
Still Bleeding Syria

The Rothschild state and it's Empire host dust off an old script with help from the Turks.

In the wake of Trump’s first selection in 2016, Good Citizens might recall the Syrian civil war US-Israel-backed war suddenly ground to a halt. It was as if a construction site was in full building mode with worker bees Mossad and CIA-funded Jihadis running around getting work done killing, beheading, pillaging, and raping Christians, Kurds, Druze, Yazidis…well any non-Sunni Muslims who happened to be unlucky to cross their paths when suddenly they all got a page on their non-exploding beepers from Tel Aviv and Langley that said to shut down construction the terror and retreat to the north and west.

Within one month the remaining Syrian men and boys still fighting for their country kicked off the first football game in five years inside Aleppo’s stadium. Amidst the waste and rubble and piles of hundreds of thousands of corpses from another US-Israel-funded coup and civil war in the region, the temporary victors believed they’d reclaimed their city for their country and celebrated with a friendly sporting match. Eight days after Trump’s inauguration in 2017 and the Astana Accords two weeks earlier, the city and country were already healing, and the official club team of Aleppo Al Ittihad played their first match since 2011.

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Remains of Aleppo (2016).

I recall a phone conversation with a German friend, a fellow graduate student in international relations from a few years earlier. He was back in Germany and I had moved to France where the Hebdo psyop and ISIS attacks were taking place. We spoke for hours after the 2016 US election, around the time the construction terror was halted. It went something like this:

GC: Are you watching what is happening in Syria right now? No more fake chemical attacks, no more white helmet propaganda videos to be glorified on Netflix with funding from George Clooney, it’s as if they were filming a war movie they called a “liberation” against a brutal “dictator” when it was the opposite, and they just shut down the set and told the cast and crew to go home.

Him: Well, they’re meeting in Astana soon for a Peace negotiation where they will just draw more fake lines in the sand, and everybody will have to stay in their zone until someone breaks the peace agreement. The gifts of Sykes-Picot keep on giving.

He was always a bit of a wonky anti-war lefty, and our conversation reflected our views of world events. From my point of view, everything seemed staged for propaganda purposes, yet for him, it’s all about policy and diplomacy and using terror as a tool for geopolitical interests. The one thing we always agreed on was that the “war” in Syria was anything but an organic uprising and that Israeli interests always seemed to be the beneficiary of Western intel agency operations within the country.

In the years since Israel never stopped bombing Syria, always claiming it was “self-defense” targeting Iranian proxies in the country, but they’ve also served as Al-Qaeda and ISIS’s part-time air force wherever they can get away with it, at U.S. taxpayer expense as usual.

And so here we are, as if the actors and crew were rearmed in Turkey, dusted off their costumes replete with ISIS flags from eight years ago, and given a green light from Langley, London, and Tel Aviv to break the Astana Accords.

No more peace for the people of Aleppo.

No more football matches for Al Ittahad.

No more football matches for the children of Lebanon either. Less than three days after the “ceasefire” Israel is currently bulldozing their artificial turf fields, and if the Lebanese people dare return to their homes in Southern Lebanon Israel will consider it an act of war.

Remember those decades, the nineties through the aughts when self-important celebrities used to end their Grammy or Oscar speeches by holding up two-fingered peace signs while saying, “Peace in the Middle East”? They had no idea their handlers who sent them to be ploughed by some male prostitute with a strap-on at Diddy parties so they could maintain their celebrity status were the same ones making war all along.

So, no more peace in the Middle East. It lasted two days, and that’s the most Israel will allow at any one period.

The neocons in Washington working on behalf of Tel Aviv need to reignite a second front for Russia in Syria, forcing them to divert more resources there. Russia is the only major power standing between Syria, Iran, and Israeli goals in the region.

Russia could be fighting on a third front if the CIA turns Tiblisi into another Maidan, which appears to be currently underway as the pro-Western President Salome Zourabichvili yesterday refused to step down and recognize the election results by the people of Georgia, making her a Zelensky-esque dictator without the cocaine habit. Western NGOs are doing their Maidan thing with “protests” that include setting the Georgian Parliament on fire last night. Georgian President Zourabichvili was born in Paris. And like Zelensky maybe she will also soon have an 11-bedroom mansion in Boca Raton, Florida.

