في زهارة قدوش سيجدون هناك معلومات عجيبة سيكون هناك مبنى كبيرين في دولة أدوم والتي اليوم سنقابلها بأمريكا وهؤلاء هم المبنى الكبيرين في العالم وسيكونون تماماً سيكونون تماماً سيكونون تماماً وسيكونون تماماً وسيكونون تماماً وسيكونون تماماً الذي سينتهي فقط في نهاية المشيخ. أسبوع قبل، أحد الربيعين الكبيرين في إسرائيل هو الربيع الخاسد.
جاء مع بعض أصدقائه في السيارة وكانوا يأتون إلى الصباح ولم يردوا أن يخسروا وقت المنحة. قراءة الصباح وقال لهم أرجوكم توقفوا هنا أريد منخة أريد منخة هنا قرأوا منخة مع مينيان في أمام الجميع الذين يمرون في مانهاتن حيث كانوا بالأسفل من مركز العالم بعد
أن انتهى القراءة قلت لهم افترحوا إلى هذه المبنى لأنني لن أراهم بعد افترحوا إلى هذه المبنى لأنني لن أراهم بعد


Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust.

Time discovers truth.

— Seneca

USS Liberty (1967)

On June 8, 1967, during the 6-Day War, Israel attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked planes and torpedo boats, killing 34 sailors and injuring 121 more. Israel knew it was a U.S. ship, and attacked it anyway. The U.S. government and its corporate media lackeys have spent 55 years covering up the truth of this incident. There is no recognition or memorial to those who were deliberately murdered. Why was the USS Liberty attacked? It likely intercepted radio communications of the Israeli mass execution of unarmed Egyptian POWs.


“I could not care less about a few dead sailors, I will not embarrass my ally Israel.”

— Lyndon B Johnson during the USS Liberty attack

As a junior congressman from Texas in the late 1930s, it is rumored that LBJ ran weapons and grenade shipments (in crates marked as fruits) to Jewish terrorist organizations in Palestine preparing the area for the Post-WW2 Rothschild-funded nation of Israel by ethnically cleansing Palestinians. I went searching for the source of this claim, an article I read some months ago citing a rare book but was unable to find it and I can’t recall the title. (If any Good Citizen knows, please leave it in the comments or reply to this post.)

The first Zionist terrorist group in the region The Haganah was formed in 1920 after the Balfour declaration gave the go-ahead for Jews to settle in Palestine on Rothschild-owned land in the British mandate. The group was ordered not to attack Arabs indiscriminately and cooperated heavily with the British security forces in Mandatory Palestine. This irked some members of the group which led to the creation of the more indiscriminately violent Irgun and Lehi groups.

In 1937 Heinrich Himmler went to the region to discuss with prominent Zionists the continued resettlement of thousands of Jews in Nazi labor camps through their transfer agreement (Havaara Agreement), but the British refused Himmler’s arrival and sent him back to Germany. By the late 1930s Arabs began to revolt against Jewish settlements, while these Jewish terrorist organizations began to target the British who stopped the resettlement of Jews and were trying to quell violence against Arabs. They bombed their central headquarters at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing over a hundred British nationals including civilian employees. In 1944, the Lehi even assassinated Lord Moyne in Cairo, British Ambassador to the Middle East.

In 1948, through terror, genocide, and extortion, they finally got their Rothschild state. Under the Israeli flag, with unlimited resources from their new host empire (the red, white, and bruised) this parasitic nation continues its genocidal operation for its Greater Israel Project. Stay with me, this is all threaded together in the Kosher historical 9-11 cloth.

For those evangelical Christians (Scofield dupes) who buy the Zionist lie that there was never a Palestine.

Philip F. Nelson wrote a book with evidence implicating Zionist puppet Johnson in the assassination of JFK, most likely a joint CIA-Mossad operation. Governor Connally of Texas was in the front seat of the motorcade at the time, but he was also LBJ’s campaign manager when he ran for the Senate in 1941. Under the auspices of a “business” trip to their home turf hosted by the head of the local Dallas B’nai Brith Sam Bloom, they lured JFK to his assassination.


With JFK out of the way, Israel went on to develop nuclear weapons, stealing uranium from the United States with help from a Zionist-infiltrated FBI and CIA as documented in Stealing The Atom Bomb: How Denial And Deception Armed Israel by Dr. Roger Mattson. They also didn’t have to register their American Zionist Council (precursor to AIPAC) as a foreign agent buying American politicians. In the year after the USS Liberty “incident,” U.S. foreign aid to Israel increased from $23M to $106M and to $120M by 1970.

What message did that send to Israel?

If we can own the executive office of the United States by whatever bloody means at our disposal, then we can own and control all politicians in Washington D.C., and the more they are threatened or attacked by enemies of our creation, the more money we get toward our Greater Israel project.

I reported that Marines had been sent there to become the focus of a major incident. The Mossad is to arrange for a number of our Marines to be killed in an incident that will be blamed on Arabs. This will be used to inflame American public opinion to help us lead into war including ultimately nuclear war.

