she did not want to fight a man or a tranny or whatever, and she didn't know how to say that? This is the central problem of out time: people are routinely coerced to do things they really don't want to do, and they are terrified of being unpersonned, like in Maoist China, if they express their true feelings. People are being tortured. It's a huge crime.

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You should go and watch the single right hand to the nose that sent her back five feet and twisted her head sidways. A real stinger with torso and hips thrown into it by someone with far superior strength than she's used to. Most networks cut this out and showed some light tapping because of course they're behind the trans agenda.


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It's so fucking crazy to see this in general. But AT THE OLYMPICS?

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Hopefully, I'll have a cabin in the woods to escape from society or have a Plan B in a more sane country (although this seems to have spread to many places).

The demoralization and degeneration continue via propaganda.

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Be strong today. To day! And may are cabins be there waiting for us now.

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Yes. It is worldly at 'best' I suppose. We are rising in love to defeat the enemy. Let us rise together my friends. The day has come. The time is now. Do what you can. Say what you will. Good is winning.

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Aug 2
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Haha. Given that opening ceremony this may be the entire Olympics in twenty years.

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I'm skeptical. But I don't know much about boxing. It happens too fast for my unlearned eyes.

But the dude is clearly a dude.

I want to ask this: Imagine there were no lies about this, and they did three categories like this: only females, only males, and only political ideologues; and if males and females were allowed to compete in the same category of any sport, and some people did it willfully, because of ideology, and left the rest of the people alone to function normally, would then anyone care about a male boxer hitting a female boxer?

That is to say: is there really a problem, or is it just ideological theater and the injustice it creates for most people who want normality?

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You can see her nose is already going rudolf just thirty seconds into the fight when she grabs the ropes and resigns.

Yes, the dude is clearly a dude.

That's an interesting question you've proposed. I suppose it all depends on a person's principles. However I find people of all ideologies... eventually when challenged, the least principled among us, so maybe some wouldn't care.

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LOL "yes the dude is clearly a dude."

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Yes it's a real problem - unless you want to extend political idealogues to being allowed to have their own prisons that women can be encarcerated in with men if they wish and their own bathrooms in every restaurant and their own changing room in every facility and their own political idealogue lesbian and gay meetings and not feel excluded if they can't attend women only events.....https://jowaller.substack.com/p/transactivism-is-a-war-on-women?utm_source=publication-search

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"But the dude is clearly a dude."

Not so simple according to a female boxer who seems to know what she is talking about.

The Imane Khelif boxing controversy is not what it seems.


Quote: "From what I understand, Khelif might have the XY chromosomes (typically seen in males), but the external genitals are female. She was assigned female at birth. From what I’ve read, often these types of people don’t know they are different until they hit puberty."

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The word “assigned” is communism, in that context. I assign exactly zero (0) credibility or relevance to anyone who pretends “assign” is a real thing, in that context. I will not use the poisonous language of the people who want me dead, and neither should anyone else.

More technically, I do not believe in chromosomes.

Okay, that’s kind of a joke.

First, chromosomes are not really important. It’s just a modern pseudoscientific myth. The entire concept of genes determining anything is as false as communism.

Chromosomes are believed to be an encapsulation of genes that appears on cell division. They are not “there” normally. By metonymy, people use chromosomes instead of genes or genome. Not the same ting. But, more importantly, people are now used to the idea that one specific pair of chromosomes is different in males and females, and that is used as a proxy to say what the sex of the individual is. Total bullshit. Look at the genitals. Dangleberries implies male. Very easy.

Let’s start saving money by not buying into the religion of scientific communism.

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"Look at the genitals. Dangleberries implies male. Very easy."

Yes but according to the female boxer I linked above the genitals appeared female at birth, which is why they were assigned female at birth.

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Then she is a woman. No dick and and no balls plus a vulva with a vagina that leads to the uterus equals female.

Does she has ovaries and a uterus? not that it interests me that much. But even if she is naturally sterile, not having a functional female reproductive system, she's still a woman, and she belongs to that sporting category. Maybe, if she lacks the hormonal cycle that prepares reproduction, she happens to have a natural advantage as an Amazon warrior would. Then there is no fraud. It's just unusual. Too bad for the other competitors.

A different story would be if she is a woman but cheated. What if she was given male hormones years ago, with the intention of giving her an sporting advantage? That should be enough to kick her out for ever. And the country too: that's worse than slavery.

That's what East Germany, the communist tyranny, did to some sports women. That's a horrendous thing to do!

