Western governments declared war on their citizens long ago. The war has been given many names: Cognitive war, Information war, Psychological war, or the academic term Fifth Generational Warfare.
Some say it hasn’t gone “kinetic” yet, but they are wrong. They are terrorizing the world with man-made bioweapons as lethal force and then offering the cures with second, third, and fourth injectable bioweapons.
It is a silent war. Most people have no idea they’re even on a battlefield or that war criminals are in power all around them.
It was only months ago the war criminals increased their rhetoric and threats, asking openly if the “anti-vaxxers” should be tolerated, telling us it would be “a dark winter of death” for those that refused the clot shots, and admitting “I want to make life miserable for these people.”1 They declared emergencies on protestors and seized finances in Canada.
They still ban people from travel, even domestic travel, make them prisoners on islands like New Zealand and force citizens into quarantine camps. The camp experiments may be on hold in Australia but the dress rehearsals were downright frightening. In Greece and Italy, they’re still deducting money from the pensions of unjabbed pensioners. It’s beyond cruel, beyond diabolical.
Yes, we’re at war.
But why the jabs?
What is it about them besides injecting grotesque Big Pharma profits from taxpayer coffers to criminal corporations?
That’s a good enough answer for the indoctrinated Sea Farer who hasn’t made it to the forest let alone the mountain top, but it’s entirely insufficient to explain everything else that has happened.
Why the mysterious death of whistleblowers like chemist and carbon specialist Dr. Andreas Noack who revealed mRNA vaccines contain tiny particles of graphene hydroxide that function as nano razor blades in the bloodstream calling anyone who injects these substances, murderers, as they cause clotting and micro clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, and strokes plus 9 pages of other “side effects”?
Why are there magnetic bodies with metallic objects sticking to people’s arms?
We always assumed the answer to the mass forced vaccination campaign beyond Big Pharma windfalls was submission and obedience to drunken absolute power and to separate the dissenters from the herd, but even that only gets one to the lower forest. The violation of basic human rights including bodily autonomy for something that the science showed didn’t even work just wasn’t grounded in anything resembling reality or sanity. Yet, they pushed and pushed and divided families, coworkers, colleagues, and all of society.
They’re still pushing forward with their global lock step agenda to tie these toxic jabs with participation in society through digital passports, controlled digital currencies, and threatening people’s jobs, livelihoods, and even employer-subsidized health care.
Again, why?
I’ve had to unsubscribe from a dozen substack newsletters, many of whom were pioneers. And while courageous enough to speak out early and often, having grown their platforms exponentially with people desperate for the truth, they have since spent the past eight months taking their eyes off the ball, covering much of the same ground over and over like hamsters on a wheel. Far too many of them still hold delusions that the entire corrupt system can be reformed through direct action and voting.
They have not realized the fix is in on the election front and not just in the United States. Germany, Canada, and France had elections in the past year that were all suspicious whether through political party collusion to block populist movements or outright vote-rigging through ballot sabotage and computer alterations of total votes. Soros and the western swamp spent an untold fortune buying political parties in Hungary to topple the populist and popular Fidesz party but the Hungarian people were too smart and saw right through the five political parties conspiring against their favorite leader in Victor Orban. He won by a landslide which is probably the only chance any future unapproved candidates have in their controlled elections. Global tyrants have power and they will not let a frivolous performative exercise that gives people the illusion of hope like elections take it away.
These hamster wheelers on substack are still rummaging through peer-reviewed studies as if those still matter hoping “the data” will reveal something they don’t already know but are too afraid to openly admit. Many prominent people are still afraid of being called “conspiracy theorists”.
Their newsletters were polluting my inbox with dopey subject lines like “The Vaccines Definitely Don’t Work” and “More proof they lied about vaccines.” These people never read Sherlock Holmes? Have they never watched Gumshoe or Monk? Some of them have thousands of paid subscribers drooling over their tedious content, which is partly why we’re losing this war.
The world has moved so far away from where most people still linger who consider themselves thoroughly enlightened on the scamdemic agenda but refuse to zoom out to see the bigger picture. They're still afraid of being called crackpots.
When you're one step ahead of the crowd you're a genius. When you're two steps ahead, you're a crackpot.
– Schlomo Riskin
The war goes on and while many are left behind, the good news is millions more have noticed the insanity and are catching up and passing those pioneers by. They wonder why hospitals are still checking the vaccination status of transplant patients and if children, ask about the vaccination status of their parents. They refused life-saving operations on children if their parents weren’t jabbed last year.
