

Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust.

Time discovers truth.

— Seneca

USS Liberty (1967)

On June 8, 1967, during the 6-Day War, Israel attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked planes and torpedo boats, killing 34 sailors and injuring 121 more. Israel knew it was a U.S. ship, and attacked it anyway. The U.S. government and its corporate media lackeys have spent 55 years covering up the truth of this incident. There is no recognition or memorial to those who were deliberately murdered. Why was the USS Liberty attacked? It likely intercepted radio communications of the Israeli mass execution of unarmed Egyptian POWs.


“I could not care less about a few dead sailors, I will not embarrass my ally Israel.”

— Lyndon B Johnson during the USS Liberty attack

As a junior congressman from Texas in the late 1930s, it is rumored that LBJ ran weapons and grenade shipments (in crates marked as fruits) to Jewish terrorist organizations in Palestine preparing the area for the Post-WW2 Rothschild-funded nation of Israel by ethnically cleansing Palestinians. I went searching for the source of this claim, an article I read some months ago citing a rare book but was unable to find it and I can’t recall the title. (If any Good Citizen knows, please leave it in the comments or reply to this post.)

The first Zionist terrorist group in the region The Haganah was formed in 1920 after the Balfour declaration gave the go-ahead for Jews to settle in Palestine on Rothschild-owned land in the British mandate. The group was ordered not to attack Arabs indiscriminately and cooperated heavily with the British security forces in Mandatory Palestine. This irked some members of the group which led to the creation of the more indiscriminately violent Irgun and Lehi groups.

In 1937 Heinrich Himmler went to the region to discuss with prominent Zionists the continued resettlement of thousands of Jews in Nazi labor camps through their transfer agreement (Havaara Agreement), but the British refused Himmler’s arrival and sent him back to Germany. By the late 1930s Arabs began to revolt against Jewish settlements, while these Jewish terrorist organizations began to target the British who stopped the resettlement of Jews and were trying to quell violence against Arabs. They bombed their central headquarters at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing over a hundred British nationals including civilian employees. In 1944, the Lehi even assassinated Lord Moyne in Cairo, British Ambassador to the Middle East.

In 1948, through terror, genocide, and extortion, they finally got their Rothschild state. Under the Israeli flag, with unlimited resources from their new host empire (the red, white, and bruised) this parasitic nation continues its genocidal operation for its Greater Israel Project. Stay with me, this is all threaded together in the Kosher historical 9-11 cloth.

For those evangelical Christians (Scofield dupes) who buy the Zionist lie that there was never a Palestine.

Philip F. Nelson wrote a book with evidence implicating Zionist puppet Johnson in the assassination of JFK, most likely a joint CIA-Mossad operation. Governor Connally of Texas was in the front seat of the motorcade at the time, but he was also LBJ’s campaign manager when he ran for the Senate in 1941. Under the auspices of a “business” trip to their home turf hosted by the head of the local Dallas B’nai Brith Sam Bloom, they lured JFK to his assassination.


With JFK out of the way, Israel went on to develop nuclear weapons, stealing uranium from the United States with help from a Zionist-infiltrated FBI and CIA as documented in Stealing The Atom Bomb: How Denial And Deception Armed Israel by Dr. Roger Mattson. They also didn’t have to register their American Zionist Council (precursor to AIPAC) as a foreign agent buying American politicians. In the year after the USS Liberty “incident,” U.S. foreign aid to Israel increased from $23M to $106M and to $120M by 1970.

What message did that send to Israel?

If we can own the executive office of the United States by whatever bloody means at our disposal, then we can own and control all politicians in Washington D.C., and the more they are threatened or attacked by enemies of our creation, the more money we get toward our Greater Israel project.

I reported that Marines had been sent there to become the focus of a major incident. The Mossad is to arrange for a number of our Marines to be killed in an incident that will be blamed on Arabs. This will be used to inflame American public opinion to help us lead into war including ultimately nuclear war.

— Dr. Peter Beter
Pentagon analyst, November 3, 1982

U.S. Marine Barracks Bombing Lebanon (1983)

Sixteen years after the USS Liberty attack, the first contemporary incident of what we know as “suicide bombing” occurred in Beirut, Lebanon. A truck filled with explosives drove into the barracks housing military personnel. The explosion killed 241 U.S. service members, mostly Marines, making it one of the deadliest attacks on U.S. forces overseas.