— Dr. Peter Beter
Pentagon analyst, November 3, 1982

U.S. Marine Barracks Bombing Lebanon (1983)

Sixteen years after the USS Liberty attack, the first contemporary incident of what we know as “suicide bombing” occurred in Beirut, Lebanon. A truck filled with explosives drove into the barracks housing military personnel. The explosion killed 241 U.S. service members, mostly Marines, making it one of the deadliest attacks on U.S. forces overseas.

In Victor Ostrovsky’s book on the Mossad, By Way of Deception (1990)—he claims that Nahum Admoni, the Mossad director at the time, had precise information about the truck being prepared for the attack on the U.S. Marines and when it might occur, but had intentionally withheld this crucial information from the U.S. military.  “No, we’re not there to protect Americans. They’re a big country. Send only the regular information,” Admoni reportedly said. Before September 11, 2001, the Mossad convinced Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to cancel his scheduled travel to Washington.

The purpose of the “false flag” attack in Lebanon was to create U.S. animosity toward the Arab world and align the U.S. with Israel, according to Ostrovsky. There had been an earlier car bomb at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut on April 18, 1983, which had killed seventeen Marines. The bombing compelled the Marines to move offshore and President Reagan ordered them to be withdrawn from the region in early 1984.

Gulf War I (1991)

Kuwait is one of the most oil-rich countries on earth.

It became a British protectorate in 1899 when the ruling family signed an agreement with the British Empire to gain protection from the Ottoman Empire. In return, Britain assumed control of Kuwait’s foreign affairs and defense. Kuwait’s status as a British protectorate lasted until it gained independence in 1961.

After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the 1967 war, thousands of Palestinians were forced to move to Kuwait seeking better opportunities. By the 1970s, they had become the largest expatriate group, numbering around 300,000. By 1990, the Palestinian population had grown to 450,000, playing a crucial role in Kuwait’s workforce.

In 1991, Saddam Hussein accused Kuwait of "stealing Iraq’s oil" through pipelines that, according to him, siphoned valuable crude from Iraqi territory near their shared border. He voiced these grievances to the international community and warned of military action if the issue was not addressed. In the weeks leading up to the invasion, the United States signaled that it would not intervene militarily, giving Hussein the impression that he had the green light to resolve the matter by force. This turned out to be a strategic trap.

Cue the atrocity propaganda tours, media hysteria, hero generals, congressional hearings with phony witnesses actors crying about babies in incubators, and CNN asshatery from a fake Saudi Arabia set in Atlanta.

Charles Jaco on X: "CNN veteran journalist Carl Rochelle died this morning.  I had the honor of working with him several times. A delightful man, a real  pro. RIP https://t.co/L5izxFb8nh" / X
Notice the planter bushes not native to Saudi Arabia behind them, probably picked up at the local Home Depot.

During the Gulf War, Palestinians supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait as they were influenced by PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s backing of Iraq. Every night Americans were presented illusions on their programming boxes that Israel was under constant threat from Iraq with scud missiles that had no targeting systems or any advanced hardware. It was another psyop to drum up American support for “their greatest ally.”

After the liberation of Kuwait, the U.S. and its allies Israel played a significant role in the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the country. The U.S. got to test its new and improved military after two decades of wallowing in the failures of Vietnam. They also got Kuwait's oil again for cheap while Israel got Arafat’s people expelled from what had been their new host country.

When you see normies like Jordan Schachtal write, “Muh, nobody wanted the Palestinians, not even other Arab states like Kuwait” it’s because Israel controls those other Arab states via the economic and military proxy power of their host empire and their once-dominant petrodollar.


Islamic Terror (cui bono?)

"A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" was a policy document published in 1996 by a group of American neocons led by Richard Perle (Israeli citizen) of Project For A New American Century. The authors included dual citizens of Israel and the United States—Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser (born in Israel). The document was prepared for then (and still) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a set of recommendations to guide Israeli security and foreign policy.

The document called for a "clean break" from past policies, particularly the Oslo Peace Process. It advocated for a more aggressive stance toward neighboring Arab states, prioritizing a strategy of containment and preemptive action. It called for Israel to take the initiative in reshaping its regional environment, specifically recommending the overthrow of hostile regimes, including Iraq and Syria, and to isolate and diminish Iran's influence in the region.

These authors became essential in the Cheney (Bush Jr.) administration’s post-911 foreign policy. The paper's recommendations have mirrored (to a T) U.S. foreign policy actions this century, almost as if it were a blueprint to control U.S. defense obligations for the benefit of Israel.

The results have been catastrophic for the U.S. taxpayer, American influence in the world, Arabs, Palestinians, and American servicemen and women. Keeping the idea of “Islamic Terrorism” as a serious threat in the psyche of the American people is still the priority of these lunatic neocons working for their beloved Zionist state. Unfortunately, millions of Americans still can’t see how they’re being used as sacrificial pawns on the Zionist chessboard.