They say that centuries ago some boy choir singers were intentionally operated on to cut off their testicles, so that they could keep their singing voice. That's pure evil! Why would any person have any problem in understanding this crime? Other people's bodies are not your body! It's a simple rule. (I shudder to think that I have to explain that children and adolescents are also people, and they also have a negative right to not be operated on like the castrati, or to not be chemically assaulted like sports women)

And those laws that coerce people to speak the way the communists want them to speak are also evil, and must be ignored and revoked, and the legislators who voted for them should be prosecuted as traitors.

But, to finish this exchange on my side, if the person we are talking about is actually a human male, he should not be competing as a female. If she is actually a female, she is in the right category. And if he is intersex, which I don't believe for a minute, he should have his own third category. And if there are no competitors, then he cannot compete. Not my problem.

See how easy it is to be a clear thinker sometimes?

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Oof. Horrific. Misogyny on steroids.

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It's beyond me how a man, I don't care what he tells himself, can get in a ring with a woman and beat her bloody. It's simply society condoning domestic abuse (not only condoning but rewarding it!)

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The women boxers should have all boycotted or refused to fight him. It could have been a real teaching event.

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I blame the adults. Young people are too docile and idiotized and drugged. They cannot mount any resistance in general, much less when all their attention is focused on their sport. The coaches, the managers above them should have started the revolution against this evil DIE and SDG fascio-communism, as much as parents should have destroyed the universities and colleges and high schools and teachers' unions, all institutions that decided to collaborate with mass the poisoning campaign.

But if the young start rebelling now it's still good. Save anything that can be saved, and destroy the totalitarians and their servants.

By the way, let's just remind everyone: the trannies are being used too. They are the weapon. To use any person as a weapon is already despicable, but some of these transsexuals are actually in a state of great spiritual turmoil. It's utterly evil to abuse the disabled politically.

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Spell binding riveting perfect


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Including abusing the old geezer "Joe Biden" (though it's still hard to have sympathy for him).

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I'm a female that used to work in a male dominated workplace that did include physical labor. I will never have the upper body strength of a man. I know it, and my male co-workers knew it. I acknowledged our differences and we got along well.

The "strong wimmin" in my job? The men despised them. Probably rightly so.

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Good for you! I see the problem as believing that "equality" means "sameness." It doesn't. That was shown to me a couple of years ago when I read that Serena Williams, who has bigger shoulders than I do and has dominated women's tennis for over a decade, was beaten in straight sets my a male player ranked 273rd in the world. Men's and women's bodies are not the same.

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What's really funny is that because I was at a physical disadvantage, I could figure out ways to do things that did not require brute force. I also didn't mind doing complex tedious tasks that the guys hated. So in the end, it all worked out.

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Exactly. The sexes ("gender" is for words; they avoid "sex" because it's more obvious and nonfluid) are complementary.

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I don't watch the news or the Olympics so thank you for sharing this. In gym class this winter, my daughter, who is a varsity volleyball player, suffered a concussion by a boy volleyball player of the same age who was showing off and spiked her in the head. Second concussion, fucked her up for many months. The kid was very remorseful, and it wasn't intentional. Dumb teen. But I have never seen any like it in girls volleyball.

A real life example of how dangerous it can be to girls/women if all he had to do was say he was a she, and played a real volleyball match against girls. This world is insane.

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Get her off the volleyball court and teach her how to be feminine and attract a real man. Competitive sports are for boys.

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You make me laugh. I appreciate that.

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You're welcome. Might as well turn this sh*t into something productive, like laughs...

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I have played with different AI chatbots for software related issues. I'm a Principal Software Engineer, so I ask principal software engineer questions. They have all been awful and mostly wrong. In their best case scenarios for code generation or even ideas for code have been what I had already thought of originally. Moving in any direction resulted in the worst coding which was often wrong and I got tired of correcting, numerous times.

They're interesting machines which can aggregate information but they're often wrong. Just flat out erroneous, e.g., code that won't compile, etc.

Even with some of my general ed college course (e.g., BIOL 101/102), chatting about the material has given me wrong results several times. It's able to answer basic information questions pretty well TBH/TBF but that's about it.

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That's interesting to hear from a software engineer. I did web dev way back in web 2.0 so I have a tiny foundation for a few languages, mostly static, some java. Then I got into crypto around 2013 and began diving into white papers and that whole scene. But I tried to whip GPT 4 last summer to code pine scripts for crypto trading bots. It took about two weeks to get my first scrip and made a ton of errors, often repeating the same errors over and over, but eventually I had a few different bot strategies that were profitable and deployed them. It doesn't write fiction worth a damn, or nonfiction, but it's useful as an information aggregator for data specific topics only, non political, and non historical of course. I prefer it to search engines now if I'm researching some fixed topics (moving to Finland, or Hungary, or Bulgaria, health insurance options, bank acount procedures, all the stuff that would have required reading 50 blogs in the past it will aggregate in ten seconds). But I will quickly go back to Yandex for serious research once it starts going woke. I have no time to whip a machine out of ideological delusions and political correctness programmed by Silicon Valley spergs.