In Victor Ostrovsky’s book on the Mossad, By Way of Deception (1990)—he claims that Nahum Admoni, the Mossad director at the time, had precise information about the truck being prepared for the attack on the U.S. Marines and when it might occur, but had intentionally withheld this crucial information from the U.S. military.  “No, we’re not there to protect Americans. They’re a big country. Send only the regular information,” Admoni reportedly said. Before September 11, 2001, the Mossad convinced Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to cancel his scheduled travel to Washington.

The purpose of the “false flag” attack in Lebanon was to create U.S. animosity toward the Arab world and align the U.S. with Israel, according to Ostrovsky. There had been an earlier car bomb at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut on April 18, 1983, which had killed seventeen Marines. The bombing compelled the Marines to move offshore and President Reagan ordered them to be withdrawn from the region in early 1984.

Gulf War I (1991)

Kuwait is one of the most oil-rich countries on earth.

It became a British protectorate in 1899 when the ruling family signed an agreement with the British Empire to gain protection from the Ottoman Empire. In return, Britain assumed control of Kuwait’s foreign affairs and defense. Kuwait’s status as a British protectorate lasted until it gained independence in 1961.

After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the 1967 war, thousands of Palestinians were forced to move to Kuwait seeking better opportunities. By the 1970s, they had become the largest expatriate group, numbering around 300,000. By 1990, the Palestinian population had grown to 450,000, playing a crucial role in Kuwait’s workforce.

In 1991, Saddam Hussein accused Kuwait of "stealing Iraq’s oil" through pipelines that, according to him, siphoned valuable crude from Iraqi territory near their shared border. He voiced these grievances to the international community and warned of military action if the issue was not addressed. In the weeks leading up to the invasion, the United States signaled that it would not intervene militarily, giving Hussein the impression that he had the green light to resolve the matter by force. This turned out to be a strategic trap.

Cue the atrocity propaganda tours, media hysteria, hero generals, congressional hearings with phony witnesses actors crying about babies in incubators, and CNN asshatery from a fake Saudi Arabia set in Atlanta.

Charles Jaco on X: "CNN veteran journalist Carl Rochelle died this morning.  I had the honor of working with him several times. A delightful man, a real  pro. RIP https://t.co/L5izxFb8nh" / X
Notice the planter bushes not native to Saudi Arabia behind them, probably picked up at the local Home Depot.

During the Gulf War, Palestinians supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait as they were influenced by PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s backing of Iraq. Every night Americans were presented illusions on their programming boxes that Israel was under constant threat from Iraq with scud missiles that had no targeting systems or any advanced hardware. It was another psyop to drum up American support for “their greatest ally.”

After the liberation of Kuwait, the U.S. and its allies Israel played a significant role in the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the country. The U.S. got to test its new and improved military after two decades of wallowing in the failures of Vietnam. They also got Kuwait's oil again for cheap while Israel got Arafat’s people expelled from what had been their new host country.

When you see normies like Jordan Schachtal write, “Muh, nobody wanted the Palestinians, not even other Arab states like Kuwait” it’s because Israel controls those other Arab states via the economic and military proxy power of their host empire and their once-dominant petrodollar.


Islamic Terror (cui bono?)

"A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" was a policy document published in 1996 by a group of American neocons led by Richard Perle (Israeli citizen) of Project For A New American Century. The authors included dual citizens of Israel and the United States—Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser (born in Israel). The document was prepared for then (and still) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a set of recommendations to guide Israeli security and foreign policy.

The document called for a "clean break" from past policies, particularly the Oslo Peace Process. It advocated for a more aggressive stance toward neighboring Arab states, prioritizing a strategy of containment and preemptive action. It called for Israel to take the initiative in reshaping its regional environment, specifically recommending the overthrow of hostile regimes, including Iraq and Syria, and to isolate and diminish Iran's influence in the region.

These authors became essential in the Cheney (Bush Jr.) administration’s post-911 foreign policy. The paper's recommendations have mirrored (to a T) U.S. foreign policy actions this century, almost as if it were a blueprint to control U.S. defense obligations for the benefit of Israel.

The results have been catastrophic for the U.S. taxpayer, American influence in the world, Arabs, Palestinians, and American servicemen and women. Keeping the idea of “Islamic Terrorism” as a serious threat in the psyche of the American people is still the priority of these lunatic neocons working for their beloved Zionist state. Unfortunately, millions of Americans still can’t see how they’re being used as sacrificial pawns on the Zionist chessboard.