Confession 1

Confession 2

200 Mossad Agents Stateside (1998-2001)

FBI and ATF released numerous strange reports and memos on Mossad agents operating across the U.S. in the years leading up to 9/11. Fox News even broadcasted a four-part special investigation by Carl Cameron in 2015 on the Israeli spy ring, including gathering intelligence about the “attacks” in the years before but refusing to share it. The reports state that Israelis under the cover of “art students” penetrated the Secret Service, IRS, FBI, ATF, US Customs, and military bases. The company that registered all telephone communications companies operating in the U.S. at the time—Odigo, a Mossad spy front—warned their employees in Manhattan that “something big was going to happen” on 9/11—several hours before the attacks.

Carl Cameron: “When they put all the evidence together how could they (Israel) not have known?”

Even when millions of Americans watched this on Fox News from their Barca loungers, did they still think “Israel is our greatest ally”?

Dancing Israelis

The Insurance Policy

In the summer before the “dustification” event in lower Manhattan, the missile hitting the Pentagon’s financial audit desks, and the giant hole with no plane debris in the Pennsylvania field, ownership of the World Trade Center complex of seven buildings changed hands. New owner Larry Silverstein admits to everything—a $4.4 Billion new insurance policy he took out on the complex, how his friend Elliot Spitzer helped him collect his money, and how as a vampire he cannot be in the sunshine and needed to see his dermatologist on the morning of September 11, instead of going to eat breakfast at the top of the north tower as he usually did. Cohencidence?

The Matrix is attacking this Substack! The censorship industrial complex is coming for me! Big Tech has banned me and woke cancel culture is doxing me and trying to ruin my life. I’m definitely NOT trying to emotionally manipulate you into supporting my work by convincing you I’m a threat to the system and they’re targeting me. I’d never do something so insidious and distasteful to my loyal readers. /s

Pentagon: $2.3 Trillion Missing (Sept. 10, 2001)

Rumsfeld: “Governments can’t die. So we need to find other ways to adapt and improve.”

<Run War Criminal Translator>

We need to find ways to print more money for our masters, which will require fear. So we will terrorize the population of tax slaves so they consent to a blank check “defense” program.

</Run War Criminal Translator>

One day later a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, exactly where their financial audit and accounting desks were.

Pause at 1 second or 7 seconds to see the white cruise missile in the right frame. Full three-minute clip obtained by Judicial Watch available here.

CNN Reporter: From my inspection, there is no evidence of a plane hitting anywhere near the Pentagon.

Nobody ever talked about the missing $2.3 trillion again. The Patriot Act (written and waiting in the congressional cupboards before 9-11) was passed. Since then an additional $21 Trillion has “gone missing” according to a Political Science professor from the University of Michigan working in conjunction with Catherine Austin Fitts and her Solari Report. That report was released in 2017. Trillions more have “gone missing” since.

When I write on the description of this substack they are “looting the treasury” to bleed the empire dry, this is partly what I’m referring to. But it doesn’t take a genius with a magnifying glass to see all the other ways—hyperinflation, $6 trillion for a hoax pandemic, $4 trillion for “infrastructure” including $7 billion to build four EV charging stations, $2 trillion for the Orwellian titled “inflation reduction act” which was a hidden green new deal, $100 Billion to Ukraine, $40 Billion to Israel this year alone to bomb children, $500 Billion spent on importing 10 million sub literate dependents in the past four years to bbq family pets and eat local waterfowl. The private federal reserve’s balance sheet has ballooned from $3.5 Trillion to $9 Trillion in the past five years. It’s all money laundering, looting, and theft, to extract the last value out of the dying US dollar and transfer it to themselves. By now you either see it clearly or you never will.


The Cover-Up Commission

No government act of terror against its citizens is complete without a “special commission.” The commission's only duty is to act as an official body of investigators pretending to uncover information while suppressing evidence, distorting the facts, fabricating narratives, manipulating public perception, and whitewashing the entire scandal, acting as a well-organized misdirection and cover-up crew. The Corbett Report exposes this 9/11 Commission charade in this short documentary.

Bush was hesitant to appoint any commission at all. Why is that? Perhaps a painting inside Mossad’s special bribery Paedo agent Jeffrey Epstein’s $85 million Lower Eastside Manhattan townhouse holds some clues…


They knew.

They all knew.

Then they went and killed over a million Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Afghans, and American servicemen and women while looting $21 trillion.

Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, and the cabal of neocons, neoliberals, businessmen, and dual passport holders with no loyalty but to money and their Talmudic world order all knew in advance of the attack on September 11, 2001, what would come next.

These people still walk free among us.

You and you fight. We’ll profit from the desire of self-fulfilling prophecies and cult atrocities in the process.

Occupied Film Trailer

time, is never time at all
you can never ever leave

without leaving a piece of you

and lives are forever changed
we will never be the same

Unburdened Joy.

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Pensioner Rate

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Student Rate

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Discussion about this video

The painting of Georgie Bush playing with paper airplanes with two little piles of rubble in front of him is absolutely priceless.

Great work in this article - you've laid it out so well. If people can't see it now, they never will.

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Thanks Anna. Creepy painting but not if you're a psycho paedo who films your "friends" with young girls. How many Epsteins are running around controlling celebrities, podcasters, musicians, CEOs, media personalites? Massey said every American Pol has an "AIPAC Handler" except for him and a week later his wife is dead? At this point they must run every institution in the red, white, and bruised. The people who are okay with this are essentially admitting they don't care, they don't mind subsidizing permenant leaches and so, well, they deserve what they get.