Some airline check-in desks are still asking about Covid vaccination status.
The question many of us have struggled with and the one most worthy of answering that still hasn’t been answered about all of this complete insanity is why?
What is their Agenda? What is the REAL purpose of the vaccines?
Let’s explore both questions.
In the words of a man who is rarely wrong but is often ‘right again’, “We know what their agenda is because they openly tell us.”
We know these shots are all part of a depopulation agenda that has been an off-and-on affair for global elites since the first eugenics pseudoscience fetish. This is the mountain top where everything is clear, but people cannot make the final climb without accepting the fact that those in power everywhere want them dead. It’s a depressing realization to put it mildly, but one where survival hinges on its immediate acceptance.
How did we get here and why are so many people still in the dark?
Silent War On Humanity
Eugenics as Transhumanism (See #6 Singularity)
Abortion as Women’s Liberation and Empowerment
Depopulation as Sustainable Development (Green/Carbon Scam)
Gender Confusion as Empowerment (Biological denialism for Posthumanist androgyny)
Technological Solutionism and Scientism aka “the science” (Controlling dogmas of the new religion to control the masses)
Singularity (Deny humanity’s natural evolution to merge the biological and technological through AI-Implants-Injections)
The eugenics agenda dates back to the late 19th century in Britain and the early 20th century at Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory in the U.S. Pseudoscience research there led to legislation that resulted in the birth of the term ‘Moron’ and rendered over 30,000 women infertile through forced sterilization. This continued in some form all the way through the early 1970s. The flourishing eugenics movement in America would be imported by Nazi Germany and admired by their cadre of leadership including the notorious Dr. Joseph Mengele. That wasn’t good for global management so it eventually had to be rebranded as transhumanism through engineering an obsession with technological solutionism by controlling “the science”.
Documentary Film Link: The Age of Transitions
The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more. (54 min)
Margaret Sanger joins the chat.
Planned Parenthood took over from the eugenics movement to continue the depopulation agenda by tying the feminist movement and female liberation to a women’s right to choose. The entire foundation of the organization is rooted in the destruction of the family unit and nuclear family along with other goals in service of the depopulation agenda.
Planned Parenthood portrays itself as an advocate for women’s rights and autonomy and sexual freedom, but items on the population policy list reveal a different story.
The American Eugenics Society, of which Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a member until 1956, rallied behind the suggestion of poisoning minority groups without their consent.
The infamous “Jaffe Memo” document produced by Planned Parenthood in 1969, in a single page, conveys the depravity of elites’ intentions in managing the U.S. Population.
Some of the ideas that were on the table and were executed over the decades:
Fertility control agents in the water supply
[Induce?] Chronic Depression
Compulsory abortion
Compulsory sterilization
Discouragement of private homeownership
Compulsory education of children
Encourage increased homosexuality
Encourage women to work
Aside from compulsory abortion and sterilization, it appears they’ve been pretty successful in their agenda. Fluoride in the water supply. Toxic pesticides, toxic metals, and genetically engineered crops. FDA approving poisons and toxins that have deleterious effects on human endocrine systems. FDA approving deadly and addictive drugs, including psychotropic drugs to keep the masses depressed.
Private home ownership is out of reach for most people under 35 with economic disparities intentionally exacerbated by Federal Reserve policies for the past few decades. Popular culture glorifies the Great Reset mantra of “you will own nothing and be happy” by romanticizing nomad life, tiny homes, van life and now living in tiny bunk bed “pods” instead of apartments or homes. They are pushing the masses toward their “new normal” world with intentional economic pain and suffering and the eventual abolition of private property. David Icke describes their “you will own nothing” agenda best in under 2 minutes here:
The depopulation agenda requires tearing down traditional institutions that were bedrocks of stable and functioning societies. The latest wave of Feminism and LGBTQWERTY+- ideologies have been funded by global elites and their corporate marketing servants to continue their indoctrination agendas under the guise of tolerance and inclusivity to fulfill the Jaffe memo policy of promoting homosexuality. Divorce rates are higher than ever, marriage rates are lower than ever, and gender confusion has been mainstreamed through child grooming along with a litany of other mental illnesses through public school and mass entertainment indoctrination.