Confession 1

Confession 2

200 Mossad Agents Stateside (1998-2001)

FBI and ATF released numerous strange reports and memos on Mossad agents operating across the U.S. in the years leading up to 9/11. Fox News even broadcasted a four-part special investigation by Carl Cameron in 2015 on the Israeli spy ring, including gathering intelligence about the “attacks” in the years before but refusing to share it. The reports state that Israelis under the cover of “art students” penetrated the Secret Service, IRS, FBI, ATF, US Customs, and military bases. The company that registered all telephone communications companies operating in the U.S. at the time—Odigo, a Mossad spy front—warned their employees in Manhattan that “something big was going to happen” on 9/11—several hours before the attacks.

Carl Cameron: “When they put all the evidence together how could they (Israel) not have known?”

Even when millions of Americans watched this on Fox News from their Barca loungers, did they still think “Israel is our greatest ally”?

Dancing Israelis

The Insurance Policy

In the summer before the “dustification” event in lower Manhattan, the missile hitting the Pentagon’s financial audit desks, and the giant hole with no plane debris in the Pennsylvania field, ownership of the World Trade Center complex of seven buildings changed hands. New owner Larry Silverstein admits to everything—a $4.4 Billion new insurance policy he took out on the complex, how his friend Elliot Spitzer helped him collect his money, and how as a vampire he cannot be in the sunshine and needed to see his dermatologist on the morning of September 11, instead of going to eat breakfast at the top of the north tower as he usually did. Cohencidence?

The Matrix is attacking this Substack! The censorship industrial complex is coming for me! Big Tech has banned me and woke cancel culture is doxing me and trying to ruin my life. I’m definitely NOT trying to emotionally manipulate you into supporting my work by convincing you I’m a threat to the system and they’re targeting me. I’d never do something so insidious and distasteful to my loyal readers. /s

Pentagon: $2.3 Trillion Missing (Sept. 10, 2001)

Rumsfeld: “Governments can’t die. So we need to find other ways to adapt and improve.”

<Run War Criminal Translator>

We need to find ways to print more money for our masters, which will require fear. So we will terrorize the population of tax slaves so they consent to a blank check “defense” program.

</Run War Criminal Translator>

One day later a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, exactly where their financial audit and accounting desks were.

Pause at 1 second or 7 seconds to see the white cruise missile in the right frame. Full three-minute clip obtained by Judicial Watch available here.

CNN Reporter: From my inspection, there is no evidence of a plane hitting anywhere near the Pentagon.

Nobody ever talked about the missing $2.3 trillion again. The Patriot Act (written and waiting in the congressional cupboards before 9-11) was passed. Since then an additional $21 Trillion has “gone missing” according to a Political Science professor from the University of Michigan working in conjunction with Catherine Austin Fitts and her Solari Report. That report was released in 2017. Trillions more have “gone missing” since.

When I write on the description of this substack they are “looting the treasury” to bleed the empire dry, this is partly what I’m referring to. But it doesn’t take a genius with a magnifying glass to see all the other ways—hyperinflation, $6 trillion for a hoax pandemic, $4 trillion for “infrastructure” including $7 billion to build four EV charging stations, $2 trillion for the Orwellian titled “inflation reduction act” which was a hidden green new deal, $100 Billion to Ukraine, $40 Billion to Israel this year alone to bomb children, $500 Billion spent on importing 10 million sub literate dependents in the past four years to bbq family pets and eat local waterfowl. The private federal reserve’s balance sheet has ballooned from $3.5 Trillion to $9 Trillion in the past five years. It’s all money laundering, looting, and theft, to extract the last value out of the dying US dollar and transfer it to themselves. By now you either see it clearly or you never will.


The Cover-Up Commission

No government act of terror against its citizens is complete without a “special commission.” The commission's only duty is to act as an official body of investigators pretending to uncover information while suppressing evidence, distorting the facts, fabricating narratives, manipulating public perception, and whitewashing the entire scandal, acting as a well-organized misdirection and cover-up crew. The Corbett Report exposes this 9/11 Commission charade in this short documentary.

Bush was hesitant to appoint any commission at all. Why is that? Perhaps a painting inside Mossad’s special bribery Paedo agent Jeffrey Epstein’s $85 million Lower Eastside Manhattan townhouse holds some clues…


They knew.

They all knew.

Then they went and killed over a million Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Afghans, and American servicemen and women while looting $21 trillion.

Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, and the cabal of neocons, neoliberals, businessmen, and dual passport holders with no loyalty but to money and their Talmudic world order all knew in advance of the attack on September 11, 2001, what would come next.

These people still walk free among us.

You and you fight. We’ll profit from the desire of self-fulfilling prophecies and cult atrocities in the process.

Occupied Film Trailer

time, is never time at all
you can never ever leave

without leaving a piece of you

and lives are forever changed
we will never be the same

Unburdened Joy.

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