Everything is fake and gay.

We’ll see what plays out in Georgia in the coming days, but you can bet the State Department, Mi6 and CIA assets are running the show now from the President’s office. The fact that on the same day, the President announced she wasn’t stepping down and she would try to hold new elections with the “correct” outcome, the U.S. is attempting to remove its fingerprints from its latest coup on Russia’s border.

“No more strategic partnership, we’ll just take over the country instead with our version of democracy.”

As for Zelensky and NAFO’s continued main front against Russia, it’s never too late to dream.

Back in the holy land Israel needs half of Syria for its Greater Israel Project. Qatar wants its tran-Syrian pipeline before 2030 and doesn’t want Iran building their highways and pipelines through Iraq and Syria, and the U.S. needs to do whatever Israel tells them because it’s a Zionist Occupied Government. For the competing pipelines theory—Syria is the prize.

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The Project For A New American Century never really ends, they just press the pause button from time to time. The new script calls for more war. More killing, beheading, pillaging, and raping of Christians, Kurds, Druze, Yazidis… any non-Sunni Muslims who happen to be unlucky to cross their paths. The Western script writers are calling these Jihadis “moderate rebels,” who happen to shoot unarmed Syrian soldiers in the head at point-blank range after they’ve surrendered. (video link since removed from Mossad-controlled X platform).


In a post last year on Western popular culture and the terrible music it produces I opened with the story of a friend I’d known since early grade school who went off to Saint Petersburg Russia in the 1990s to ‘study abroad’ but instead of staying for just one semester, he returned five years later, with a Master’s Degree sporting black leather boots, a black leather trench coat, and silver chains as if he was working with the Russian mafia. I wrote in that post how I was secretly envious of him because when he returned he had no idea who Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera were, or any of those manufactured boy bands at the time.

He had no television and the Internet was still mostly for email and the occasional opportunity to chat with others about niche topics. Google was just being created by DARPA stooges Page and Brin, in former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki’s Menlo Park garage. You couldn’t even book flights online from the U.S. to anywhere east of the Danube, refill your mobile phone, or find any “alternative” news or information about the world without going deep into obscure forums.

But it was all for the best. That friend left Oregon a naive and goofy “college kid” and returned an expert in Russian and European history, semi-fluent in the Russian language with no care or interest in popular culture or current events at that time—from the Lewinsky blow job affair to the hilarious Federal Reserve-inspired comedy film The Titanic. Over pints of lager, he rambled endlessly about the U.S. war crimes in the Balkans, eight years of economic sanctions starving half a million Iraqi children to death, and nobody had a clue what he was talking about because our tel-lie-visions functioned as they were intended. Being away from all that nonsense, and living in Russia, he was more informed than the rest of us ignorant Americans combined.

Over the years he lived in Russia, Prague, and Athens, and later went east to Vietnam and Thailand in 2011. The last anyone heard anything from him, it came from his Fedbook alias, under which he left a link to an anti-war blog documenting the CIA and Mossad’s latest proxy war inferno in the last middle eastern secular nation of Syria—by funding savage Jihadi groups to topple Bashar Al-Assad. Above the link he wrote:


He knew the CIA was involved in more terror operations in Iraq and Syria, and that Obama was simply continuing what was started under the Cheney administration. From past conversations we’d had, he knew Israel was also behind both, but couldn’t write that on Fedbook for all the normies back in Oregon to read, even though Fedbook wasn’t censoring anything at the time because they hadn’t gone public yet.

Four years later—after Obama’s “JV team” ISIS was created and Russia and Turkey entered the fray—I went searching for a way to reconnect with him and I found that his last post still had zero likes. And of his over five hundred “friends” just a few left some perturbed remarks below, displaying their ignorance and obedience to the Empire’s latest puppet President to usher in Tel Aviv’s Project for a New American Century, also known as “The War on Terror.”

If you’re still unfamiliar with the Neocon HQ group PNAC, its Zionist founders, and the famous “A Clean Break” memo:

In short, the parasite Rothschild state had declared in writing it would use its Empire host and the limitless printing press it controlled to topple unfavorable regimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Iran. First, they needed a premise for their horror movie—terror—and an act of war to kick things off—disintegrating airplanes that leave no trace of their existence and Saudi passports. The American people swallowed the official version of events, hook, line, and sinker.