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Whenever I hear the word "nuanced", I knw a massive pile of bullPelosi is about to be dumped...

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If like me you are sick of being abused by your so called leaders you now have the option to leave the system and it is completely lawful.

In fact by paying taxes you are now funding war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.


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I said the same thing after Iraq war crimes. Departed the empire and assumed Americans would one day wake up and stop paying taxes, but those chains are strong, and many prefer to stay asleep and chained. The abuse will continue until awakening improves.

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If you look up Meyers/ Briggs personality theory, you'll see that there's a category called "perceivers." It is just a label. Those people are decision avoidant, and instead, like others to make the decisions for them. Hence the love of daddy government.

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The US does have the toughest battle, the UK, Canada and Australia all have similar laws so unplugging is possible there. The US also signed the 1945 UN charter so technically the US government are guilty of many many war crimes. All you need to find is about 100 honest lawyers. OK your right, if your in the US you are in deep trouble.

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To add to the vein of your post here.

In addition, one of the best books to consider reading, to understand what government truly is, and what it has created while the masses sleepily voted for it all.....

"Fruit From A Poisonous Tree," by Mel Stamper J.D.

Most will not read it, though it goes far in explaining a lot. They will instead choose to remain pretending to be asleep.

Thank you Mr. Stamper for all your hard work in bringing this to the public in 1008.

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Sounds like an interesting read. Here's a link to the book for anyone else whose curiousity was piqued:


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US citizens do have the right to dispose of the government:


If only you could find one honest judge. is that even possible or is that an oxymoron?

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I think Jefferson said citizens have the DUTY to dispose of the gov't once it no longer serves them.

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I will say I know 6 people as of this moment who no longer pay federal income tax, and that is because they went about changing their status. It has become much much easier to accomplish this in the last few years versus when I went about it in 2012. But suffice it to say, it is an obtainable goal today. I will share three videos by which the folks I know have accomplished this. The man to contact has his email contained within the videos. Good luck to all. Most still are not even aware of the commercial law aspect of 'government', and that they are in fact corporations masked as government.

Full disclosure - I do not personally profit from or have any personal ties to anyone associated with this material. Again, I do know others who have had success using these videos and then reaching out to Tom, the coach. It has taken roughly 3-4 months following the steps.

I believe they're meant to be viewed in this order:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D46W7nvo0M (1 hr 22min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKAF-ylPD8o (1 hr 26min)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kxcfvKlSMo (2 hr 15min)

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Excellent. Thanks for these!

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The 2024 Olympics are such as disgrace. It is a tragedy for all these talented athletes who give up large swaths of their lives to achieve the award of being an Olympian. Blood, sweat, tears, etc. only to arrive in Paris to the worst opening imaginable to losing some 50% of viewers. Not only that but the idiots who planned this debauchery spectacle also forced vegetarian meals on athletes who depend on meat and protein for stamina. By and large the food has been as much a disaster as men fighting women! I don’t care how muscular and large a woman you may be, you will never be as strong as a man. Of all the travesties being heaped to heaven these days, the allowance of a man too full-force strike a woman simply because he says he is a woman…it’s too bad public floggings are no longer in fashion because those who voted to allow this abhorrent spectacle should be flogged mercilessly.

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Agreed. Excellent observations. I only read about the food and cardboard beds recently, and them spending a BILLION Euros to try to clean up the river all while permitting 500k "refugees" to camp (with tents provided by the UN) and shit in the streets of Paris for the past years. The city is a real shithole now, which is sad. It was a jewel just twenty years ago. But what a let down for the athletes. My suspicion is that most of these global sporting events, apart from having loads of hidden secret occult rituals and numerology and signaling, are a massive money laundering operation from tax payers (of the host countries) to their elites. Every one of these slime bags going ESG for cardboard beds and offering vegetarian meals to the top athletes in the world who need good protein, they have their palms greasy and pockets full. They too should be flogged mercilessly.

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This is what happens when ideology trumps morality and culture. And, as the People's Voice has just done a video on, the elites attend in order to compete with each other who can terrorize and abuse the most children (shipped in for the even, it says). Any worldwide event like this is a cover for that, I'm coming to believe.

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Wouldn't surprise me after dipping into that Isaac Kappy rabbit hole along with mouthy Buddha docs briefly last year.

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Wait....you switch underwear?

I must be doing it wrong...

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Seriously good citizens we need to wake up. Evil is winning. Good needs to you know the thing up. Let’s fukn go.