Around the late 1960s, the population control managers were busy getting their agenda published in newspapers around the world. Priming the public for what was soon scientifically possible for “family management”.
This second article in the Montreal Gazette mentions vaccination as a method of birth control by targeting women’s husbands’ sperm. That mass vaccination would ever be utilized as a means of population control or depopulation is cloaked by the cover of elites’ favorite term “conspiracy theory”. Yet here we are less than a year after millions around the world have likely died from complications related to vaccine injuries and hospital mistreatment related to Covid attributed illness. The cover-up of these crimes against humanity has been executed through governments, doctors, and the media playing their roles.
Most vaccine deaths clearly are not attributed to the vaccines. Vaccidents are called accidents, heart attacks are just heart attacks, no mention of recent clot shots or boosters. No autopsies. No investigations. All data is buried and ignored for this agenda. It’s easy to hide the deaths of older people by the simple fact that old people die. They die of a much wider range of ailments and illnesses than younger people so it’s easy to ignore any deaths related to the clot shots.

What many people still fail to wrap their heads around is the fact that the shots are working as intended if people are dying in great numbers. Insurance company actuaries always tell the truth with data and their figures on excess mortality for millennials, a group whose deaths are much more difficult to cover up is horrifying.
These are just the CDC’s own numbers. Trusting the FDA or CDC with anything is like trusting an Aligator to dog sit your chihuahua. Would they fudge the numbers lower to keep people from asking uncomfortable questions? We know the CDC is not an agency, but rather as RFK Jr. tells us, “It’s a vaccine company.”
Big pharma joins the chat.
After monopolizing the pharmaceutical industry as he did with oil, John D. Rockefeller hijacked the entire American medical establishment from medical schools to medical literature through the notoriously corrupt American Medical Association (AMA) which hasn’t ceased in its century-long war on naturopathic and homeopathic medicine.
All government agencies have been captured by private corporations and oligarch foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States, along with Big Pharma determines “the science” and any “scientists” who want a career with grant funding and promotions need to be on the good side of the controlled science.
One world government joins the chat.
John D. Rockefeller’s progeny also created the United Nations as the founding body for a one-world-government agenda. In a 1968 meeting at David Rockefeller Sr’s Italian villa, self-appointed global management created the 'Club of Rome' led by Aurelio Peccei. By the early 1970s, Klaus Schwab with the help of his friend and mentor Henry Kissinger joined global management and established his now-notorious World Economic Forum. Whatever we call these groups, Bildergerg, Trilateral Commission, WEF, Good Club, Club of Rome, UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank - they all have population control through social engineering and psychological manipulation of the masses at the top of their agenda with the end goal of a one world government that they control.
Through the United Nations and the interconnected rat’s nest of global management, we arrive at the most important euphemism in understanding how they rebranded their depopulation agenda:
Sustainable Development joins the chat.
In 1992 at the Rio Summit 160 nations agreed to Sustainable Development goals. By hijacking “the science” these global managers have been using the earth and environmental movements as their cover for their agenda. They’ve had to rebrand their crisis labels several times over the decade as their paid-for “science” has never kept up with reality. From Ice Age to saving the ozone layer to global warming to climate change to their all-encompassing Green agenda through Sustainable Development. You’ve seen the dogmas in terms like carbon offset, carbon credits, and carbon neutral. The entire scam is lost on most people. They now have all corporations on board with ESG directors and boards - Environment, Social, Governance.
United Nations
1992 Rio Summit 160 nations agreed to Sustainable Development goals
Agenda 21 (2021)- The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development
Earth Summit Agenda 2030 milestone
Paris Climate Accords (2016 and 2021)
ESG - Coopting the corporate world for Agenda 30
“Carbon” scam to control the behavior of masses
The big picture agenda is Population Control and the transition of humans into a post-human version of our species by merging the biological and technological.
Here we arrive at the final unanswered question regarding forced mass vaccination.
What is the purpose of the graphene hydroxide nanoparticles in the “vaccines”?
5G joins the chat.
There are numerous theories floating around the digital ether like nano razor blades in the bloodstream. The most fascinating are those related to the 5G rollout and turning all injected and boosted humans into one “hive mind” for interconnected network control through frequency modulation and manipulation. If triple-jabbed humans are walking “receivers” they can be psychologically manipulated and controlled by powerful 5G frequencies.
