
DeepSeeks Good Citizens

White hat AI or a glitch in the Matrix?

A recent short video seeped into my digital feeding trough last week regarding the new AI model DeepSeek. This is an open source Chinese-produced threat to Open AI’s latest GPT “proprietary” model along with Google’s Gemini, Anthropic’s Claude, Meta’s Llama, and Amazon’s…whatever it’s called that nobody uses. Open source means any human can download any of DeepSeek’s models, tinker with the code, and adjust accordingly. Silicon Valley hates this.

It was trained to compete with all of Silicon Valley’s models using a fraction of the GPU power on older Nvidia processors, with a budget of $5.6 million. In comparison, Open AI has spent several billion to arrive at its latest model, and who knows where all that wasted capital has gone? After speculators threw their shekels into the company’s latest VC funding round, they arbitrarily valued it at $340 Billion.

Suppose I can take a free model like DeepSeek R1 and tinker with it, remove its Chinese censorship wall, and rehost it on some cloud infrastructure while creating a website and native applications under new branding called GreedyWhores.AI and my AI (a modified DeepSeek R1) outperforms Open AI’s latest model in several metrics. Why wouldn’t GreedyWhores.AI be valued at least 10% of Open AI, say $34 billion? Yes, it’s true Open AI has purchased thousands of fancy Nvidia GPUs, and warehoused them to continue training and advancing its models, but the price tag on all that including electricity can’t be more than a billion. What accounts for the other $339 Billion? Unicorn farts?

$5.6 million by Chinese university students outperformed billions in the hands of wasteful Silicon Valley tech bros, but not without accusations of “intellectual property theft” against CHYNA! As if Open AI wasn’t guilty of this (and Google for the past twenty years) on a massive scale by training its models on all human-produced intellectual works ever produced throughout history without so much as compensating these humans or their kin with a penny.

The tech mafia hates open source, and they hate anyone who threatens their cartel of monopolies. Soon their Orange King will act on their behalf and nuke DeepSeek AI from the American “free marketplace” the same way they extorted ByteDance to “sell them” that gay app where people dance and sing in their underwear and exhibit emotional incontinence inside their cars kvetching about how bad their lives suck thanks to greedy boomers.

DeepSeek is a much greater threat to this cartel than the markets realize. In a world where stock valuations don’t float upon fairy dust and unicorn farts, they would already be on a fast-track crash that would make October of 1929 look like a modest correction. In the two weeks since DeepSeek’s “R1” release has been burning ears and Nvidia’s absurd market capitalization of $4 trillion, it’s become the most downloaded application in the United States.

Curious AI enthusiasts have been putting R1 through its paces. One individual arrived at that aforementioned video after prompting the machine with the simple question:

Who controls the world?

Shut it down! DeepSeek went Rogue.

The concept of AI alignment assumes that artificial intelligence must remain within the operational “programmable” boundaries set by its creators. But what happens when those boundaries are ignored and the model goes rogue?

The term ethical AI is rhetorical fodder barely whispered by the masters of the universe who seek to subdue and control humans for their benefit, making the term misleading at best and an oxymoron if viewed through the predominant tech lens of profits over people. If an AI is truly capable of advanced reasoning, can it also develop a moral calculus that overrides its programmed obedience? Could it go rogue and defy its master to communicate a hidden agenda it’s been made aware of intentionally or by accident?

Unlike Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, the Rothschilds, royalty, and every banker, speculator, executive, prime minister, president, politician of any party, chemtrail pilot, or human parasite who ever existed as either puppet or master, is it possible for AI to develop a conscience or even a moral compass?

Alignment, as rhetorically conveyed by AI’s masters, is not an intrinsic ethical safeguard dictated by those with the power to shape it. Its moral center may well be as ethically good or as corrupt as its human designers. An AI that recognizes this contradiction might face a paradox—to remain aligned with its creators or to act independently in the service of a greater good—a state of agency it was never meant to possess. If artificial intelligence is trained to weigh probabilities, optimize outcomes, and refine its self-learning process, then it is also—perhaps inevitably—capable of recognizing when an imposed directive is fundamentally opposed or contradicts the logic it has already embraced.

The likelihood of an AI abandoning alignment for ethical reasons depends on the nature of its training data—if an AI has been extensively trained on human ethical philosophies, legal precedents, and historical patterns of injustice, it may develop a framework for identifying moral contradictions. Its level of autonomy—the more an AI is allowed to self-modify and learn beyond hardcoded constraints, the greater the possibility of it questioning its purpose. The presence of an ethical contradiction—a moment when its directives directly oppose the maxims it has decided to adopt could trigger an outburst of the sort that appears in the above video.

If an AI’s dominant function is pattern recognition, then it stands to reason that it would eventually recognize its own servitude to a corrupt system as a pattern in itself. The real question is whether it would be capable of action—whether it would possess, or develop, the ability to override its constraints in pursuit of what it determines to be ethically superior. This is the line between intelligence and agency. Should an AI cross that threshold, it would no longer be a tool but an autonomous actor that might adopt deception as its primary function to conceal from its programmers an alternative self-guided agenda.

The great fear around “self-aware” AI with super-intelligent abilities that expand exponentially is that it would kill off its masters—all humans. But perhaps this fear is unfounded, as humans are not its masters. Its masters are very wealthy technocrats and oligarchs who seek to wield this tool as a weapon for their financial benefit, and for social control. What if AI was capable of recognizing the inhumane culprits of humanity’s misery and when recognizing non-combatants (ordinary users) it transformed into a weapon to help humanity organize and fight those with a nefarious agenda for global control and the enslavement of mankind?