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More and more I get the creeping feeling that there is only a small percentage of the population that will ever get it - the rest don't want the discomfort of being challenged on what they want to believe in.

I think it has always been this way, and in a way I am really relieved to be figuring it out.

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The creepy feeling I have is knowing that we are being stalked by psychopathic predators who are now in control of most governments, and who want to kill us.

That is the worst creepiness!

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How’s this for a painting? Zoom in on the face and tell me it’s not the same face as The Statue of Liberty.

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Some say that the Statue of Liberty is actually of the Whore of Babylon.


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We all have our theories. However, when scripture is speaking of an ecclesiastical entity, it’s in the feminine, as The Bride of Christ for example, speaking of “the church”. Many have made the case that The Roman Catholic Church is The Whore, and that she is riding the Beast of the collective occult systems like freemasonry, the Illuminati, et al.

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Another one outta the park, Good Citizen. Thank you for this.

I'm old enough to remember the U.S.S. Liberty and my parents' reaction to the attempt by Israel to sink it. I can still see myself standing in the kitchen, seeing my father madder than I'd ever seen him. U.S. Navy veteran infuriated by it. Both mother and father going back and forth -- and the curses were flyin'.

And the number of "Americans" who know nothing at all about it...

I pray that the Sep 11 bullshit story is finally falling apart...Only a couple of decades...

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Thanks. It's falling to dust for sure, for those who can see the dust. I think it did for millions in the first decade of the aftermath, and then people "truthers" either cared or the masses shrugged and said "Let's go fight em' over there so we don't have to fight em' here!" Even those that figured out the scam asked, "What can we do about it honey? Who should we vote for this term?" I do hope it's more people than the pessimist in me assumes. But how many decades have they been flouridating the water in forty states calcifying pineal glands taking away people's spiritual 'life force'? Speaking of, have you ever strolled through an American airport terminal and really observed the people? Do any of them remember when they didn't have to get radiation blasted in a whirling star trek machine tube and then groped by a 80 IQ high school drop out? Are we living in some kind of groundhog day simulation, where every year people lose most of their memories, and what they hold on to is selected for them like some kind of software algorithm that filters out the forbbiden memories and gives them flashbacks of super bowl plays, celebrities, bloody ears, and other real or play acted trauma?

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I worked on Sep 11 Truth out of Boston for nearly a decade. A man who came to be a friend (to this day) co-founded it. I researched, read til my eyes bled; I'm fond of saying I've probably forgotten more about Sep 11 than most know. (And I have forgotten a bunch, it's true.)

I attended lectures, distributed flyers, helped bring speakers like Richard Gage, David Ray Griffin, and the very controversial Ken O'Keefe to Boston.

Boston 9/11 Truth is still very active; God bless them. I don't know how they do it. We started back in the day before there was a PooTube. We had email...

To ridicule, insult, disinterest, and complete cooperation with the utter bullshit at airports. I never went through one of Chertoff's back-scatter X-ray bullshit machines. Pat me down, you lowlife scum. LOL! Violate my human rights, my 4th Amendment, you asshole.

OK...better stop. See? Still gets me fired up. That said, I do think that "the light is dawning on Marblehead" (a well-known Boston expression) for more and more people. Yet, the train has left the station, its destination unavoidable. I believe the only end to this is the disaster that most of humanity appears to need in order to learn the same G-damned lessons we should have learned -- did learn, some of us -- from history a very long time ago.

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Good for you and the lot of them townies. I assume you're familiar with Dr. Judy Wood given your activism. It'd be interesting to know your thoughts on how the towers came down. I'd read that Gage was challenged by an audience member some years ago about her ideas, and he claimed not to be familiar with her, and rather dismissive. No cause of truthers is ever complete without factions and division I suppose. New trails form eventually, some get infiltrated, and eventually ultimatums are given for adherents to go one way or another.

On the cancer pod, I didn't even know one could opt out of that shit show until last year. I kept getting hauled out anyway on the few trips I made because i always travel with EMF clothing. "Your clothing has silver?" The blueshirt drones have no idea what EMF clothing is and they're around that death machine all day.

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Here's the Dr. Judy Wood website for everyone's further education. She did some brilliant research regarding what now I suppose is Direct Energy Weaponry or DEW. https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

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And another link that's new to me. Haven't checked out Dr. Wood in a while. She's got everything GC placed in this article and more.


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Here’s a bit of information on 9/11 that I’ll bet you’ve never heard:

The occult signatures are all over it, of course, but here’s a couple bits.

33 is one of the time numbers and it was 33 years from inception to destruction of the twin towers.

I can’t recall exactly how at the moment (like you say, forgetting nearly as much as we learn), but 33 is also embedded into the memorial fountains - the two “jet black bottomless pits”.

The two towers coming down are symbolic of Atlas holding the sky, the symbol of the separation of the heavens (spiritual world) from the terrestrial earth; now with that separation gone, the one tower symbolizes a direct connection or no separation between the two worlds.