An interesting CNN report, back when they were still somewhat a news channel…in 1985 covered in great depth the development and use of EMF and EF as weapons of war and technologies to control biological entitles, including manipulating and controlling human brains. Imagine all the experimentation and progress made on this front in the past 37 years.
Those who have been injected with Moderna or Pfizer shots apparently omit some level of magnetic frequency from the substance floating through their bloodstreams. They are apparently some form of new “connectable” organisms who transmit low level Blutooth frequencies as “available devices”.
There’s a man who goes by the name FireMedic8 on Bitchute. Last weekend he used an EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) reader to measure his double jabbed and boosted inlaws. He claims to have moved his family to a neighborhood with low EMF pollution, and no 5G antennas. His EF reader shows a low baseline of pollution while his phone only reads his neighbor’s device on its Bluetooth. When the inlaws arrive to bring some gifts to their grandchildren the father checks for Bluetooth available connections and three new addresses pop up, Grandma, Grandpa, and one of them are apparently emitting a second connectable address, while the EMF reader peaks at an 8000% increase from the baseline for the neighborhood. The father is strict about EMF pollution around his kids, so the Grandpapies were also told to leave their phones in their car and keep them turned off. But the Grampsies are apparently now walking science experiments with a combined six Moderna shots marinating in their bodies, three Bluetooth connections, and an 8000% increase in normal EF where no 5G is present.
Who needs a radio station or emergency jumper cables with these two on a road trip?
Watch his incredible video measuring the inlaws.
And yet HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people around the world are walking science experiments like those Grampsies.
Attorney Todd Callender, who is representing American military personnel in a class action lawsuit against DOD clot shot mandates dropped several bombshells on the purpose of the jabs last month. Callender claims that the shots are a viral trojan horse. Inside the “vaccines” are liposomal nanoparticles containing viral particles of the Marburg virus that can be released inside the masses by triggering 18ghz pulses through 5G. The entire North American continent (Mexico excluded - more on that soon) and most of Europe are now blanketed in 5G pollution. Apparently, some inside military sources gave him this information. His biggest bombshell is that the unjabbed will be forced into quarantine camps for “their safety” and have to get jabbed for their further conditional freedom.
Domestic terrorists join the chat.
FEMA does have over 180 camps already set up around the country and another 800 facilities that can be quickly prepared for mass detention. A new Marburg Plandemic where 15% of those “infected” will die, will certainly be sufficient justification for federal emergency powers that get this dystopic agenda in motion. They’ve already laid the psychological groundwork through a year of demonizing the “anti-vaxxers” that a hundred million jabbed zombies would cheer on the quarantine camp forced-jab agenda.
A litany of Executive Orders already established the groundwork for this transition to tyranny in the event of an “emergency”:
It’s difficult to know what is true and what is merely fantasy science fiction regarding the contents of the vaccines and their future purpose, and perhaps that is all by design as part of their information and “disinformation” war.
What we do know is their agenda. We know it because they constantly tell us.
They want most of us gone. If not gone then engineered, controlled, and experimented on for their posthuman agenda. They think we’re “useless”.

Lions join the chat.
But we know from history that if enough people awake at one time and are moved toward action, they can become quite formidable for those with ideas of dominance and control over them. Ask the French aristocracy about how starving serf populations tolerate self-appointed ruling classes when breaking points are reached.
Pencil neck Yuval Harari and his bath haus partners Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and their pet lizard George Soros had better tread carefully with their Great Reset depopulation and posthuman agenda. They are pushing the masses to the brink.
We number in the billions. They are but a few hundred.
They think they are herding the masses of useless sheep.
But we are not all sheep.
Millions of us are Lions. And you cannot herd Lions.
Certainly not when they’re hunting.
Freedom joins the chat.
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Trudeau, Biden and Macron quotes from last winter.
Highly, HIGHLY recommend the film The Age of Transitions linked in the article. It's absolutely terrifying, and I'm afraid it's coming true.
Another high quality read and I agree completely with your comment that many Substack writers have taken their eyes of the ball, "Hamster Wheelers" is a good description. Without mentioning names, some have appeared to me to have now jumped on the bandwagon of other issues that really have nothing to do with what they originally started out doing. But many have their die-hard followers, so I think some think they can do no wrong. Kind of like listening to an actor or a pop star lecture people, when in reality, they are nothing more than just that. an actor or a singer. Probably the worst example I cant think of is that bag of wind, Michael Moore!!! Linking as usual @ https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/