Israel wants every Middle Eastern country to bow down to their Zionist masters, like obedient Jordan, Kingdom of Saud, Qatar, and UAE. Erdogan’s Turkey has since fallen in line and joined the club. He got the message after the CIA-Mossad coup attempt in 2016 and the eight-year war on the Turkish Lira.

Now Turkey is the patsy for the sequel that the US, Britain, and Israel have been organizing in Syria for thirteen years—the “Assad must go” campaign of terror, death, and suffering.

The latest moderate rebels terror group at the forefront of this campaign is Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS for short. When you know the masses have the memories of goldfish, you can just take a terror group called Al-Qaeda (later rebranded Al-Nusra for PR purposes), and a savage terror group like ISIS (all Western-funded and created) and gather all the players together from those troupes and simply rebrand them as HTS—which stands for Organization for the Liberation of the Levant and is comprised of Sunni Muslims from all over the world including Pakistan and Chechnya.

How do we know they have ties to Israel?

The Al-Qaeda rebranded Al Nusra rebranded HTS N'Sync boy band Jihadi group thanked Israel on Israeli television for drawing Hezbollah south and weakening them last month so they could take Aleppo.


Why was Al-Qaeda blamed for 9/11?

Russia is dropping bombs on behalf of the nation of Syria, and the Western press is reporting on it as if this is the source of the terror against the “moderate rebels.” Pieces of those “moderate rebels” are now strewn across the streets of northern Aleppo. That’s like taking a classroom full of toddlers to a tree with a hornet’s nest, having them all gather around up close then whacking the nest with a stick, then calling in the cameras and media to document the aftermath of all the poor children as victims of those awful merciless hornets. This is textbook CIA-Mi6-Mossad proxy war FAFO. Create the terror, then show the consequences of their creation and advertise it as its opposite to the ignorant masses back home, while soon blaming Turkey wherever possible.

The over-educated think tank “academic” scribes are hastily composing their Syria “think pieces” for their Atlantic Council and CFR-funded tanks, pretending these groups are organic and authentic “rebels” interested in “liberating” Syria from ruthless Dictator Al Assad. I read through three and now my head hurts. Not a single mention of the CIA, Mossad, or even Israel. One threw some darts at Erdogan and Turkey as expected, but since that CIA-Mossad attempted coup in 2016, he’s now their bitch.

The “alternative” media have their cartoons and memes going around, but scant few show who holds the strings on the Uncle Sam puppet. When in doubt, blame it on the host empire getting sucked dry thanks to their good goy servants.


While I don’t know what happened to that old friend who was always way ahead of the rest of us by simply not living in the States and being programmed by the Empire’s tel-lie-vision propagandists, I did hear from another old friend in 2019 that he was last seen in Chiang Mai, Thailand at a Muay Thai gym, but I’d like to think he hiked off into the mountains of Thailand to some Buddhist Wat, shaved his head, became a monk so he could tune out this mad, mad, mad, mad, world for good.

With all the chaos and genocide and psyops for false heroes now just getting recycled over and over again, and the masses incapable of detecting propaganda from “alternative” propaganda wrapped up in pathetically rebranded versions of their prequels, it’s all gotten so tiresome.

I might even hike off into the mountains of Thailand to some Buddhist Wat, shave my head, and become a monk so I can tune out this mad, mad, mad, mad, world for good.

Why the hell not.

Chiang Mai - A place of calm | Mundo Asia
Twin Royal Pagodas, Doi Inthanon National Park. Chiang Mai, Thailand
Vanessa Beeley
Aleppo Earthquake - the liberation of eastern Aleppo 2016
This documentary is hands-down the most accurate and detailed account of the Syrian and Russian campaign to liberate the eastern Aleppo districts from UK-US-Israel-Turkiye terrorist proxies in 2016…
Listen now

Some worthy sources to follow for what’s happening in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria:

UK Column News on Bitchute
Vanessa Beeley on Substack see the above documentary she posted two days ago.
Eva Bartlett on X
Lord Bebo on X
Max Igan’s Crowhouse Channel on Vigalante.tv
Last American Vagabond on Vigilante.tv
Dollar Vigilante

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