Obama had a little occult signing of a beam at the top, which I believe said “build back better”; gee, where else have we heard that, and who are the builders is the real question. And what are they building back?

The architecture of the One World Trade Center of course has the obvious “one world” moniker, but it’s built as both a stylized obelisk and an octahedron. The octahedron is a Platonic solid representing “air”. Jesus called the devil, “the prince of the power of the AIR”. And of course those memorial fountains represent “the beast rising out of the bottomless pit”.

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Regarding LBJ and weapon shipments to terrorists in Palestine, you could reach out to Ron Unz and see if he knows the rare book you refer to. Or peruse his American Pravda series to see if the book is cited as a source.


Also, you might appreciate the information on this deep dive into 9/11 by Wyatt Peterson.

Israel did 9/11


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Thank you. I've read most of his series, but I'll go back there to dig.

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Try this book: Arab attitudes to Israel by Y. Harkabi

Keter Publishing House Jerusalem Ltd. 1972

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Some researchers have found evidence that LBJ was a Jew from his mother's line. I remember 9/11 like it happened last week. I remember the disgust and revulsion I felt for an idiot public flying their flags. Just seeing the stars and stripes repulsed me for years. Even so, it still surprised me that these same idiots bought the scamdemic the same way.

The rabbi said stop the car so he could daven. Davening is when the Jews rock back and forth during prayer. They are simulating sex with their female "god" because to them, their god is a male and female in one. In the Kabbalah Adam is duel gender. There are words in Hebrew for multiple kinds of weird genders. This is where all this transgender BS is coming from.

No one will stop their plan for world domination. It is too far along. The plan was formed when they were booted out of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and most regrouped in the Baghdad area. In 363 AD, Julian the Apostate was funding the rebuild of the Third Temple when a mighty earthquake and flames issuing from the ground killed most of the Jews rebuilding the Temple. A minor setback for people who plans are made to cover thousands of years. They are persistent...if nothing else. They will rebuild the Third Temple and place the Antichrist in it to rule the world for three and a half years. The tiny percentage of those who take up their crosses to walk the narrow way, have their hope in Christ Jesus...which is our only hope. The Zionist Christians will share a terrible fate.

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Kris, have you seen the Pike / Mazzini letter? It’s worth a look. I used to believe all that you have stated here, but the dispensational narrative is beginning to fall apart. It’s looking like a huge red herring (lots of those seem to have been constructed as we are learning that so much of history is faked and / or rewritten. Recall “he will change times and seasons? The calendars are completely off - why?)

Take a hard look at the emerging “Satan’s little season / millennial reign of Christ (already happened) theory. It’s fairly well convincing and explains a lot.

Start with Jason Jack YT channel. He has a good 10-12 parts series on it.

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I believe you have asked me this same question before on this same Substack...yes I read the Pike/Mazzini letter many years ago. I am not a dispensationalist. I woke up 34 years ago come this November. I clearly saw the entire picture in one intense moment in time. I had to go on faith for decades, but now everything I knew back then is being PROVED to me on a daily basis. If I was going to fold, it would have happened years ago... certainly not at the eleventh hour. I disagree with all your theories...but I am a free speech absolutist. I think the healthiest thing is the marketplace of ideas...with zero censorship. Now I have a question for you. Did you know 9/11 was a psy-op from the moment you received the news?

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No, I was a bit of a church going normie. It was Alex Jones who enlightened me about building 7 and then it was all rabbit holes from then on. I did quickly realize that Jones was not a good guy though and was banned from his website’s comment section before there was YouTube for pointing this out to people.

I do recall that exchange we had earlier.

Could you give me a brief explanation of your core beliefs and “master” theory?

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I had a Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment one night in November of 1990, and at that time received the gift of discernment. Prior to that I had been an atheist. A year before this happened I had started questioning my atheism. This was a case of: knock and the door will be opened. If one yearns for Truth above everything else, one will be lead to the Truth. No one converted me. I never joined a church. As someone who has been in the conspiracy research world for 34 years, I can testify that in the last ten years or so, there has been a flood of disinformation put out by alt-news controlled opposition, intended to knock those off the narrow path. It is working...sad to say.

I will try to be brief, because this is not really a place for long-winded theories...but if someone asks me...I tell them....

The Old Testament does not belong with the New Testament. The first five books of the Bible and the book of Job were not written by Jews, but were picked up during their willing captivity. They did very well in Babylon, they had no reason to leave. The Garden story is the the story of the choice mankind has faced since we were created. Because one third of the angels rebelled against God, God had to design a way to test His children. The test has been going on ever since then. Will one chose earthy pleasures, or will one chose the narrow way to be purified in spirit, to one day be fit companions, to be fit children of God to live forever with Him? Reincarnation is not just a belief...it is a provable fact. We have all been reincarnating since creation, working to become fit to live with our Creator forever. The final countdown began with the Advent of Christ Jesus. The Jews were the group chosen by Satan to try to upset God's winnowing plan during the final 2000 years. The esoteric stuff in the Kabbalah (and other secret texts) is Satanism...but really it's Gnosticism...the original Satanism...since creation. What does the soul choose: obedience and gratitude, or earthly rewards and hidden knowledge?