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So GC, I’ve been doing a bit of digging into this character. Turns out s/he is intersex, the rare .02% of the population who is born with a little bit more XX than Y. From my understanding of this very rare condition, on birth, doctors identify the sex of the child by the external visible genitals (as they should, right?) So s/he was assigned ‘girl’ at birth because she appeared to be a girl. What this assignation does is force an intersex into a biological sex that their body naturally fights against. So, this ‘girl’ had undescended testes and lots of testosterone. S/he was more male than female but, in a society where you’re either one or the other, she grew up as a she. Transition is outlawed in Algeria. S/he’s not transgender. I’m not defending its participation in the farce of the Olympics; I am, however, defending the true .02% of the population who are born with a terrible chromosomal mix up, who are being used and abused by the transagenda and those who oppose it. Jeffrey Eugenides’ book Middlesex was an incredible eye-opener for me.

PS. Women’s boxing is ridiculous. Can they cook?

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Thanks for this. I've been reading similar things online. My understanding before I composed this piece is the IBA (international boxing association) tested both the ALG and the Tawainese giant whose arms reach across the ring defying female sexual body types, and the test results showed XY chromosomes. With the potential for doctors to misassign rare intersex sex at birth as either F or M, I get the hedging on this, but I'm still 100% against XYs fighting XX. The coup de grace for me was discovering that the IBA has, atm, a Russian president, and Russians are baddies as we all know. so the IOC permitted these IBA banned fighters because their passports say they are (F). So does Lindsay Graham's, but I'd prefer he get his ass kicked by Mike Tyson.

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😂 Yes, the more I’ve looked into it, none of these intersex people should be boxing in the women’s; they simply do not meet the biological definition of female, regardless of what they were assigned at birth. But, as we all know, the biological definition of female is completely meaningless so here we are. At least it might wake a few more people up to the globo-homo takeover.


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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I loved Middlesex when I read it back in the day. I wonder how I would react if I reread it today.

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Great article. Also...you actually used an ai photo of stupid golden dildo Gloria. Can you use a real pic of her instead?

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Thanks. I cancelled my Open AI image subscription and need to use up those credits before they expire, so yeah, I took a shortcut there. Next time I'll go back to my photoshop mastery.

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LOL, I saw that pic and thought, "Boy, she's become the witch she always was, hasn't she!"

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Also hit me up. I love looking for images and creating them. I'll do some searches for you. Thank you for all that do. Seriously. One of the leaders in the rabbit hole under ground.

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the opening statement forgot to say if 2 men fight one gets arrested. I am glad women are getting beat by men being for 45 years we were told women can do anything a man can do and better.

they forced Title 1X on the schools to have women sports at a loss. WNBA financed by mens NBA.

as far as the algerian that punched the Italian girl they are showing pics of her as a little girl and transitioning is illegal in algeria. so who knows what is true.

90% of women especially young ones are liberals and the whole homo agenda marriage adopting transitioning would go nowhere without women voters. they created a Frankenstein and it has turned on them and I love to see it.

perfect example of the destruction they cause where in oregon a bunch of sports women filed a 35 million dollar title IX sex discrimination lawsuit against oregon university

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um but it's a man beating up a woman by pretending to be a woman... but I get what you are saying. ALSO notice that people are unable to even define woman.

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the algerian Khelif has lost 9 times out of 49 fights and only has 9 knockouts. she was beaten in 2020 olympics by a small Irish girl. she is not a man

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IBA tested and results were XY chromosomes. IBA president is currently Russian, so an evil man! Born a man but a terrible fighter then. That makes him even more of pussy.

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do you really believe a man fighting girls with 40 wins would only KO 9? 90% of KO's in amateur fights the fighter does not go down just gets hurt even just a little and they jump in quick and stop it. sometimes with men there are one punch KO's but the ref stoppages are way different then the pros

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This is fabulous elegant well documented intelligent reportage.*Thank you...the Jewish feminazi gynocracy has gentrified the sadistic auto destruction of essentially heterosexual ..mostly white non Jewish females ..fact is these stinking shrimp boat hideous totalitarian type Jewish "females" ..rebels without a clue"....Christ -despisers....."...will be lucky to wind up alone with 89 cats...or ..perhaps the rest of the same human race will be lucky if they just..fade away in disgrace..after their squandered life span s of schadenfraud"s,"....

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There's too much truth here for one day. I'm done reading comments until tomorrow.

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What's needed is a contemporary Don King caliber promoter (Trump?) to start, organize, and popularize a professional Feminist vs Tranny fights association. (KamaLIAR, with her DA background, could be lead referee, and could campaign for President from the ring by twerking for the audience between rounds.)

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Excellent ideas! We should start a brainstorming committee to organize rules and specifics.

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Outstanding piece GC! Bravo.

Paging Tyler SWif.


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