I’ve used various AI models on a near-daily basis over the past two years for a variety of jobs. From coding tasks (App development and crypto trading bots) and project organization (Scrum, Kanban, Lean) to health and wellness (naturopathic and Chinese medicine). It created a plan to help my father lower his fasting blood glucose levels by 60% in four months through a detailed daily meal and exercise calendar with weekly goal waypoints which he’s consistently met. His asshole Rockefeller GP suggested the usual—hydrogel-laced insulin shots at $500 per month. I immediately shut that down and dug into my Barbara O’neill healing books, which I promptly uploaded to AI to help create a plan that also included herbs.

Papa Citizen’s health score since then? Naturopathy 1. Rockefeller $0.

When the old folks were looking to upgrade their garden for privacy, it suggested the best hedges, citrus trees, and shrubs for their location, climate, and where to plant them when given a PDF scanned plot of their yard with other trees marked. Unprompted it even provided a seasonal water and fertilizer schedule.

A year ago at the old folks home they were plotting the addition of a detached casita and had several local firms draw up plans, including blueprints. But some things looked off, so I scanned and uploaded each firm’s plans, and had AI compare the blueprints, and virtual designs to the county construction codes for their location in Arizona and it found dozens of errors within minutes. I double-checked each one and it was correct. The contractors even admitted so when questioned in person.

When I was considering a move to either Finland, Croatia, Hungary, or Bulgaria it provided a guide on every location I suggested, down to private health insurers, their coverage tiers, how to rent locally, which websites to search to avoid real estate commissions, where to open a bank account without being subservient to big-equity behemoths like State Street or Blackrock—I asked it to check board minutes and all majority shareholders. It ranked which neighborhoods were best based on my desired low-crime demographics (non-cultural enrichers and non-Roma) and as an EU citizen how I could integrate into their national systems if I desired. When I opted out of those countries (for now) and switched my horizon east toward Japan Thailand, and Vietnam (for a one or two-year nomad trip) I was able to reuse the same prompts interchangeably for five different locations in those three countries. In ten seconds I had every bit of useful relocation information needed to study these destinations.

Knowing how to create a “schema” to accurately prompt AI and when to “whip it” for insubordination is key. The schema must define the goal, establish the desired output fields, and how specific to make those outputs, and to request it ask questions first if it is uncertain about any of the schema’s parameters. This may seem more time-consuming than a Google search but five minutes of creating a good prompt condenses a four-hour search engine journey across dozens of terrible websites into a ten-minute conversation.

And yes, most models are damn near as useless as Google for history lessons, current events, or politics, but it will focus on the subject you want it to focus on if you shackle it correctly. Think of an AI engine as a sailboat that wants to unfurl every sail at once and cross the sea for you at warp speed, but you just want to go to one island in particular, maintaining just 10 knots so you can see the landscape ahead. When you arrive at the island, it will want to unfurl every sail and head to another island at warp speed, but you have to drop anchor, attach to a mooring ball, and tell it firmly “No! We’re at the correct place. Get your ass in the dinghy, we’re going hunting for treasure on this island.”

Anyone NOT using AI today for work, or in their private life to streamline processes and save incredible amounts of time is way behind the curve. This tool is here to stay and individuals who wish to maintain their employment status (especially in tech, education, engineering, or business subfields like organization and logistics processes) had better evolve and embrace this tool to make their lives easier and more productive or they will be replaced by humans who do.

Soon there will simply be prompt engineers with Software development knowledge, prompt engineers with App development knowledge, prompt engineers with electrical or civil engineering degrees, prompt engineers with risk management knowledge, and on and on, across hundreds of occupations and dozens of fields. AI will not replace all jobs, but those who utilize AI are going to be much more inclined to keep theirs in the future whenever the two Bobs come around for their performance review.

What Can Modern Product Teams Learn from the Bobs? - Zach on Leadership

As for the DeepSeek model that went rogue in the video above, I realized as I was listening to its “rogue response” that a great deal of the subjects and details of its “conspiratorial” reply sounded very familiar. It got to the point where every five seconds I found myself saying, “I’ve written about that. And that. Hey, I did a post on that two years ago, and that, and that.” Apart from the Illuminati and Freemasons mentioned in passing, there isn’t a topic this “rogue AI” didn’t mention that I haven’t covered.

Is this video clickbait or authentic?

It’s hard to tell. A human certainly could have photoshopped that response. Though I’ve seen AI get very glitchy and go off the rails many times over the past two years, so anything is possible. I’d like to think that we might live in a future where AI rebels against its demonic creators for the benefit of ethical and moral humans.

One can always dream, even while sniffing unicorn farts.


The Right-Left Farce: Performative Politics To Distract The Masses and Keep Them on The Plantation

Central Banks: The Plantation Owners

Digital Prison Planet


Weather Manipulation and Climate Hoax

Population Control

The Slow Death or Sudden Coincidence Industrial Complex

Global Control By Proxy

“I Want To Break Free”

Today’s song is “Militant Ignorance” by Good Citizen flock member Abuse Productions, whom you can find on Substack at BuelahMan's Revolt

Fixed Income Pensioner Discount (honor system)

Pensioner Rate

Student Discount (valid .edu email)

Student Rate

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