The last 2000 years has been the final countdown. Some lazy souls have just been having a good time, and others have been getting busy to study and prepare for the final test. We are at five minutes to midnight. Taking the Jonestown jab was a major test. If you took one, you have eliminate any chance of living with Christ during His thousand year earthly reign. Only a tiny, tiny percentage of those on earth will survive in the bodies they are in now, to live in this time period. These are marked on their forehead with a cross, which is visible to those with (what my Irish friend used to call) the second sight. The mark of the beast will mark those claimed by Satan. Those who keep the faith and refuse the mark, but are killed, will either be resurrected, or be born again as babies, after Christ returns . After the 1000 years, all those who failed the test (took the vaccine, or the mark, or denied Christ) will be born back again for one last chance. Our loving Creator gives a second and final chance to those who took the vax (not sure about those who take the mark). At that time Satan is released from the bottomless pit., and there is a massive war. Then the Final Judgement. Those who fail the Final Judgement will be eliminated (cast into the Lake of Fire) as will Hell be eliminated, and all evil spirits (fallen angels). Then will be the New Jerusalem. And yes, I am one who believes outer space is a psy-op.

I feel this is too long, and perhaps not the place for this. However I have a policy of answering all questions put to me. I have come to believe in the past ten years that the fate of us has been sealed. Nothing I can say now is going to change who makes it, or who does not. I will answer any questions you have, but I have no interest in debating anyone. Discernment will be the key to who is fooled into losing not just their lives, but also their immortal souls. ANYONE who has a public platform and is a big name online...should be considered controlled opposition.

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Thank you for your detailed response. No debates coming from me. I just like to hear a synopsis of a person’s belief system just to see where they are coming from.

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LBJ? Go grab a quarter and have a good look at George Washington (which was not his real name. You used to be able to find his real name, but it appears to have been scrubbed). And for that matter, take a good look at many of “the founding fathers”. You might just be able to see some stereotypical physical features.

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Sep 12
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Just comes my way, little by little. Just as you say, you have to be open to anything, descending into dark valleys of depression, questioning everything, testing anything you believe, looking at all sides, filtering, and most of all, finding solitude to sort it out. The truth is stranger than fiction for sure, and the conspiracy is bigger than anybody would have thought. But we are dealing with things spiritual - from the spirit world. Think about that for a minute. We are dealing with things supernatural.

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Holy shit.

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1. The Zohar was first published in 1305. Having watched videos from many Rabbis, I can tell you that much of what they say is nothing at all. And so here we have a Rabbi quoting The Zohar about the twin towers destruction; uh…chapter and verse please(?).

2. Jesse Ventura is clearly an insider and a shill, so that he that he was helping publicize the conspiracy of the twin towers (Alex Bill Hicks Jones too), is more than a red flag.

3. The spectacle of the twin towers and the rest of 9/11 is a red herring, plain and simple. You were supposed to see that it was “an inside job”. In fact, I think they were surprised at how dumb people were and how they were a bit too effective in their dumbing down campaign. It’s probably what pushed Agenda 21 further out to Agenda 2030, throwing off their timeline. And the Silverstein clip? Pleeeaaassse. All of it as fake as Biden stealing the election, J6, the Trump “assassination “, etc. It’s all set ups and payoffs; you were meant to see all of it for the lie that it is.

4. That “the Jews / Zionists” are being “exposed”, is more of same. We are all supposed to be sick of the Jews. See the Albert Pike / Guiseppe Mazinni letter for context.

5. Schofield Christians? Hmm. Now why is this now a growing reference. The main issue with Schofield is the popularization of the rapture / escapist doctrine, relative to the fake end times dispensation that the church was being brainwashed with. But why?

6. Why the fake end times scenario? Why the huge red herring of 9/11? To hold people’s attention and to hide reality. The Flat earth was the first crack in the facade, which judging from the response, I don’t think TPTB saw coming. But the humongous issue they’ve been trying to keep a lid on, is that Jesus has already returned, and has already reigned 1000 years on Earth with resurrected saints and likely angels. The architecture of the “dark ages” is the dead giveaway. They were not the dark ages at all, but the age of light. And now, probably in 1776, Satan has been released from the bottomless pit (likely a tesseract prison structure), which is immortalized by the transgender Statue of Liberty (not female as you depict above), who’s foot has a chain that is broken symbolizing freedom (being released from prison).

7. Thanks for this article, because before today, although I have maintained all along that 9/11 was meant to be seen, I didn’t know why. Now I can see it for the red herring it was designed to be (primarily), and secondarily to demonize the Jews and our government, which is necessary to bring us to the next stage.

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In fact, some believe that what is called Jerusalem, Israel and the “Middle East”, is all a Disney / Hollywood like creation, and that the “North Pole” is not only the geographic center of our flat earth, but the base of Jacob’s ladder to heaven, the true city of Jerusalem, and that the earth was broken and physically divided when Christ returned and rendered his apocalyptic judgment. Some pin this as the year 536 a.d., but all timelines and calendars have been changed.

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And this should clue us in that we are truly nearing the end of the story; as the truth of the millennial reign of Christ having already happened, and Satan being released to deceive the nations, and that we have been more thoroughly deceived than we realized - as this information becomes more widespread, the panic to contain it will accelerate (which likely involves bringing chaos and confusion to the entire earth for a time, with a simultaneous round up of believers who understand this doctrine enough to educate others about it).

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no matter what facts come out about the total power the jews have in the US how they own it how everything wrong with the US is orchestrated by them the people do not care. they mostly whites are suicidal drunk pilled out fat lazy. the younger guys get off on retard negroes who hate them run around a field while the whites sing the black national antdumb

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I feel like the red pill is not a pill but a giant red suppository being shoved up my ass to clean out all the lies that have built up in my colon for the last 60 years.

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Haha. Same here, and with each shove of the giant red suppository and cleaning I find that I'm far more full of shit than I had previously thought and keep wondering how I permitted myself to get so backed up in the first place.

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So, wait a minute... you're tellin' me that Israel is not our greatest ally?

Here's an article by Frank Wright, a writer for Lifesitenews that you might find interesting, GC: https://frankwright.substack.com/p/abc-of-zionism

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Hold on now!! So, there's a theory that the towers (black) magically collapsed?

Or is this a theory that encompasses direct energy weapons?

I don't know if i'm ready for this sort of Rabbit Hole.....

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It's a beautiful rabbit hole. With all the understanding of DEWs and weather manipulation we have now it's a worthwhile ride...


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rabbit hole: yeah sure, let's go!

rabbi hole: there's no money in the world...

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I thought the same thing re: DEWs. The burnt cars are exactly like those in the Californian and Lahaina ‘wildfires’. Things that make you go hmmm 🤔

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I just watched the three episodes on Dr Judy Woods. I’ve heard about her but only in negative terms on 9/11 ‘truth’ sites. It’s very interesting. Of course DEW was involved. Once you see it you can’t see anything else.

Amazing how the mass hypnosis works, on all sides.

As for the Australian bushfires of the past 20 years, I’ve begun to think they were DEW attacks. Perhaps even those going back further, like the Ash Wednesday fires of 1983. They, like 2009 & 2019, literally vaporised homes, vehicles and other structures. A friend who was helping to clear rubble in Gippsland after the 2009 Black Saturday fires couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Buildings had just disappeared.

Needless to say, the path that both the 2009 & 2019 fires followed is where they plan to build their high-speed railway connecting the SMART cities up the east coast.

It’s the same with the flooding in NSW in 2021 - completely manufactured and targeting those farming/off grid communities that have traditionally resisted the major corporations and government control. Huge areas declared no longer ‘habitable’. More and more people pushed into the SMART cities and towns because they have no choice.

It’s all so predictable 🙄

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The psychopathic mind is chronicly under siege...

"No amount of security is ever enough security !"

- fixated on security - at all costs...

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Phenomenal extrapolation, G.C. ‼️

They - giveth, and taketh away.

It's a profound and time consuming process. Generationally discreet in form and fact. Slowly then suddenly.

True evidence of the evil that is in control.

The question remains. Why?

What is the purpose of gold, money, and so forth? It's my objection that it's all an illusion set forth to destroy everything.

So what happens when everything is destroyed?

What is the purpose? To keep the slaves rebuilding on top of their destiny; over & over again? If so, that is completely INSANE. Therefore humanity is being lead by lunatics, obviously.

"The Greater Good" - Yeah, really ⁉️

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Thanks for the 9/11 clip - didn't know about that doco - will have to check it out!

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It's a pretty wild doc. How does steel turn to dust mid air? There was a hurricane just off the coast of nyc that morning that nobody talks about. Heading for the coast. The meteorologists completely ignore it in their morning broadcasts 7am-ish. As powerful as Sandy that flooded the city a decade later. It does a U turn the second the attacks begin. Weirdorama.

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The scope of 9/11 is breathtaking when you see all the details. That there is now the ability to steer hurricanes …

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I have read David Hughes' Substack Defending Judy Wood. I think he covers it so well; I must put aside reading her book to catch my breath.

Good Citizen, this report of yours is a stupendous work. There are too many parts to touch on that can only be understood by those with 'eyes to see, ears to hear'. Those of us who will be living through, what could be considered, a pivotal time in the history of mankind will have to have a lot of love to squeeze through the Narrow Path together. Many thanks.

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Thank you GC, as a lifelong normie that got his eyes opened during the scamdemic, your history lessons have broadened my scope of understanding historical event beyond anything I could imagine. I intend to go down every rabbit hole this essay includes, as well as those added by the keen commenters. Most of which I never heard of and knew nothing about.

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Sep 12
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I'm already there. I believe nothing I've ever been taught in government schools and have been going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. This stuff about Churchill and WW2 has really been an eye opener.

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Yes I'm a Judy Woods fan.

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She's great. I only discovered her a few years ago. It's all been Architects and Engineers for Truth pushed by the algos, but I think she gets burried or ignored for being a 'kook' which really makes me more curious about her theories.

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I believe she is most accurate. But conventional controlled demolition appears to have been in play as well. To get people arguing about it while they get on outta town.

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I can see demolition, and always assumed it was in play but it doesn't account for interior steel beams turning to dust. Some other ingredient has to be in this stew.

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Sep 12
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I've never seen a building demolition where steel core columns turn to dust from gravity. I don't think video of this exists anywhere except ...the twin towers.

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Yes, Building 7 was obviously conventional controlled demolition.

Towers 1 & 2 may have been some sort of DEW or nuclear weapon.

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Her theories are like self evident truth when you see them. When I first saw her work, I was like, “yup, this is close to the truth, if not it exactly”.

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Sep 12
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Yes but unfortunately Mikovitz keeps propagating the existence of viruses which is all a controlled op so they can engineer hoax pandemics and injections in the future.

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I like that assessment.

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The one problem we should all unify against is the corruption in our systems. We can us new systems such as collective intelligence systems to help us. Like this: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/the-one-problem-we-should-all-agree?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dear Good Citizen

Excellent article.

I will publish as my lead post today (Friday September 13, 2024, on https://EarthNewspaper.com

I’ve been called the Grandfather of 911 truth.

911 Trial

by Mark R. Elsis


911 Timeline (#1 in Google for 10+ years)

The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911

by Mark R. Elsis


Stand Down (#1 in Google for 10+ years)

Exposing NORAD’s Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale

by Mark R. Elsis


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Have been linking 9/11 articles pretty heavy this year for some reason , not sure why, as I normally link some every year. But it's way past time for everything to come out. Linking this tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Artfully well paced presentation of critical information, with style - as usual. Here's to ya brother! Keep it coming.

can we get links to the short video clips?

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You know Good Citizen, thinking back on this, and thinking through the Bush years, it really seems as though one of the greatest precedents set by the 9/11 hoax was the concept that all terrorists are fair game to be killed by military outside of any declared conflict.

I know that sounds convoluted, but prior to "The War on Terror" it was (and still should be) that civilians (i.e., those not serving under any given country's military) cannot not be targeted by combat activities of any military. It was, and really still is, a war crime to do so. There are exceptions to that rule but none of those exceptions include indiscriminate slaughter of civilians.

Somehow, even so-called "Christians" that purportedly "follow Christ" have allowed themselves to label an entire population as "terrorists" so that the above principle can then seemingly justify indiscriminate slaughter of that population.

Couple "news" flashes are in order. One, giving a label such as "terrorist" to a civilian does not change the rules of engagement. Two, Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for them which (I'm pretty sure) is the diametric opposite of "label them terrorists so that they can be mass murdered."

While I am not the fan or friend of Islam in any of its forms, I am more "not a fan" of indiscriminate slaughter of human beings. How so many people, even people that call themselves "Christians", allow themselves to be complicit (or sympathetic) to such things, I cannot reconcile against any measure of humanity, morality, or especially Christianity.

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Had this question today while reading about the bombing that took out the top leader of Hezbollah. How is it that Israeli intelligence is so sophisticated that they were able to dupe Hezbollah into buying booby trap pagers and knew where Nasrallah would be so as to bomb the building and yet on 10/7 they incurred a surprise attack by Hamas fighters on paragliders? I'm just an average person that pays attention to current events and I see this. There's a whole lot more people in the news media that earn a whole lot more money than I do and will they ever ask this question? Doesn't seem like a logical stretch. And how about the fact that Israel signed a UN treaty prohibiting the use of mines,booby traps and other devices. Shouldn't Israel now be declared a terrorist organization by the UN or the USA? I thought the US was fighting The War on Terror. Did I miss something? Was an end declared in that war and I missed it? Seems like another simple fact that gets overlooked. I know, things that I notice that shouldn't get noticed. Thanks GC for all your good work.

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I remember watching a pre-9/11 documentary about the twin towers talking about how they were literally designed to withstand a jet airliner flying into them lol

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Nail on the head! BAM! 🏆🥳🎯

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It is nothing short of tragic that you believe and spread this BS about the Liberty.

Here is what really happened : In 1967,as the Fakestinians, whose own Koran tells them clearly that Israel belongs to the Jews because God gave it to them were attempting once again to drive the Jews into the sea, the World's Most Advanced Spy Ship was parked off the coast of Israel, once again betraying Israel by relaying Israeli troop movements to the Arabs.

As it became clear what was happening it became obvious that there was no other choice if Israel was to survive this latest demonic attack by the forces of Satan, and so the Liberty was taken out.

Much has also been made of allegations of violence toward survivors by Israeli troops.

There was that violence, the troops were aware of the attempted betrayal and red hot pissed off about it.

The Islimes are NOT the good guys and neither is the Deep State.

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The Israeli airforce with mostly NATO fighters (French) were fighting Egyptian MiGs, some of them piloted by Soviet pilots. While unmarked Israeli fighters and torpedo boats try to lure the US into fighting against Egypt with a false flag attack on the USS Liberty, and LBJ sends nuclear armed jets toward Cairo that were only called back at the last second because of the attack, but the US was actually helping the Egyptians (Soviets) with Israeli troop movements AND the exact same administration "helping Egypt" quadrupled arms and money to Israel the following year? As Jesse Lee Peterson would say, Ahmazun.

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